Chapter 166

Unexpectedly, everyone was so enthusiastic, and even took care of all aspects that she hadn't considered. 

She asked Yu Yu to speak for her, "Free meal for everyone in the future." 

After a brief silence, the group members bubbled up one after another: 

"Owner Liu is the best!" 

" Owner Liu is the best!" 

Ji Peng jumped out again and asked, "Can the roast suckling pig have the right to buy it first?"

If everything goes well, he will go to university in September next year. If he can't stay in Q City, then he will eat one day less! 

Those who saw it were sad and those who heard it wept. 

This time the answer is quicker: 


Ji Peng: "..." 

Why am I always the one who's hurt? 

After a few seconds, the reply reappeared, "But can be ordered privately." 

Everyone is so dedicated, Liu Yan really has nothing to repay, let's talk about your heart.