16 Reconcile.

At the end of the evening beneath the setting sun, Izumi and Mise unexpectedly walked together.

"That parfait is really delicious, don't you think, Mise-chan?"

"Ah, I agree, but please stop calling me Mise-chan, will you? I'm not accepting you as a friend."

"Eh~ I thought we already were friends."

"Just because we ate together. It doesn't mean we're friends..."

"Do you hate me that much? Mise-chan..."

Izumi turned around, pretending to be sad, but actually intended to get Mise's attention, and it worked. Mise glanced at Izumi nervously.

"I…I don't hate you…in fact…I wanted to apologize to you for an early…but I'm afraid... afraid that it will make you feel even worse If you had to come face to face with someone who hurt you like that... but it seems that I was wrong... I'm sorry Izumi...I'm sorry I didn't...apologize to you sooner..."

When Izumi heard Mise's sincere and innocent words, tears came to her eyes, which made her hug Mise from behind with overwhelming feeling.

"Mise-chan! Why are you so cute? I should have asked you to be my friend sooner, then the two of us would not have to fight that day."

"S-Stop it! What the hell are you doing?! Why are you hugging me?! Don't act like you're my friend! The people I accepted as friends were only Conversation Club members, okay?!"

"O-Oh…is that so…"

Izumi's expression was a bit drowsy because, in her heart, she felt guilty and regretted not joining the Conversation Club. Which Mise recognized her expression and felt a little sympathy for her, therefore asked

"Why do you want to be friends with me so much, Izumi?"

"Because you are cute, Mise-chan!"


Suddenly, Izumi returned in a good mood and hugged Mise even tighter.

"Did you know? On that day I didn't want to fight with you at all. I'm just a little angry that you said bad words to Mika-chan, that's all. But after we separated that day, I've always thought of how to reconcile with you. I admit that one side of me was a little afraid of you, but the other side of me really wants to reconcile with you. Today I'm very happy that we finally got back together."

"You like me just because I'm cute?! I never thought that you would be someone who only cared about people's appearances."

"Eh~ No, Not only because you're cute... but because you remind me of the past me... the past me who solonely."

When Izumi said that, Mise had a visibly shocked expression, and Izumi had a sad expression, as if thinking about the past. The atmosphere began to feel uncomfortable, but Izumi tried to forget about it and returned to talk to Mise in a cheerful manner.

"By the way, you said I only care about people's appearance, right? What about you? That you like Amakuji-san, isn't it because he's handsome?"

Izumi spoke with a cunning expression. Mise, upon hearing such a question, began to show obvious embarrassment.

"N-No, even though he's really handsome... B-But I didn't like him just for his appearance, okay?!"

"Heh~ so what makes you like him that much? Mise-chan~ please tell me about it."

"W-Why should I tell you about it?"

"Because if you don't, I'll assume you only like him for his appearance, okay?!"

Izumi spoke with a mischievous smile. Those words seemed to affect Mise, not least, causing her to hesitate and feel embarrassed for a while.

"A-Alright... Consider it a reprieve that I hurt you that day. I'll admit it...in fact, it is related to my secret."

"Eh?! Is that secret related to the Conversation Club? If that's the case, don't be specific. Just tell me what Amakuji-san did for you to make you like him that much."

"About that… I think it would be better to tell you all. It will make you understand the whole story clearly. Anyway, it's not a secret that I'm trying to hide...because, in fact, there are people in this school who already know that secret."

"Eh? Is that true? Why have I never heard of it before? So what kind of abnormal tastes do you have?"

"That secret, it's not an abnormal taste, but it's more of a mental state…Although the official name is unknown, Amakuji-san calls it...uncontrollable anger."

"Anger… that is uncontrollable… is that so?"

"Ah, which is exactly what you saw that day…When I am angry, I will lose consciousness and often use force to calm myself down. Every time I have done something according to my anger, I will always regret it later. It was as if I had become a different person back then, even though I remember everything."

"...So that is what happened? Well, since you be like that?"

"I've been like that ever since I can remember. And because of me being like that, causing me to don't have any friends... or even family... I've had to live in the house alone since I was in elementary school. Fortunately, Grandfather was helping me. He hired a maid to take care of me from time to time, so I could survive. But at school, no one wants to be my friend. No one dared to come near me...except the bullies who harassed me because they saw me as a weirdo... which, of course, I chased them by force, until they dared not come to harass me again.....but that made my life, since I remember to junior school full of loneliness..."

"Oh…is that so… Wait! Don't tell me that you-"

"Yes! I used to physically assault my friends at school...and my parents…which made them…scared of me."

Mise lowered her head to look at the ground with regret at the incident.

"Have to break up with your own parents because of your own mental health, huh..."

Izumi spoke with a sad look on her face as if Mise's story reminded her of something about herself.

"But… everything started to change when I met Amakuji-san."

Mise began to smile with sparkling eyes, causing Izumi to look up in amazement.

"I still remember that day well. The day I met Amakuji-san for the first time...and meeting him that day changed my life forever."



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