Breakfast And Surprises

He kissed her with maddening intensity.

He kissed her as if his life depended on it, as though she was what he'd been craving for and finally, he had it, the space between her lips tasted like home.

Like a glimpse of heaven.

Nicolás had no idea how much he'd missed the feeling of kissing her until this moment. She tasted so good, he was drowning and if he was being honest, he didn't want to stop. If this was what it felt like kissing someone you had more than the feeling of lust toward then he'd love to live and die at this moment over and over again.

When finally, they broke apart, the orange light that glimmered from above shone on her face, he could see how flushed she was, the drooped her eyes had gone, her lips were swollen and pink, inviting him in yet again even though his chest was heaving up and down heavily.