Asking for Help

Meanwhile in the bathroom, Laras was looking at the burn scar on her leg. Her palms were clenched into fists, showing how angry she was at Ella.

"Ella, I will make you really suffer!" Laras looked at her reflection in the glass with clearly radiating jealousy. The clothes she was wearing were already very similar to the ones Ella used to wear, but she still couldn't get Christian's attention.

Not only that, Ella also took advantage of her.

How could she possibly accept it!

What made her even angrier is that Ella was using her to get Christian's attention again.

"Sis Laras? Why are you here?" A familiar voice came from behind her. Laras turned around, her eyes looked a little red. "I…"

However, before Laras could say anything, the girl already looked very panicked and approached her.

"Sis, what happened to your leg?" The girl shouted with a panicked look while covering her mouth.