The Big Job

The day for the big job finally arrived and everybody prepared themselves. Me, Bob, Jack, Eddie and Eric were the main squad in this mission. We all wore black as well as bullet proof vests for adequate protection just in case someone attacks us. We also added black masks to our collection because we wouldn't want people recognizing our faces and describing them to the cops. Von Ruiz already prepared a van that we will use for the mission. It is a van but designed to look like an ice cream van. Jack was the driver, Bob sat at the passenger's seat with him while the rest of the team stayed behind. We all were armed with various weapons of our choice. "Alright guys, we already know what each person is meant to do. Eric, Eddie I'll drop you guys off at the street ahead. Find a large truck and bring it to the docks. Let's not fuck this up guys. This is one big job", Jack said inside the van before driving off. We drove silently while starring at each other inside the van. I kept a close eye on Eric and I suspected he did the same to me as well. The van finally stopped, and the back door of the van was opened to let Eric and Eddie out. Jack continued driving after they left the van. We finally arrived at the harbor and it was surrounded with tight security. Jack stopped at the gate of the harbor as he saw one of the security men on duty that night. "Do I know you?", I heard the security man ask. "I don't think so. I'm only here to receive a product that will soon be here", Jack replied. "Do you have anything behind the van?", The security man asked. "Like I said, I'm the only one here. I'm just here for something important", Jack replied. The security man walked round the van hitting the side and he walked to make sure there was nothing inside. When he was satisfied, he signaled Jack to drive inside and he did. Jack drove to the deep part of the docks and parked. He stepped out of the van and hit the back twice indicating to everybody to come out. I opened the van and stepped out immediately. "I see no ship. Where's the product?", Bob asked. "I don't understand, are we at the wrong harbor?", I asked. Jack paused for a while and took out his cell phone. "What are you doing?", I asked. "I'm calling Eddie. I need to find out something", Jack replied. Jack called Eddie and he asked him about the products. Jack looked shocked at the reply Eddie gave him over the phone. He finally ended the call and told us what Eddie said. "We are in the wrong place. Edward's boys intercepted the ship and took it to another place. Eddie is there right now he wants us to hurry", Jack said. "But who told Edward about this supply. This job was supposed to be within this team", I said. "We might have someone on the inside telling our enemies stuffs", Bob said. We all ran back into the van and Jack drove out of that place quickly. We were getting close to the next harbor and we began to hear gunshots. The gate of the harbor was locked, and it looked like everybody was running around for cover. Jack speed up and hit the gate of the docks breaking it and entering. Several bullets hit the van and Jack was forced to stop. "We have been ambushed. Come out and let's take care of these motherfuckers", Jack said. Bob and I readied our guns and jumped out of the van. I saw Eddie taking cover and returning fire at Edwards boys. I quickly ran towards him and shielded myself as well. "What went wrong?", I asked. "When we got here, Edward's boys were already loading our supply into their trucks. How they knew about this supply is still something I'm yet to find out", Eddie said. "Where's Eric?", I asked. "The second supply ship is almost here. Eric has gone to secure it before Edward's boys do the same", Eddie said. "I don't trust that asshole", I said and moved out. I aimed my rifle and began to return fire towards Edward's boys. They were many and they were almost making away with a full truck load of watermelons stashed with cocaine. "Someone needs to stop that truck before it gets out of here", Jack shouted. I ran out from my cover and ran towards the mini truck that was driving out. Edwards boys tried stopping me, but I cleared some of them with my gun and continued my pursuit against the truck. The truck moved faster when the driver saw me. The person on the passenger's seat took out his shotgun and fired several shots towards me before he ran out of bullets, but he missed. "That son of a bitch is on our tail", The driver shouted. I ran faster and jumped holding unto a ledge at the back of the truck. The reckless movement of the truck made me lose balance several times, but I held unto the ledge tightly. I finally succeeded in climbing to the top of the truck. I laid low lest I get thrown off by the truck's quick turns. I crawled slowly until I reached the door of the driver's seat. I took out my hand gun and smashed the glass window. The person on the passenger seat aimed his shotgun towards me but I grabbed it and pointed it away from me. He pulled the trigger and the loud sound from the shotgun disorganized the driver that he lost control of the truck. I struggled with the man on the passenger seat for the shotgun. When I saw he wasn't ready to let go of the gun, I pointed my hand gun at him and shot him dead. The driver regained focus and knocked the hand gun off my hand. With his left hand, he grabbed me and smashed my head on the steering of the truck and pushed me off. I almost fell off, but I held tightly to the door of the truck. I opened the door of the truck, grabbed the driver and hit his head several times on the steering as well. He grabbed my neck and tried choking me, but I overpowered him and gave him blows continuously on his face until he began to bleed. I pushed him out and gained control of the truck. I haven't gone far when I heard several gun shots and I lost control of the truck. The truck flipped and fell on its side. Thankfully, the accident didn't happen on the streets or people would've called the cops to the scene. I opened the door of the truck and climbed out slowly. I saw the driver whom I pushed out with my hand gun. Immediately he saw me, he began to shoot towards me. I quickly ran behind the truck for cover. "You think you're the only wise one here", The driver shouted. "All of you are just bunch of fools. Everything has been planned out by someone you guys have on the inside. Even if Edward doesn't get his hands on this one, there are more on the way for him". The driver continued shooting until he was out of bullets. He turned to run but I went after him and pushed him down. I faced him and began to drop strong blows on his face repeatedly. "You…are…very…annoying", I said as I landed the blows. I stopped to see the driver was very injured and weak. I picked up my hand gun, reloaded it and shot him dead. I picked up my phone to call Jack and tell him about the current situation. "Jack, It's Henry. I have the truck, but we have a problem. It crashed while I was trying to stop those guys", I said. "The second ship hasn't arrived yet. We have been here for hours but still nothing", Jack said. "The driver of the truck said someone on the inside is working with Edward and I suspect it's Eric. I think he has gotten his hands on that second supply", I said. "I'm going after the ship right now. The rest of the supply is here at the harbor. Eddie has loaded them inside a truck and he's about to take it to the safe house", Jack said. "What about the truck that crashed? What do we do with it?", I asked. "Leave it there as long it's safe. We need to go after Eric and Edward and end those two for good", Jack said and ended the call.