Chapter 136

Before the official shooting day, Qi An had already led people around to install and set up the cameras. 

At first, everyone was a little nervous, and looked at each other from time to time. 

Unexpectedly, after one day and they didn't take pictures and the next day they didn't take pictures again. Gradually, no one take it seriously. 

What Qi An wanted was this natural state. 

Then it turned on without warning the next day. 

A total of nearly ten cameras and video cameras, large and small, were erected on the roadside and inside the restaurant facing the door of Yan Bao Restaurant. 

Qi An was wearing a black down jacket and a wool cap, and took someone to adjust the machine and angle early in the morning. 

Old Man Song and Old Man Li came earlier. Seeing that they were busy outside, they subconsciously stopped. 

"Give it in?"