04 Apologize.

In the Conversation Club room, Amakuji and Itsuka are tense about something.

"It seems that I... frightened her."

"Even though I don't want to say that, but... It seems that is true... who to blame is you... and me..."

"Will she still... join our club?"

"I'm not sure either... and I'm not hoping anymore."

The two were silent for a moment before Itsuka decided to speak up.

"I have to go apologize and reconcile with her. If it works, we might still have hope."

"You don't have to struggle. She might have run far away by now, and even though you can keep up with her, it's not certain that she will talk with you."

"No problem! If I go now, I can still keep up with her. For me, it's very easy! And I have to make her talk, even if force is required."

"If you say so, do whatever you want. I'll stay here a little while. Give me your phone; I'll help you copy those pictures that you need." 


Itsuka handed the phone to Amakuji, then hurried out of the room. But before she went, she stared at Amakuji with serious eyes and said

"I'll have to make her agree to join our club, no matter what I have to do... because this club... is everything in my life."

As soon as she finished speaking, Itsuka ran out at an impressive speed. Amakuchi could only stare blankly while sitting at the club president's seat. But what he saw made him smile.

"Itsuka... you're so different from the past... What is waiting for us in the future? I can't wait to see it."

Amakuji looked out the window while murmuring to himself alone with a bright smile.


In the bathroom, Izumi saw Izuka's reflection in the mirror staring at her. She was shocked to the extreme and hurriedly turned around and saw Itsuka actually standing there like in the mirror. Izumi moves backwards until her back is against the wall. She is so frightened right now.

"I-Itsuka-san?! S-since when have you been here? Y-you make me scared."

Izumi forced herself to smile and act normal, although in her mind, she was extremely scared right now.

"Sorry to startle you... I just want to... apologize to you..." 

"Eh?... A-apologize?..."

"Yes... I want to apologize for letting you see those pictures by ignoring your feelings. For me, it could be a beautiful work of art, but for others, it's a nightmare. In the past, I've always shown my favorite artwork to other members, because I love to hear their opinions, and it's one of those fun things that I'm addicted to. Although they didn't seem to like it that much, but we never had any problems. So I started to get used to it and forgot that there were still many people who couldn't bear to look at those pictures, which includes you... Izumi... I'm really sorry! Please forgive me!"

Izumi bowed her head in apology and embarrassment. Izumi, who was looking at her, saw sincerity and remorse. It made her fear for Itsuka slightly fade away.

"Uh... please... raise your head. It makes me feel very uncomfortable when my seniors bow their heads to me like that."

"Then will you forgive me?"

 "Ha~ I haven't been mad at you, Ituka-san, I don't see any need to apologize." 

"But I'm... scaring you." 

"That... since you didn't do it on purpose, I didn't really mind that anymore."

After hearing that, Itsuka raised her head and stared at Izumi. The two girls looked at each other awkwardly, even though they reconciled.

"About the club... Will you still join?"

"Uh... about that... I'd like to keep it in mind first."

"Um... It's okay... I hope you still consider joining our club..."

Izumi didn't answer, causing the atmosphere to become quiet and awkward. But after a while, Itsuka decided to say something.

"If you become a member of our club, I'll show you the art of death soft version. I'm sure you'll like it." 

"Eh?!! N-no way! I can't look at a picture like that!"

"Don't worry. Next time won't be scary, I promise. On your side, you can show me some of your favorite things and I will give my opinion. Consider it an exchange."

"Hmm... I will keep it in mind."

Itsuka still expected to present the art of death to Izumi with a slightly excited expression, but Izumi couldn't resist her stubbornness and was secretly interested in her offer. With the unbelievable scenario, the two of them started opening up to each other.

After a while, Izumi and Itsuka came out of the bathroom together, and at that moment, Amakuji walked over to meet the two of them.

"Have you reconciled?"

"Yes, I have talked with Izumi, and she has forgiven me."

"Really, Izumi?"

"I wasn't mad from the start though."

"Well then... By the way, did you go home by train?"

"Uh... yes."

"That's good! Me and Itsuka also took the train to go home. Are you interested in joining us, Izumi?"

"Uh... that..."

Amakuji and Itsuka were both staring in anticipation of her coming with them. Izumi had a little respect and a little fear, which made her didn't dare to refuse them."

"Y-yes... Please take care of me."

Amakuji and Itsuka smiled gladly that Izumi agreed to go with them, although Izumi didn't trust them that much, but she couldn't go back on her words. But the experience Izumi gained from journeying with them this time was not a bad experience at all; it was the best experience that she ever had. She enjoyed talking to them about various matters, and this was the first time she had spoken so much without being careful with words. This event has greatly improved her perspective on Amakuji and Itsuka.


During lunch break at a high school on the 2nd floor, in classroom 2C, Izumi is eating lunch with her friend, Mika.

"Izumi-chan! Does befriending Amakuchi-san have any progress?"

"Oh... I've met him and talked about a lot of things with him already."

"Eh?!! Since when did you meet him?"

"It's since the day we hung out together. I met him when I returned to the classroom to pick up my phone."

"Eh?! Why haven't you told me about that?"

"Well, I want to surprise you! hahaha"

"Izumi-chan! You meanie~"

Izumi smirked while Mika sulked a little bit.

"What was he doing in our classroom anyway?"

"He saw my phone, so he decided to check on it. At that time, I arrived and met him."

"A-and what happened next?"

"We talked a little bit, and after that, he invited me to join the club."

"Eh?!! W-what did you answer him?"

 "At first, I was hesitant, but when I found out that he was Ayano Amakuji, the person you love with all your heart, I immediately accepted his invitation."

"Izumi-chan!! Speak quietly! I don't want anyone else to know about it!"

"Eh?! I don't see anything to be embarrassed about. "

"Even you say that I'm still embarrassing!"

"Hahaha Mika-chan~ You're so shy."

Mika had an embarrassed expression, while Izumi smiled cheerfully. Fortunately, no one paid any attention to what they said, which made Mika a little relieved.

"from what you said, does it mean you're already a member of his club?"

"About that... hey! Mika-chan! May I say something about that person?"

Izumi suddenly showed a serious expression, causing Mika to be very surprised.

"W-what's wrong, Izumi-chan?"

 "Are you sure about him?"

 "W-why do you ask?"

"Well, he's... an abnormal... Although I don't know what kind of abnormal he is. But he's not a person you should date with... The reason he invited me to his club is that he knows my secret and thinks I'm abnormal like him."

Mika looked a little shocked after hearing what Izumi had said, but she didn't reply.

"Plus, the people around him are very dangerous! I just knew when I visited his club."

After that, Izumi moved closer to Mika and started telling the whole story about the club and what she'd seen recently.


"Yes! So please think again about him." 

Izumi stared at Mika with worried eyes, which made Mika happy a little.

"Thank you very much, Izumi-chan, but actually... I knew about him since the beginning."


"I know that he might be abnormal. I know about the club he was in. I know what kind of people were around him. I know that those people are abnormal and somehow dangerous. The only thing I don't know is the details you just told me."

"Mika-chan?!! Even though you know that-"

"Knowing that, I still... love him with all my heart and desire to stand beside him... Izumi-chan... If meddling with him makes you feel uncomfortable... It's okay if you want to stop. I will find a way to overcome my cowardice and try to approach him on my own. Don't worry."

Mika has spoke with a gentle tone and smile, which made Izumi burst into tears a little with impression and anger at herself for saying such stupid thing.

"I'm such an idiot!! Mika-chan! I'll help you! I'll make your wish come true, I swear!"

"Y-you don't have to push yourself."

"No! Not at all! If it's for you, anything will be easy for me." 

"Thank you very much, Izumi-chan. You are such a good friend... My special... gift."

Mika smiled cheerfully, and Izumi also smiled happily. After that, the two of them enjoyed lunch together.

But under that happy atmosphere, there was a surge of anger from a young woman sitting not far away. She was a small girl with long black hair and a bang hairstyle. She sat squeezing her hand so hard that veins appeared on her arm.

She secretly glanced at Izumi and Mika as if she had heard what they were talking about, and it seemed that she was unhappy with what she had heard very much.



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