Chapter 214

"Teacher Yu, what's the matter?" 

Seeing that Yu Yu had been covering her forehead since entering the door, Teacher Zhang couldn't help asking. 

Yu Yu's face became hot, she faltered and couldn't speak. 

How embarrassing! 

Too embarrassed to say. 

She tried to conceal it, but it attracts attention instead. 

The few teachers who didn't pay attention to this side at first also followed suit. 

Yu Yu hesitated for a while and put down her hands slowly. 

When a few colleagues saw it, they all yelled out. 

"What a big bump! How did you get like this?" 

Teacher Zhang covered her mouth. 

A red, swollen and shiny bump protruded on her forehead. Looking at it from the side, it looks like a small horn. 

Speaking of this, Yu Yu became more and more ashamed, and said vaguely: "Accidentally slipped and fell..."