Chapter 143

They arrived earlier, and after a few minutes, the well-dressed parents came in one after another. 

There are many business owner among the parents of Green Leaf Kindergarten and there are many who take the opportunity to talk about cooperation. 

Today is a rare big gathering, and it is necessary to take advantage of the situation to greet each other. Many of them are in groups of three and two, talking while walking. 

The leader was Hu Youcai. When he saw that Liu Yan and Yu Yu were both there, he took the initiative to greet them. 

"Auntie Baobao, what are you talking about with Teacher Yu?" 

He was just asking casually. 

And Liu Yan also answered casually. 

"Talking about two million yuan dropped from the sky." 

Her answer was so sincere, Yu Yu glanced at her subconsciously, her eyes slightly widened, as if saying "Do you dare to say this?"