
"Oh my world, Annalise!" Nadia screamed hurrying into the office. She stopped, staring at her swollen foot.

"It looks so bad, can you walk?" Then she waved her hand. "That is silly, of course, you can't. I am so so sorry, I really was going to come as soon as I heard but then I got stuck in traffic for so many hours. Lord! It was terrible, some asshole driver got into an accident and the road got blocked. I was stuck in traffic for four hours, Annalise, four freaking hours! Can you believe that? I have never cursed like I did today, I kept swearing and cursing at them."

Nadia finished breathlessly.

"It's okay," Annalise said. "I'm just glad you are here." 

"I'll be right back, I'll get someone to help carry you down to the car so we can drive to the hospital." She said before hurrying out.