Expected Reaction 

The music filled the hall in no time. Haikal was already walking towards the stage in his neat suit. However, his gaze was always fixed on one figure.

His eyes seemed unable to leave Ella. Even though there is currently a guard dog beside Ella, Haikal doesn't seem to care.

Ella's beauty seemed to bewitch him and make him lose control.

Some people from th eAdisurya Family and Maheswara Family now look worried. They've been restless since Christian's arrival. They became more and more worried when they saw that Haikal had been locking his gaze on Ella.

Budi asked in a low voice, "Who sent Christian the invitation?"

He was really confused. Neither of the two families sent invitations. Who is it, then?

Bayu was silent for a long time and said, "We didn't send it and the Maheswara Family didn't send it either."