Chapter 125: Meet the Mother-in-Law

Then, the front door was knocked. Henry ran to open the door. 

"Grandma! Do you bring my favorite food?"

Imelda smiled and patted Henry's head. "I do. It's venison ham, roasted fist, and berry tart. But kiss Grandma first. You have grown fast! It seems you have been three inches taller."

Henry grinned and kissed Imelda's cheek. Later, he called Anne, a new maid in their house, to serve the food Imelda brought. 

When Anne saw Imelda, she immediately curtseyed. "Luna Imelda, what an honor!"

"What's your name, girl?"

"I'm Anne Hansley, ma'am."

Imelda nodded. "Please serve the food on the plates. Who knows Henry wants to have a snack before dinner."

Henry hugged Imelda and grinned. "Grandma knows me the best. I'm a little hungry. But guess what? I have a big surprise for you."

"Oh? What is it?"

"You will meet someone special today. Just wait."