"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one."
— Jane Howard
Long long time ago there lived a boy who wanted nothing more than to live in his life, the boy was quite overwitted if I must say so, he had a loving family he loved them too. But there was a problem, one thing he was unsure of was the monster who disguised herself and was living in the family. The monster was slowly corrupting` the whole house, it was violent and cruel.. often had fights with the family(the boy mostly) the monster who someone would find in every household.. Yup, guessed it right, the monster was none other than his...… sister of course..
So while we're on the subject, a research from a prominent medical colledge tells that the 'younger sibling teaches the elder brother/sister to be empathetic'… well once again it doesn't need a Sherlock to tell that the conclusion is bullshit.. if its something realistic its something more like 'how younger sibling teaches the elders loose empathy on the kids' well most might not understand what I mean, so for the simpletons who can't figure it out, the most easy way is to just talk about the home life to your sibling's friend.. they sure do get pissed…
Well jokes aside, I always hated the thought of sharing everything… like market food, chips, drinks… not room thou(I hate sleeping lone)
So to start again I'm Mohit, the self proclaimed protagonist..
#7th march 2011(still 6 yrs old)
Well now anyone might wonder.. Why are all the events happening at the age of 6 yrs?..
The answer is quite simple: It's the typical age when children are innocent and no to dumb to understand anything…. So its my go to age!
The summer just kicked in the city, it wasn't that hot but it sure was warm.. being from a Asian family, sharing a space between siblings is not uncommon.. but again it wasn't a room or anything we slept in the main hall, just connected to the veranda , and I had two siblings- sister[8 years older] and a brother[5 years older] they were actually the kids of my kaka and kaku.. but growing up together we were closer than any other real siblings.. These two were quite unmanageable and also rebellious… well I wouldn't exactly blame them cause one was just about to reach puberty and other had already… and when the positive and the negative center collide, it's no greater than the big bang…
But the ques here is, why are they rebelling? Most asian kids are afraid of their parents brahmastra- 'the slipper'… not that I ever got beaten, but considering the elasticity factor of the rubber it doesn't take a Einstein to approximate the amount of potency it will hit with… yeah again to the primary question, why are they rebelling?
Answer as I stated before was the position of the sleeping space we shared, the main hall/living room.. The beds we laid there were foldable which were quite uncomfortable to these two, which I still don't know why. Also the major factor was that the beds had to be cleared exactly at 7 a.m. which I considered a bit lazy, but these two always screamed like someone was torchering them making police stop by our house many times… As I always loved rules, regulation, discipline.. I always got up by 6 a.m. watching my favorite show 'Hero-the power of devotion' repeat telecast which came at 6:30, I loved that show also that in the morning all that came on tv was duck tales and teleshopping.. As we had two TV in our house one in the main hall and other in my Aji[grandmother]'s room… so not surprisingly I had to sit in my Aji's room, also the tv there had better pixels than that of the living hall one's… But I was always intruppted whenever the best scene came as the two used to come sleep here when the beds were dismantled and put away, whenever they came they always shutted the tv without even a second thought… which I found irritating. But I never wanna cause problem for myself so I didn't budge.. But I did used to throw water when my Earthly anger took the best of me… to which they always screeched in pain and run after me.. those were the moments that made me realize just how much someone can hate the other person. That reason aside, now even I was convinced that sending these two to the other side [of the house] would be the right choice, i.e. making a separate room for them.. specifically I couldn't care if I got the room, all I wanted was to watch my favorite show 'Hero-the power of devotion' in peace...
Then in order for world peace and stopping me from turning into the dark side… I thought the best way was to protest for separate room… And I did decide to join those two being the third man into the group, leading them to doom..
So on what date were we?... yeah… 7th march
As the morning goose screeched its neck alarming 6 am… so did my natural alarm, my dad [who actually just woke me up every mourning before going on the run to the nearest fort], as today wasn't a normal day I woke up just at the touch of his hands at my shoulder… I looked up at him.. he was in his track suit which he made by himself selecting the right fabric for sweat absorption and he had the fitness tracker on his left hand… He had an habit of giving me warm water with a touch of honey, because my doctor said it would increase my immunity..
So he held the warm glass in his right hand and the spoon he used for stirring in the left… he helped me get seated on the bed which was quite difficult as you know these two surrounded me and the beds didn't have any gap to prevent me for falling in the night, which made it hard for dad to come to me without the other two's waking..
So as I sat he gave me the warm glass still holding the spoon in his left hand..
"Is the water to hot?" he asked in his melodious manly voice..
"No…. its fhine!" I replied forcefully pushing all the water down my esophagus to which he chuckled.
"There's no missing train… you know!" he said looking me gulp it down…
When I finished he took the glass of my hands and went in the basin to keep it… in the mean time I tried getting out from the jail I was put in[except it was quite cozy]… And as I got out of the bed, so did my dad..
"You can sleep a little more if you like?" some words you would never hear a Asian parent say… Little me got to hear it on daily basis…
"No, I nheed tho go to the rhest rhoom!... before my show starts" I exclaimed in my ever sweet voice…
"Okay then… All your's!" he replied waving me to the restroom…
After 5 minutes I came out and closed the door… my dad had left for his walk… and my Aji was sleeping on the chair which was just outside the restroom…
"Ish something Wrhong?" I asked shaking my Aji a little ….
"Oh…. You came.. I suddenly felt like constipation so I was waiting outside…" she replied still looking sleepy..
"You chould havee challed mew?" I questioned
"you know that's bad manners!" saying that she got up and went in the restroom.
So why was she waiting out of the restroom.. isn't there another one in the house?
Well its getting quite confusing so I'll explain my house details…
My house has 2 floors one ground and other 1st.. The ground floor has a entrance for two doors one towards the main hall where I sleep, and the other is to the dinning area which is also connected to the main hall…. The rest of the part of the ground floor contains a restroom, kitchen, and my Aji's room.... which also had a little temple..
The next floor had two rooms, two restrooms and a storage area.. both room had equal width… one of them had a gallery and the other had none.. so my dad made the obvious choice according to Indian culture- give up the damn gallery… and again you cant get mad on the man, he did that out of respect….
So does that explain why my Aji didn't go to anty other restroom…. I hope it does, cause I'm done explaining…. God, It makes my head hurt!.. I'm tired and assumingly you are boored… Let's move to the major issue… The TV show… It was 6:25 a.m. and I was ready with a big pillow in my hand to cusion my thrill…. And after 5 min it was finally the time, The Intro rolled in
₻ Herooooooooooo...…..
He's the strongest…. Also the coolest…. Also the smartest…. Also the Kindest…. And also the cutest!
He protects the... the….. world..
He protects the... the….. world..
Ohh god!! Ohh God!!
Protect Our Heroooooo…..
Here comes the mighty Heroooooooooooooooo.... ₻
Gosh! I love this song in the intro he used his spark at the main villain 'Snake King', but that episode didn't air yet so the seen always filled me with anxiety and anticipation of the story…
But my happiness didn't last long, my dad and kaka returned from the run, they saw Aji and called the doctor home to check if the constipation were something serious... And obviously if the doctor visits where does he come?... the living room…..
So, my dad woke the two up and sent them my way, as according to him all I was doing was secondary and could be stopped… but he would later realize that his son is the real ….. uh…. I guess too much superhero serials… So as those two walked in for the first time I myself closed the tv giving them place to sleep comfortably…
"Sis.." He looked at her while she comforted herself in the bed…
"When you realize you *do not* want to spend rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible" I said while a fire in my eyes…
And the this was the first time in my life….
*I felt excited*[which was not by a show]
#Chronicles of Mohit Adoni#