Chapter 7: Partial Dragonification

A few days later, Wang Shenyang went to visit his uncle.

When Wang Shenyang arrived at the family headquarter, he found his uncle waiting outside the main entrance. His uncle is a middle-aged man with a gaunt face and sharp features. His uncle is dressed in simple robes and has long hair tied back in a ponytail. He wears a pair of thin spectacles over his eyes. When Wang Shenyang saw his uncle for the first time, he was struck by how similar they looked. The elder's eyes are dark brown like his nephew's, but something about them makes it difficult to tell if they're brown or black.

The Wang Shenyang clasped hands in greeting, then walked down the steps towards the courtyard.

"How have you been?" asked Wang Datian.

"Good," replied Wang Shenyang. "I've been training."

His uncle narrowed his eyes slightly. There is something odd about this boy. Something strange. "a few days ago you told me that you had a Bloodline breakthrough, right?" Wang Datian.

"Yes," said Wang Shenyang.

"so what happened?"

"It wasn't a breakthrough, just a little improvement in my skills."

"Are you sure?" Wang Datian asked while smiling.

Wang Shengyang didn't answer. What the hell is going on? He thought. Is he testing me or what? After a moment, Wang Datian continued, "If it was a breakthrough, you shouldn't act too humble and hide it."

"My cultivation skill's not that advanced yet," said Wang Shenyang.

"It doesn't matter if it's not a breakthrough, as long as your skills are improving," replied Wang Datian. "I know you have your secrets, so I won't pressure you to tell me anything."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about your current realm. You don't need to show me your cultivation level because I can sense the energy from your body. But it would be good if you could talk more about it."

"You can sense my Qi?" Wang Shenyang asked surprised.

"of course."

Wang Shenyang nodded, then followed his uncle to the sideyard. They sat down on a table under the shade of a tree and started to enjoy some tea in harmony.

"So uncle did you find out about what was making the roaring sounds in the Ancestral Temple of the Golden Dragon."

"yes," answered Wang Datian. " Your grandfather, the 9th elder had informed me of what was going on."

"can you tell me about it?"

Wang Datian paused for a moment before answering, "The Patriarch's Bloodline has reached 50% purity due to a fortuitous encounter on a previous journey. So his body is going through Partial Dragonification"

"What's partial dragonification?" Wang Shenyang asked.

"it means that the purest part of the dragon blood, the energy, is seeping into his body. At this stage, the person is still considered human, but he will become a half-blooded dragon after several years of cultivation. In order to reach the next level, the individual must purify the remaining part of his bloodline."

"And what happens if the person does not succeed?"

"At first his cultivation will regress by 2 stages." Wang Datian said seriously. " Then he'll lose the power he gained in the previous year, and even if he fails, his cultivation will gradually recover with age like all dragons."

"That's why people call it a 'Dragon Root Fomation stage'."

"Exactly," said Wang Datian.

"What about my father?"

"Your father, brother Daming is in the process of attaining 20% Purity."

"20%," Wang Shenyang said sounding surprised. "So father, is not that far behind you."

"No, he hasn't achieved 20%. He only reached 14% last year."

"14%?" Wang Shenyang repeated. "he's almost halfway there!"

"He'll probably reach 20% purity by his next birthday."

"How old is he, anyway?" Wang Shenyang asked.

"He always tries to make himself seem much younger than he already is. He should be about 60 years old as of now," Wang Datian answered.

"That means that he'll be able to achieve his goal in four years."

"But even if he doesn't, he'll still keep on advancing in his own way."

"Anyhow, the patriarch's body is changing very rapidly, he will keep incurring outbursts of blood and Qi until the body's physique is capable of matching the strength of his bloodline," Wang Datian says.

"Oh, I forgot to ask you about the effects on your body."

"I haven't noticed any changes, except strengthened blood and Qi and a slight increase in cultivation speed," said Wang Shenyang.

"Well, that's normal,"

"Is it? How come?"

"your body is still young, so the change is minimal."

"you have to allow your mind to relax, but that's the only thing. If you want to grow, you have to cultivate," Wang Datian said while pouring more tea.

"I see."

"Your father's a good example, he's spent his whole life cultivating and reached the 7th layer of Qi Gathering despite him having 5 spirits. His foundations are very solid."

"As you're aware, our family's Flood Dragon bloodline aids our cultivation in addition to the spirit roots. Our ultimate goal at the moment is to reach 100% purity because at that time we would have the chance to form a dragon core, which at the same time would allow us to easily reach Golden Core Realm."

"If you gain a dragon core, what will happen?"

"Our bodies will become more powerful, but the most important effect is that we will be able to use the full potential of our Bloodline."

"What is the function of the Bloodline in the first place?"

"The Bloodline is a special trait to control the blood and Qi flow inside the body. It allows us to direct the Qi to certain parts of the body, and this also helps to strengthen our meridians and muscles beyond normal capabilities. As well as gain a massive boost of strength when in danger."

"How do we go about gaining a dragon core?"

"Gaining a Dragon core is a difficult task, but once you obtain it the benefits will be incredible."

"What are the benefits?" Wang Shenyang asked.

"First, the Dragon core will help to enhance your body's strength. Second, it will allow you to use your bloodline's energy to its full potential. This is because the energy generated within the core is stored in the body's cells, and this is where the energy is released when required. Second, by using the bloodline's energy, you can quickly master new techniques. So if you wish to learn martial arts, you will be able to master them faster than others. Not to mention, you would be able to re-establish your connection to the Dragon clan and gain an inheritance. One may even gain the ability to fully transform into a Flood Dragon like our founding ancestor."

Wang Datian took out his jade box and placed it on the table. Inside the jade box, was a blood jade and an amulet.

"This blood jade is one that is capable of increasing your bloodline's purity as long as it's below 10%. It's usually used on spirit beasts with Purple Masion grade bloodlines, it should work perfectly for those who are like our family."

Wang Datian picked up the blood jade and held it in his hand. He then placed the red amulet on top of the jade and watched as the two pieces fused.

After a few seconds of silence, Wang Datian removed the jade and handed it to Wang Shenyang.

"Keep this with you at all times."

"I will."

"Now this amulet is used to store the essence of a dragon's bloodline. The essence will grow stronger as the dragon's bloodline grows. You should carry the amulet as well but try not to let anyone else see it, especially not those not related to our family. As there are only a few of them in the family's vault. Take this as my gift for your breakthrough."


"Now it's time for me to leave."

"Thank you, I will not let you down."

"Good luck. Please remember to come here again after you have improved your cultivation. I want to see how you have progressed."

"I will."

Wang Shenyang withdrew a flying sword from his spatial storage bag and jumped onto it and flew toward the sea.

"I have just about run out of alchemy materials, it best to first head towards Qinghai Immortal City, then return to Yiyan island."