Wedding Dress

In a luxurious wedding dress shop, Indri was seen observing every dress with passion. However, unlike her, Haikal looked at his watch impatiently.

"Haikal, is this one good?"

Indri turned and looked at Haikal with a smile. She twirled around in her wedding dress, as if showing off the beautiful dress in front of Haikal. Unfortunately, Haikal just waved his hand nonchalantly. "Yeah, good…"

This was just a marriage based on business. You could say this is just a contract marriage. Haikal does not know what Indri expects from this marriage.

Does she expect Haikal to give his heart to her? How ridiculous…

Seeing Haikal's expressionless face, Indri turned her gaze to the shop assistant who was beside her with an annoyed look. "Get me another dress."

The shop assistant rushed to do what Indri asked. She took another dress and gave it carefully.

"Miss, this dress will suit you better," said the shop assistant patiently.