Chapter 115

It rained a little bit of autumn rain today, and water stains were painted on the glass windows. 

It can be seen from here, but seeing the accumulation of yellow leaves on the ground is a bit chilling. 

"Come and eat?" 

Liu Yan smiled. 

The last time she had a cold, she wanted to eat a bit heavy tasted food, and it happened that the ingredients were available today. 

Yu Yu jumped up from the sofa, and put aside the unpleasantness just now, "I'll come now!" 

When she went downstairs, it was already raining heavily. 

An aunt just came back from grocery shopping, with her bare head and without an umbrella, she dragged a small trailer full of fruits and vegetables and ran all the way, screaming "Ouch". 

Yu Yu hurriedly ran a few steps to help with the umbrella. 

"Thank you so much, lass," the aunt thanked. "It's just a little cloudy when you get up early. Who knows it's going down so quickly."