Chapter 9: Hoping to Become a Chick Magnet

"You never know may be this fight will turn out to be quite interesting." Wang Shenyang says and looks at the evil cultivator. He says, " I'll just show you what being a cultivator can really means!"

"DIE! DIE!! DIE!!" screams the evil cultivator as he throws his spear down towards Wang Shenyang's head. Wang Shenyang grabs hold of the spear's handle and pulls it in front of him, then uses it to deflect the spear in mid-air. The spear breaks into pieces and falls on the ground. With his left hand, Wang Shenyang draws his sword from its sheath and swings it downwards, cutting off the evil cultivator's arm.

The evil cultivator screams louder and lunges forward, swinging another spear at Wang Shenyang's stomach. Wang Shenyang dodges the blow by jumping back and then turns around to face the enemy again.

With a loud crash, the evil cultivator lands hard on the ground, clutching at his now severed arm. His eyes wide open with fear and surprise, the evil cultivator stares up at Wang Shenyang, trying desperately to regain control over himself.

"Do not try to run away. I have plenty more where that came from," Wang Shenyang says, holding the 3 talismans. "I don't even need these anymore. Now, tell me any last word you theiving rat?"

"STOP THIS MURDERING NOW!!!" the evil cultivator yells. His voice is shaking with rage.

"But why should I stop? You are nothing but a filthy coward. And besides, look who's talking. How do you like being reduced to such pathetic state, scum?"

The evil cultivator takes a step toward Wang Shenyang, raising the spear in his right hand.

"Die! Die! DIE!!!" he screams. "Do not try to run away. I have plenty more where that came from."

"It's too late for that, isn't it?" Wang Shenyang asks, pulling out a spear from his inventory and prepares to attack.

The evil cultivator quickly reacts by throwing the spear at Wang Shenyang, who blocks it with his left hand. In response, Wang Shenyang swings his spear downwards, slicing off half of the evil cultivator's face and killing him.

Wang Shenyang lets go of the dead body and walks over to inspect the corpse for any loot, then picks up a piece of cloth lying nearby and drapes it over his shoulders. A sudden movement catches Wang Shenyang's attention, causing him to turn around.

A figure stands behind him in the shadows, holding a broken stone mace. Wang Shenyang smiles at the sight of the unknown figure.

"Well, well. It seems someone is finally joining me in this fight. But who could it be?" Wang Shenyang asks.

"It seems i'm a little late for the party, aren't I?," the mysterious figure says. "And I have come here to bring you to justice."

"Your justice is something I can't afford," Wang Shenyang answers. "Now, tell me who you are so that we can get down to business."

"My name is Wu Man, and I am a rightous cultivator," replies the mysterious figure. "I have just withnessed you kill and ambush the inoucent, so I make pay for your crimes."

"Says the one who's body is leaking with blood demon Qi, sounds like you've been reading too many hero stories" Wang Shenyang laughs.

"What's wrong? Aren't you afraid to face me? I will slaughter you like a pig to feed hungry dogs!" Wu Man shouts.

Wu Man raises his mace, ready to strike.

"HA HA HA!!!" Wang Shenyang laughs again, then throws his spear towards Wu Man.

He moves aside and makes the spear land on the ground. Then Wang Shenyang picks up the spear and points it at Wu Man, saying, "Don't even think about it!"

"Water Spear!" Wang Shenyang shouts.

Wang Shenyang takes a step backwards and throws his spear upwards, hitting Wu Man in the chest. Wu Man stumbles back and falls to the ground, clutching at his chest.

"Oh yeah? Well, I guess you're not invincible after all. Good thing I didn't throw my spear at your head instead." Wang Shenyang smirks.

"You dare mock me?" Wu Man tries to rise from the ground, and says. "Perhaps I won't kill you after all, I make a blood puppet out of you." Wu Man says, his blood demon Qi bursts out in all directions.

Wang Shenyang withdraws and uses his own Qi to repeal the blood demon Qi but it doesn't work. "Alright if human Qi doesn't work then how about Dragon Qi!" He says as he initiated his flood dragon bloodline. As his Blood and Qi surges, his body and musucles expand till he reaches about 2 and half meters in size.

"Ah! This is no good. A dragon desandent!" Wu Man says with a gloomy expression. Wang Shenyang rushs towards towards Wu Man with raging kill intent in his eyes.

"You will die now!" Wu Man says, waving his mace around wildly.

"Blood Demon Devourer!!!" Wu man shouts in desperation and fear. Blood shoots out of his mouth and ears, burning everything it touches.

Wu Man swings his mace in an attempt to hit Wang Shenyang, but Wang Shenyang avoids the blow effortlessly.

"HA HA HA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Wang Shenyang laughs as he continues to mercilessly pummel Wu Man with his fists.

"You are nothing but a pathetic fool!" Wang Shenyang screams, landing several hard blows to Wu Man's body.

"Foul beast! You are a monster! Your flesh must burn!" Wu Man yells, his face covered with blood and sweat. Wu Man swings his mace around, looking for a way to inflict some damage on Wang Shenyang.

"Says the guy who's literally a damn monster and how am I a foul beast, you motals for your own sake and enjoyment. YOU'RE THE DEFINITION OF HYPOCRISY!" Wang Shenyang says as he is laughing.

Wu Man attacks Wang Shenyang once again, swinging his mace downwards. Wang Shenyang ducks underneath the blow and blocks Wu Man's next swing with his spear. Wang Shenyang then attempts to swing in a high arc, hoping to catch Wu Man off guard.

"HA HA!!! HAHAHAHA!!!" Wang Shenyang laughs. "How does it feel to be caught off-guard by me?"

"I-I-I will destroy you!" Wu Man says, panting heavily. "I will take your head and mount it on the wall of my temple!"

"You talk big for a dying man!" Wang Shenyang sneers, landing a punch on Wu Man's chin.

"I AM NOT DEAD YET!!" Wu Man says, rising to his feet.

Wu Man lunges towards Wang Shenyang, aiming for a quick attack. Wang Shenyang steps back and manages to dodge the first two strikes, but Wu Man's third strike hits Wang Shenyang in the shoulder. Wang Shenyang barely has time to block the next attack, which comes from Wu Man's right foot.

"HA HA HA! I knew you wouldn't be able to take my left leg, so I left it open," Wu Man laughs. "But it looks like I underestimated you. You still have the strength to defend yourself."

With a swift motion, Wu Man swings his mace towards Wang Shenyang's throat. Wang Shenyang blocks the blow with his left hand and retaliates by swinging his spear downwards. The impact of the spear on Wu Man's shoulder sends him stumbling backward, clutching at his injured limb.

"You're tough, but I'll get through to you eventually," Wu Man says. "I still haven't finished."

"You're right. You'll beat me at this rate," Wang Shenyang smirks.

Wu Man raises his mace, preparing to deliver a deadly blow.

"It's too bad I'm not going to let you live until then," Wang Shenyang says.

He quickly takes the 2 talismans of water and thunder. "If that was all you had left then I might have let you off easy..." Wang Shenyang says. "But since you have a few tricks up your sleeve I guess I should punish you properly."

He activates the water tailsman, which launches a massive amount of water at Wu Man. Which catches Wu Man off guard for the second time. "You think that a little bit of water is enough to kill me" Wu Man says he get up from the pool of water created by the water tailisman. "No shit sherlock, you might want to see where the thunder tailisman went." Wang Shenyang said with a condescending smirk on his face.

Wu Man looked for a moment then his expression turned deathly.

He saw that the thunder tailisman was submerging in the water in front of him.

Befofe he could do anything Wang Shenyang activated it remotely using his Qi. The Thunder talisman turned into countless strings of thunder.

"My friend as you may know waterais a great conductor of electricty and what do you thing is thunder." Wang Shenyang said.

"This thunder shock isn't enough to kill you but is enogh to temperorly paralyze you. Giving me more than enough time to finish you of."

Wang Shenyang's spear quickly landed on Wu Man's head, instantly killing him.

He procceded to remove the talism's effects, so not to endanger himself and walked over to inspect for any loot.

He soon found a low grade spacial storage bag, then got his flying sword to fly back to Yiyan Island.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I need to get rid of these corpses as to not cuase my self further troubles in the future." Wang Shenyang thought of before throwing the 2 corpses of Wu Man and the other evil cultivator into the sea.

"hm. . . Lately I've been feeling as if I have become some sort of magnet that attracts evil and ugly bastards. A handsome young man such as my self should be a chick magnet. This can only be regraded as bad luck on my part." He sighed in disappointment as he flew back to Yiyan Island.