Chapter 18: Xuan Mu Sect

As Wang Shenyang was leaving the island, he suddenly noticed a large black cloud approaching rapidly towards him. It was moving at an astonishing speed and appeared to be heading directly towards him! Wang Shenyang quickly increased his flight velocity and headed towards the opposite direction in order to escape the onimiss looking clouds. As he was speeding away, Wang Shenyang saw what seemed to be hundreds of Cloud Breaking Beasts emerging from behind the black cloud. His heart sank. He knew that he couldn't possibly evade all of them. "What in the hell are these basards try to do? They must have been attracted by the blooded smell of the other two cloud breaking that I butched." Wang Shenyang thought to himself as he prepared to increase his flying speed.

Wang Shenyang was stunned by the sheer number of Cloud Breaking Beasts attacking him. There were far more than expected and most of them had already reached his position. "Damn it!!!"

"Am I going to die in this godforsaken place!"

"Could this day get any worse!"

Wang Shenyang thought to himself as he felt his qi run out. Suddenly, the Cloud Breaking Beasts stopped dead in their tracks. They had finally seen something terrifing. Wang Shenyang could see that these Cloud Breaking Beasts had come to avenge their fallen fellow clansmen, but for there eyes to change from a monstrious blood thirstness to a deathly pale look of trembling fear. "Hahaha!!" Wang Shenyang laughed aloud as he watched the Cloud Breaking Beasts tremble in terror. "They're scared of me? How about that?" Wang Shenyang thought to himself as he turned around. And only then did he reason as to where the beasts' fear orginated. "Guling?!" Wang Shenyang screamed as he pointed at the queen. "Why are here?!" Wang Shenyang said subcuciously. Guling smiled menacingly at Wang Shenyang. She then slowly raised her hand and unleashed a wave of pure darkness that engulfed Wang Shenyang.

Suddenly, everything went dark. Wang Shenyang could no longer sense anything outside of himself. All he could hear were muffled sounds and voices within his own mind. "Where am I?! What's happening to me!?"

The voice inside Wang Shenyang's head spoke again. "You've awakened. You should be able to remember me, right, my dear human?" she said in a sinister tone. "Yes..." Wang Shenyang replied weakly.

"Your name is Wang Shenyang." Guling gently said. "What do you want from me?" Wang Shenyang asked. "To protect you." Guling answered.

"protect...?" Wang Shenyang said confused.

"You're going to be in danger soon." Guling explained.

Wang Shenyang was shocked. "Are talking about the herd of Cloud breaking Beasts "


"...and why should i believe your words?" Wang Shenyang said defiantly.

"Because if you don't, I'll kill you." Guling replied.

Wang Shenyang sighed heavily. He didn't know how much more of this he could take. "Fine." Wang Shenyang said.

Queen Guling smiled evilly then teleported away with Wang Shenyang following close behind. As they arrived at their destination, Wang Shenyang saw an island which he had prevously visted with his grandfather. Xuan Mu City is an immortal city was previously created by the founding sect master of the XuanMu Sect. The city was built on top of an island countaining 3 order spiritual vein. its surrounded by lush green vegitation and rivers. Although the city had grown larger since its initial construction, it still maintained the original layout and appearance.

"So why are we here?" Wang Shenyang asked.

"You'll know soon enough?" Guling said.

"Alright." Wang Shenyang said.

Guling then gestured for Wang Shenyang to follow her. Wang Shenyang walked behind her as she marched towards the main entrance of the city. As they neared the main entrance, Wang Shenyang became even more nervous. He looked up at the sky and the stars that shone brightly above him. "This is going to be my last night alive." Wang Shenyang said to himself. "Don't be silly." Guling said. Wang Shenyang looked at her and frowned. He then followed her into the city.

After entering the city, Wang Shenyang was immediately greeted by a multitude of people. They were dressed in colourful garbs and all sorts of strange clothing. Some wore white robes, some wore black robes, and others wore red robes. Their clothes were decorated with many different symbols. In fact, there were so many people that Wang Shenyang didn't know who to look at first.

Wang Shenyang was taken aback as he tried to take in as many details as possible. Wang shenyang had never seen such a large crowd of people before. If not for the presence of Guling, he would have been lost in the crowd.

"I'm glad you made it safely here." A man in a red robe said. He was tall and muscular with a long beard. He had a friendly smile on his face and wore an expression of relief. Wang Shenyang didn't recognized him but knew that he possessed incomparable status from the cloths he wore.

"Who are you?" Wang Shenyang asked.

"My name is Huo jinshi. I am the 11th Core Elder of the Xuan Mu Sect." The man said.

Wang Shenyang nodded in appreciation of the man's knowledge. Guling mearly glance at Hou jinshi and said in content, "Hello, old man Hou, it seems you still love to sneek up on people when they are not looking"

Hou jinshi chuckled softly as he shook his head in disapproval. "Hehe, I guess I can't help myself."

Guling smiled mischievously then continued. "Anyhow, would you be so kind to take me to meet to my ninth brother?"

Hou jinshi nodded and led them through the throngs of people until they finally arrived at the innermost part of the city. This area was reserved for elder level figures of the Xuan Mu sect. Here, there was a grand hall that served as a meeting room between members of the Xuan Mu sect. Inside the chamber stood a group of men wearing golden turquoise colored robes. These individuals were all elites of the Xuan Mu Sect. They were seated around a large glowing formation placed in front of them. Upon closer inspection, one could tell that this was indeed the legendary Teleportation Array.

"It looks like our deciples are getting ready to begin." Hou jinshi said.

"Then let us go in and wait for them to finish," Guling said.

With that, the trio entered the teleportation array as it released a blinding light. Within moments, they found themselves standing in another location. Wang Shenyang looked around only to find himself in a jade palace. The entire building was carved from stone and covered in beautiful patterns. Its walls glistened with gold and silver carvings. At its center was an enormous statue of an ancient being holding a staff in one hand while resting upon his shoulder. "What is this place?" Wang Shenyang wondered aloud.

"That is the main Hall of the Xuan Mu sect. We use it as our main gathering point." Hou jinshi explained.

Wang Shenyang followed after Hou jinshi as he began to walk down the hallway. Soon, they came across an open door leading into a huge circular chamber. The floor of the chamber was completely empty save for three pillars in each corner. The ceiling was high and supported by columns. From the centre of the dome hung a gigantic chandelier whose lights illuminated the whole room. On the far side of the room sat an elderly man dressed in a purple coloured robe. He had a gentle smile on his face as he observed everyone in the room. When Wang Shenyang caught sight of this figure, and felt a mysterous energy permeate the whole room.

"Is that...the patriarch of Xuan Mu?" Wang Shenyang gasped in amazement.

The old man smiled warmly at him. "Welcome to our humble abode, young man" The man said.

Wang Shenyang thanked the patriarch. "Thank you very much, Patriarch."

"Please, call me Chen Guanyin." The patriarch said. "And yes, that's me."

"Pleased to meet you, Lord Chen" Wang Shenyang bowed respectfully.

Chen guan-yin laughed lightly as he returned Wang Shenyang's greetings "Do you know what the XuanMu Sect does?"

Wang Shenyang shook his head. "yes, Mainly alchemy, right?."

"Well yes but that not all."

"Allow me to explain." Chen guan yin said.

"The XuanMu Sect was originally founded by the founder of the XuanMu Sect, Huang Yao. It was a sect devoted to cultivating the power of spiritual energy. The sect's teachings focused primarily on the cultivation of spiritual energies using the nature based elements of Wood, Earth, and Water in our alchemy. However, unlike other sects, the XuanMu sect believed that spiritual energy wasn't the only source of elemental life essense. Hence, the XuanMu sect developed techniques to cultivate what most wold call pure blood Qi. Pure Blood Qi was considered the strongest form of elemental life essence available to mortal humans. The sect also researched ways to manipulate the pure blood Qi that is usaully only avalible to Martial artists who reach the Innate stage which is equivilant to a True Monarch of the Nascent Soul realm. Unfortunitly the martial arts inheratines of Fallen Moon cultivation star was discontinued due to a blood demon rebellion that happened 7000 years ago. This demon rebellion was a 100 times worst then the one from 60 to 70 years ago. It was lead by a Half-step Void Refinement blood demon soviegion. HIs main goal was to drain all Innate Martial Artists and above of there Blood in oder to become a True Void Refinment realm powerhouse. But he was killed by the founder of Void Star Sect and the Ancient Calamity Dragon."

"At present, the XuanMu Sect has expanded greatly. There are currently over 1 million disciples spread throughout 20 sea territories with disciple is trained under their respective branch masters. Each region is ruled by a branch master. The branches are divided into ten groups called Ten Celestial Halls. Every 100 years, the tenth celestial hall holds a great ceremony known as the Heavenly Harmony Ceremony. This event is what brings the sect the most resoure-!."

"Old man we aren't here to your long story!" Guling said with a threating tone.

Chen guan-yin chuckled at her comment. "Oh alright, just a little bit more."

"Now where were we?" Chen guan-yin said.

Wang Shenyang glanced back at Guling. "We were discussing the XuanMu Sect."

Chen guan-yin smiled warmly. "Yes, that's correct. So what do you think?"

"I thought you guys were just an alchemy sect." Wang Shenyang said.

"Alchemy is a part of our teaching." Chen guan-yanin said. "However, it is merely the foundation for everything else that we teach."

Wang Shenyang pondered over Chen guans words. Alchemists are often associated with low cultivation and drugs. Thus, he was surprised to learn that alchemy was simply a means to an end for the XuanMu Sect. After all, he had always assumed that every single thing they taught revolved around alchemistry.