Shattered Dreams

A gasp escaped Annalise at the harshness of Mrs. Caruso's words, she could only stare at the woman who'd caught her awe now in horror. She had met her fair share of verbally nasty people and Mrs. Caruso made her question yet again why someone would be this vicious. It made no sense.

Annalise knew she didn't have much compared to others but she could never for the life of her understand why people chose to shame others for not having the things they'd acquired - money, status, power, and education.

"You think you're better than me because of your educational qualifications, right?" Mrs. Moreno asked in a small voice and Annalise could detect the sadness in it.

"Oh, no, Angelique. I do not just think." Mrs. Caruso said, a proud gleam on her face. "I know that."

Annalise couldn't take it for a second longer and she found the words spurting out of her before she could stop them.