Chapter 1: Honkai Star Rail

In a messy dark room, there lies a young man who looks no more than 16 years old. He have the face of what you called a: 'Jade Beauty' but masculine points can still be seen on his face.

His room's walls slowly disappear into in-game particles. While he is busy watching some kind of video tutorial.

"What? My walls are disappearing? This is way too realistic to be a hallucination..."

The young man moved towards his mirror which is weirdly behaving like water, what appears inside the mirror is an emo version of himself that have eyes that seen countless battles. He is taller in the mirror, more handsome, more mature and less expressive.

Purple hair, scar on left eye, pink iris, wore a outfit that is suitable in battle and most importantly, a spear that is shaped like a dragon with a crest crave on the handle of the spear.

"XianZhou Luofu, your mission starts there." (By Figure in the Mirror/In Chinese)

"Brother, I think I'm fucking high..." (Young Man/In Chinese)

The older version of the young man walks out of the mirror and grab the young man's hand, the young man shivered as he felt some kind of aura that is pressuring him.

"Your Mission is Very Important, DO NOT DIE." (Figure/In Chinese)

"Alright, Alright. I get it now. So you are me from the future or another universe?" (Young Man)

"Another Universe, do your best." (Figure)

The figure pulled the young man into the mirror while he walks into the dark messy room.

'Fucking Exciting! But what about the Blade I just pulled?'

The young man who got pulled into the mirror is falling endlessly as he thought about the choices that have lead to this moment.

'Did I fucked up? Hopefully not... XianZhou Luofu... A planet that have Chinese Culture, Foxians and Immortals... To be honest I'm not here for the girls, I accepted this mission because I wanted to be strong!'

The young man who kept on falling kept on thinking, suddenly a gust of cold wind flew past him without any warning. He found himself in a very cold area that even have ices forming around.

'Jarilo 6th? Interesting, but how am I gonna fight? Not with my fist right? Strangely I don't feel any coldness as well. I don't have any element nor any paths. I would've died if a monster saw my ass...'

As he was thinking and scouting the area, he found a beautiful but broken spear that seems to be the kind of spear that Silvermane Captains carry... He immediately looked around and saw that no one is nearby. He quickly grabbed the spear and continue to move foward while scanning his area.

'So the area I'm in is neither at the place where we meet Sampo but not where we fought Cocolia as well... So where the hell am I?! Wait... maybe there more things to the universe since I am experiencing it now... I hate unpredictable things...'

He continue to move until he found an abandoned house and goes inside, everything is in ruins, most likely an evacuation as things are scattered around without any care of the world.

'I am curious of what kind of Element I would get and what path I'll walk onto.'

He tried to search for anything useful and found a can of BEANS. A can of normal beans that is not expired, he felt like he is in an apocalypse world that have been overrun by zombies.

"Whose in there?!"

'What the?! How did he spot me? I didn't even make any sound, not even moving. I closed the door as well... How did he spot me...'

"If you don't come out you'll have to face the wrath of a Silvermane guard!"

'Silvermane guard?'

He immediately placed the spear on the counter and opened the door slightly.

"Hello? What do you need?" (Young Man)

"A Civilian? What are you doing here? This town is already abandoned hundred years ago, I thought it was a monster..." (Guard)

"Ah... Mr.Guard... I have been living here for 2 weeks." (Young Man)

"You have WHAT?! This is not a place for a child like you, come on. We should go back to the city." (Guard)

"Please wait, Mr.Guard. I have to pack some of my things..." (Young Man)

"Please be swift." (Guard)

The young man wrapped the broken spear in a clothing and comes out of the house with a tin of beans on his hand. The guard looked at the wrapped spear and asked:

"What is that long thing behind you?"

"It's a spear gifted by my father, Mr...?"

"Mr. Jun. Call me Jun. What about you?"

"My name is Shyvene Ling. Jun."

The two stopped talking and Jun escorted Shyvene to the City of Belobog. There aren't any accidents during the escort but it's very awkward as Shyvene have absolutely zero social skills.

"Shyvene, can I ask you about something?" (Jun)

"Hm? Go Ahead, Mr Jun."

"Should I call you miss or mister in this situation...?"

'There's no fucking way, do I look that feminine?'

Shyvene thought to himself before telling Jun that he is a biological male, and they had a chat about family and friends.

"Shyvene, we are now at the Gate of Belobog. I am going to my respective post, if you want to meet me again, you can always ask the guards about me. I got myself quite the reputation among them."

"Thank you, Mr Jun for escorting me."

Jun waved him off before moving to his respective post which is near the gate. Shyvene have entered the city of Belobog and what he saw is an unfamiliar scene as it's the scene of Belobog before the rescue of trailblazers. With Guards moving around every single seconds as there are monsters literally everywhere, he decided to wander for a bit before trying to find a job and how to get Xian Zhou Luo Fu.

While he is walking around he saw three people getting guided to the almost endless staircase that is large enough to fit concert. He looked at the three people's familiar back. While immediately moving towards them and pulled on the tall gray haired girl's clothes.

"Stelle? Why did you stopped?" (Pink Hair Girl)

The gray haired girl looked at Shyvene with confusion while thinking of what to do.

"I'm Shyvene, are you Astral Express Crew Members?"

The Guards are shocked but didn't do anything while the two girls have shocked expression while the guy in green clothing have a interested glint in his eyes.

"Where did you know that name from, Little Guy?" (Pink Hair Girl)

"My father used to tell me stories about the Astral Express and their goals!"

'This line is so fucking cringe'

But Shyvene still smile as brightly as he tried to do. and the three person bought the smile, maybe the green clothed one is not that convinced but the guards suddenly walks up to Shyvene.

"Shyvene isn't it? It's good that the Astral Express have some fans but this is very urgent, so please excuse us."

The guard looked at the Crew Members and gestured them to go up the stairs quickly.

When the guard turned his head to ask what is an 'Astral Express'. Shyvene isn't there anyone, just like dust in the wind. While Shyvene is walking to the forbidden zone of the city where there are guards arguing with an old man.

"There is something of mine that is precious in there, please let me in!"

"I'm sorry sir, but this area is restricted. No one, even the highest position cannot go in."

Shyvene overheard their conversation and walked through the guards and the old man, but they didn't even notice Shyvene. Shyvene smirked and continue his road.

'Something precious? Interesting'

Shyvene walked into the forbidden area and explored the area before stumbling across a crystal-like creature which is flying around aimlessly. Unfortunately, The creature immediately spotted Shyvene and began to rush towards Shyvene.

'Wait, it can see through my background character debuff?'

Shyvene unwrapped the broken spear and got into a defensive stance that he learnt from his early age, the creature flew and tackle Shyvene's rib, he felt pain but still strike at the creature. The creature dodged the strike and got ready to tackled again. But this time Shyvene is ready to counter attack.

The creature tried to ram against him but he block the attack by using the spear, there is a crack sound from the spear indicating that the spear isn't gonna last longer, he pulled his arm and pierced at the creature four times, the creature dodged the first two attacks but the third attack strike it's wing and the fourth one hit it's neck, causing an instant death.

'Fuck, I didn't expect that my skills got this rusty, I haven't been training since 9th grade.'

He sat down and look at the spear he is holding onto.

'I am interested on how did they become Pathstriders in this universe... I want to be one with powers as well... Oh well, skill beats anything that isn't luck involved.'

Shyvene might not notice this but the spear's handle which is wrapped have an icon appear carved onto it. A castle is on fire but with 3 leaves around the burning part while the inside of the castle have a couple of deer inside.

Shyvene stood up and starts to explore the area again, but being cautiously. While on the exploration, he saw many monsters interacting with other monsters, the strange part about these monsters is that they never need to eat or drink to survive, which answers Shyvene's question when he started playing Star Rail. They are also very cooperate with each other monsters that is other species.

He did fought against a couple of monsters but most of them are the kind of flying monsters he fought before, he even saw a giant floating monsters that looks like a mech.

He grabbed the bean that he have been carrying around but he still haven't ate it. Why? Because he didn't feel dehydration nor starvation. Which is a perk but can he even count as a living being if he doesn't need to drink or eat? Maybe he is one the monsters because he came from another universe... He looked at the dark night and looked at the spear next to him, he stretch his legs before covering himself with the cloth and sleep in darkness.


Outside of a hotel where a couple of guards are standing, there is three foreign people standing outside getting escorted to somewhere.

"Dan Heng... Do you have any plan? What about you Stelle?" (Pink Hair Girl)

"We strike and run" (Stelle, the tall girl)

"That's our only option now..." (Dan Heng, the Expressionless Green Clothing Guy)

Stelle immediately smashed three guards' faces with her bat, Dan Heng did a spear sweep while Pink hair girl pulled her bow and the arrows hit two people in the back. They immediately ran to the forbidden area where Shyvene is currently sleeping 'peacefully'.

The three battled through swarms of monsters as they make too much sounds. Shyvene got woken up by the sound as well and checks the situation out, he suddenly saw waves of Silvermane guards covering the place he was sleeping at, He covered his face with the cloth and pulled the cloth covering his forearm which revealed a destruction path icon and he gently swiped his spear on the icon which causes blood to come out of his forearm, the icon glows slightly and there is purple aura around him now. He discovered this trick while fighting against a blazing humanoid monster that burned his arm entirely and he almost have to cut of his arm to stop the burning entirely.

He waited for the three to reach to a certain part of the path where there is only one lane, he crouched down and aim his spear at the gate, when the three is about to go through the gate, his figure disappeared and the gate is immediately destroyed. He appeared in front of the trio with his spear tip touching the ground, he startled the trio and the trio almost attacked him.

"I'm with the three of you, please don't attack. The Silvermane guard's commander, Bronya have already covered the entire gate with her troops, we must fight against the troops behind you in order for us to get out here."

The trio looked puzzled but turned around and get into a fighting stance as the guards behind them have a panicked look, Shyvene pointed his spear at the Guards hoping that Jun isn't one of them, he immediately went to strike one of the guards. The guard tried to protect himself by thrusting his spear first, but sadly the thrust was parried by Shyvene and he pierced the guard's head like it's nothing.

Stelle and Pink Hair Girl are disturbed by the pierce but didn't comment on it. Dan Heng still have that expressionless look on his face while he prepares to strike a guard. The guards stood their ground as a Blonde Hair Guy with a Guitar Case walked to the front.

"I don't know who are you but you dared to go against the orders of the Supreme Guardian?! This is punishable by death!"

The Blonde hair guard whose clothing looks like a captain immediately pulled his guitar case then jumped and slammed the ground with his guitar case, the area that got slammed have ice spikes around it, Shyvene got hit by one of the ice spikes, the ice spike pierced through his left rib but the ice spike turned from blue in colour to purple like a infection. The ice spike disappeared as the purple colour spread through the ice spike. There is a hole at Shyvene's left rib but it slowly closes up.

Shyvene's spear slowly have a purple aura while an transparent helmet that have a resemblance of a spartan helmet is slowly formed on his head. There's a trail that is following the tip of the spartan helmet, Shyvene tensed his calf and thigh muscles readying to pounced on the Blonde captain.

Dan Heng is fighting against a silvermane captain while the other two fighting a group of silvermane guards. Shyvene flew towards the Blonde captain and thrust towards the left chest, the blonde captain raises his guitar case to block the strike but unfortunately, the spear goes through the guitar case like a hot knife through butter. The blonde captain fall throw a punch towards Shyvene but Shyvene dodged the strike and immediately sending a slash at the blonde captain which caused the blonde captain to lose his balance and getting injured in his left arm which Shyvene have intentionally thrust at since he thinks that is his dominant arm.

Bronya and the other silvermane guards reached to the battle shortly because of the obstacle and what they can see is a young man who is wielding a spear that looks very similar to a Captain's spear, while their Captain Gepard is desperately trying to fight off his offense. Bronya lift her gun and shot towards the young man, but the young man took the hit and fall to the ground, he looked at his wound which is located at his shoulder then he used a cloth to cover the wound in a very fast speed before throwing his spear at Bronya, Bronya tried to dodge but sadly, the world is doesn't favor as she tripped on a rock on the ground, she closes her eyes as she thought about everything she have done in her life...

'I don't wanna die...' she thought herself as she open her eye and looked at the spear that is slowly moving towards her.

But a silvermane guard that was suppose to be behind her pushed her to the side, and suddenly everything is back to normal speed. The silvermane guard didn't say anything and just died like that with the spear piercing through his entire head like a watermelon that got hammered. The young man appeared at the location of the spear and pulled the spear out with no emotions, as if he is used to it. Bronya's face looked shocked and then anger replace the shocked face as she immediately shot more bullets towards the young man, the young man dodged the bullets with purple trail following his beautiful eyes but Bronya didn't see those eyes, she only see a monster that should have been killed when given the chance to. Gepard jump at the young man and smashes the ground with his fists and desperation starts to show on his face as he have never faced against a human being this strong.

Dan heng took down the Captain by making him unconscious, and the other two are already finished with their battle, they wanted to help the young man but more silvermane guards are heading towards them, making it a 3 versus 20. But Shyvene isn't having any trouble as he is flawlessly dancing while counter attacking with his spear at places their didn't know that is possible to hit.

Shyvene keep on fighting the two leaders while the trail on his helmet is slowly turning into constellation. His spears transformed into a golden spear which have it's tip floating and shattered with a hole in the middle which is glowing dimly while his helmet became more visible with his aura turned into orange colored.

"Skyfall" He commands, and the sky turned black with several purple beams heading its way to the battlefield. Shyvene's eyes are glowing white this time. His spear tip glowing red and the hole having an effect that is unknown.

Bronya,Gepard and the other silvermane guards looked at the sky and immediately retreated. The three Astral Express people looked at the sky with a hint of afraid feeling.