02 Conversation Club.

In the classroom, a young man and a young woman face each other.

"How much have you seen?!!"

"I saw... A video... You play with a boy... Have a bath with them... And all of your videos are focused on their bodies."

"That much?!!"

"If it's just a few videos, it may not be a problem... But it has a lot of those kinds of videos on your phone... If anyone sees that, they will feel at least uncomfortable."

"Ha~ ... Look like I can't hide it anymore... Yes!! I am a pedophile!! So what?! Are you going to insult me?! or blackmail me?! or expose me?!! "

Izumi had a dissatisfied expression with a slight fear. But the young man was unexpectedly calm.

"No, why do I have to do something like that?"


"I have no reason to insult you for who you are, especially to expose you."

"You... weird..."

"I understand. A pedophile is a person that is disgusted by society. It's normal for you to feel worried when someone knows you're a pedophile because you think they will harm you like they normally do, but I want you to know that I'm different from them. I'm not a threat. You can trust me."

Izumi felt relaxed a little after hearing that.

"Why do you know about pedophiles that much?"

"I have a friend who is also a pedophile just like you."

"W-what! Y-you have a pedophile friend?!!"

"Yes! And not just that, I also have a lot of friends who have some kind of abnormal taste that may be worse than yours."

"Eh?!! Why do you have friends like that?"

"Because I'm also... abnormal."


"I'm the president of the Conversation Club. I'm using that club to gather people who have abnormal tastes."

"Why do you have to do something like that?"

"Because I want to protect them... and myself... from loneliness."

"Huh?! I don't understand."

"I believe you understand. The feeling when You're different from normal people, but you need to hide your true self and act like a normal person. It sounds awkward, don't you think? You have things that you like, but you can't share or express that feeling. It sounds lonely, right? As you're a pedophile, I'm sure you have experienced that feeling. Am I right?"


They silence

"You startled me. But it's just like you said. I pretended to be a normal person and lived a peaceful life... But such a life is so lonely and boring. Fortunately, at least I have a friend who listens and understands my feelings. It's a pity that she just listens but doesn't comment on anything."

"You have a good friend."


Two of them smile at each other

"By the way, I have something to ask you."

A young man ask Izumi.

"Huh?! What's is it?"

"The boys that appear in your videos... who are they?"

"They're my nephew."

"It may be rude to ask, but... Did you ever do anything lewd to them?"

"All I do is like you see in the videos... no more than that."



"You have the opportunity to do whatever you want without anyone knowing, but why don't you do it?"

"Nah! Why do I have to do something like that? I may be a pedophile. I may have sexual feelings toward them, but I don't have any intention of hurting them. Just playing with them a little and seeing their cuteness is enough for me."


"Uhh... Yeah."

A young man smile.

"Are you interested to join our club?"

"A club?"

"It would be more fun for us and for you too. You can share or express your feeling with them. They won't judge you but will also share their abnormal taste to you too. I'm sure you and them will get along."

"Uh... It's interesting a little, but... I didn't know you well?"

"Ah! That right! My name is Ayano Amakuji. I'm in year 3 class B. You can call me Amakuji."

Izumi was surprised after knowing his information.

"Hmm... Ayano Amakuji, year 3 class B... It's familiar."

Izumi tries to think.

"Ahh! I remembered! That's the name of a young man Mika-chan has a crush on."

Izumi stares A young man named Amakuji.

"Uhh... What's wrong?"

"What a coincidence! This is a great opportunity! If I join his club, I will be able to help Mika-chan get closer to him."

Izumi smiles while thinking.

"Okay! I will consider joining your club."

"Eh?! Really?!"

"It's maybe late to introduce myself, but my name is Sasaki Izumi. I'm in year 2 class C. You can call me Izumi if you want."

"Nice to meet you Izumi."

"You're my senior, so I will call you Amakuji-san. Is that okay? I don't like to call anyone senpai."

"I'm glad you called me that."

The notification sound on the phone rang.

"Oh, no! My friend just texted me that she is still waiting outside. I have to go now. Tomorrow I will visit your club after school. Is that okay?"

"No problem! I will waiting."

"Then see you tomorrow Amakuji-san"

"See you tomorrow Izumi."

Izumi has run out of the classroom, meanwhile Amakuji quietly watching her leave with a smile.



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