Chapter 5: Changes

It's been 8 days since Wang Shenyang dedicated himself to cultivating the Jade platform. Due to this, his overall Spirit energy control has increased dramatically, and so has his realm. Currently, he has broken through to the middle stage fifth layer of Qi Gathering and is a step away from the late stage.

He has discovered that by doing this, he will be able to break through to the 6th layer in a matter of weeks. He was also well aware that there are also geniuses who possess the talent to breakthrough the 7th layer and even the 8th layer around that same time. But they wold need to atleast have a Dao Physique. If he doesn't want to wait for years, then it's better if he takes action now.

After all, he was a little impatient.

But Wang Shenyang knew that the only way to achieve his goals is by dedicating himself to cultivation. For now, he can only do what he can with his current level of talent and resouces.

The next day, Wang Shengyang woke up early in the morning and immediately began his training regimen. It was a very tiring routine, but Wang Shengyang didn't mind as long as he could get strong enough to breakthrough the limitations of his talent.

"Nnn... Mmm..."

His breathing became heavier as he continued to push himself harder. His face was flushed red and sweat poured down his forehead. He had already done a lot of physical training today, but he still felt like he was going to collapse any minute.

In the past few days, he has gained a lot of strength, and his ability to manipulate qi had also improved significantly. After breaking through to the 5th layer of Qi Gathering, he has learned how to use his own internal qi to strengthen his muscles. This is a very useful skill, because he would no longer need to rely on external training means to improve.

And right now, his entire body is filled with the desire to cultivate. He was almost at his limit. The pain in his arms and legs were excruciating. It felt like someone was slowly pulling out every single muscle fiber in his body.

He stopped cultivating, and realised a breath of turbid air. He opened his eyes, and saw that his body was expelling black droplets from his skin pores. At first, he thought that it was just sweat, but he soon noticed that these black droplets smelled horrible. "These are impurties." He gasped in shock. It took him a while before he was able to calm down.

He decided to continue cultivating, hoping that he can overcome this obstacle. However, after only a few seconds, he was forced to stop again. His entire body smelled extremely bad, to the point where he a cultivator felt dizzy.

He decided it was time to take a quick bath.

A few minutes later, he had finished bathing. Now, he feels much better.

He sat back down on the bed and resumed his cultivation. This time, he was careful not to overdo it.

He was surprised when he felt his body become lighter. It felt like he had lost some weight!

"What happened?" He asked himself. Then he realised. He must have reached the late stage of 5th layer of Qi Gathering. And feel that he is just a short distance from the 6th layer of Qi Gathering.

Suddenly, his body felt weak. He tried to concentrate, but his mind seemed fuzzy.

"It would seem that my spiritual mind, has also slightly improved." He said to himself. He was very happy that his Dao was improving.

He was curious to know how the difference between the late stage of Qi Gathering and the early stage of Qi Gathering felt.

So, he decided to try to polish his spiritual mind.

His connection to his mind, soul, and spirit strengthen but his body's sences slowly got weaker corespondively

"Is this how it feels?" He asked himself.

"I think so." He replied.

He started to cultivate, and suddenly he felt his body lighten again.

"That's strange!" He exclaimed. He looked at his hands and saw that his fingers were turning into green jade.

He was startled, but it wasn't a bad feeling. In fact, it felt good.

Then he noticed something else.

"My senses are sharper than usual. I can see things more clearly. I am also hearing sounds more clearly. My mind is clearer too." He said to himself.

He continued cultivating for another hour. He could feel his body getting lighter. He was now able to sense his surroundings better. His spiritual wisdom had become much purer.

"I can also hear my own heartbeat." Wang Shenyang was amazed.

He felt like he was standing in front of a mirror. He was now able to control his own spiritual energy. It was as if he was finally able to control his own qi.

It was amazing!

Wang Shenyang looked at his body, and saw that his skin had turned into a bright white color. He had become much stronger. He could now tell that his spiritual qi is much purer than before.

"My cultivation speed is also increasing. I am able to cultivate faster than ever before." He exclaimed excitedly.

"This robe is able to give small purifying affects to my spiritual roots." He said to himself.

He was so happy that he couldn't contain himself. He wanted to shout, but he knew that he must calm down. So, he decided to just whisper quietly.

"Now, I will finally be able to breakthrough to the 6th layer of Qi Gathering in a matter of days even without sitting on the jade platform." He said to himself.

Once someone's spiritual mind strength reachs the later stages of Qi Gathering, there Qi takes up a certain form that defines them and there immortal path.

He decided to try to see his spiritual body as his spiritual mind is currently equivalent that of a late stage Qi Gathering cultivator . He extended his hand, and touched his dantian.

"I wonder what my spiritual body will look like? Will it be similar to a human, or will it be different?" He wondered.

Wang Shenyang decided to touch his own body. He was afraid that he might hurt himself, but he knew that he wouldn't die. He was just curious to know what his spiritual body looks like.


he was shocked when he touched his own body. He saw that he had a body of pure jade. He saw that his spiritual body was shaped like a dragon, but was covered with a thin layer of blue and red as well as green jade dimond scales. Through It figure was quite the bit blurry.

Wang Shenyang was astonished, "Guess my Flood Dragon Bloodline had quite the bit of influance on my qi." He said to himself.

He decided to try to walk around. His body was still shaking slightly from the recent shock.

He still has not fully regained full control over his body.

He walked around for a few minutes.

After he regained control of his body, Wang Shenyang was shocked when he noticed that his body had become much lighter. He was able to move around with ease. He could also see his surroundings more clearly. His senses felt a little exaggerated.

Wang Shenyang decided to sit back down on the Jade Platform. He was very curious to know how his body would feel on the after he breaks through to the 6th layer of Qi Gathering.

He closed his eyes and meditated.

He felt his mind sank into the platform. He could feel his body getting lighter. He was now able to sense his surroundings.

"It feels great to be able to sense my surroundings." He thought to himself.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was now a little lighter than before.

He thought to himself,

"Attribute Panel"

Race: Human

Bloodline: 2.1% Flood Dragon Bloodline

Host: Wang Shenyang

Family(LOCKED):(28/30) Cultivators

Talent: 3 roots (Water)(Fire)(Wood)

Stage: 5th Layer of Qi Gathering(late)


Shenshui Long Cultivation Manuel(76/800): 2nd Stage

Clear Heart-Mind Law(183/600): 2nd Stage


Water spear(117/200) 2nd Stage

Water Bullet(139/300) 3rd Stage

Deepsea Cannon(98/100) 1st Stage

Great Blue Tide (196/200) 2nd Stage

Blue Light Steps (197/200) 2nd Stage

Spirit: (101)

Divine Ability: None


Rank 1 Mid-grade Alchemist: (157/200)

Inventory: Huang low-grade Spear 1x, Seclusion Pills 25x, Rank 1 Mid-Grade Qi Pills 1x, Rank 3 Low-Grade Heavenly Qi Spirit Pill 1x

Lesser Ability 1: LOCKED(545/1000)

Wang Shenyang continued to cultivate for a few hours, until he then decided to take a quick nap.

When he woke up, he felt that his body was completely light again. He decided to go back to Sanyan Mountain and handle any matter that might have risen.

After a few hours, he had arrived at the temple on Sanyan mountain and saw a figure,

"Greeting, 1st Uncle".