
"How do you feel now?" Nicolás asked, setting the bag he'd packed for her the few days she'd spent in the hospital on top of the bed.

Annalise rolled her eyes playfully, a small smile on her lips. "For the millionth time, Nicolás, I'm fine, really, I am."

She had no idea Nicolás could be so fussy until the last few days when she had been in the hospital. He had refused to leave her side and only did when she'd urged him to go home and get a shower and change of clothes for them both, he had spent days and nights by her side and when he had to leave for something, his mother had been there. Annalise feared with the recent attack on her life, she would never know what it was like to be on her own.

It wasn't like she minded in the least bit, if anything she revered this attention, loving every single second of having Nocolás dote on her as he did and how could she not? He was the most gorgeous man on Earth and he was hers.