Changing Style

That day, Christian had to work late at the company because there was so much work pending. Laras ordered a taxi to return to the company after getting the documents Christian wanted from his house.

However, Christian actually didn't need the document at all.

Laras did not return with her previous clothes. This time, she wore a pink skirt, making her curves stand out even more.

Usually, she always wore a professional black and white dress typical of a secretary.

She wanted to show everyone that she also had her own charm.

All the employees working overtime that day looked at Laras with admiration. They felt that Laras had changed a lot even though it was only the way she dressed that was different.

Everyone's gaze made Laras more confident. It seemed that what Ella said earlier was true. See, she only slightly changed the way she dressed but everyone was already looking at her with admiration.