Chapter 72

The pan in front of me was at least half a meter in diameter, and there were twelve celery leaf cakes spread out, and half of the batter was immediately gone. 

After about two minutes, the batter solidified and the excess water evaporated. Liu Yan shook the pan and heard the bottom of the pan rubbing against the bottom of the pan, making a dull "sla" sound. 

Well, solidified. 

He turned over one by one. 

The golden bottom immediately flipped up. 

The high temperature instantly locks the moisture, the green ones are still green, the red ones are still red, and the batter part has turned into a beautiful golden color. 

When I got closer, there were still small oil flowers bursting continuously, and even the aroma became stronger and stronger. 

Round and round, not a single one is broken or cracked! 

Aunt Fang praised her for her good skills. 

Liu Yan said: "The pot is well maintained and not sticky."