Words Unspoken

Are you sure about this?" Marco asked once more, his eyes darting around the deserted warehouse, his voice echoing in the emptiness.


Nicolás glanced at him and said nothing in response.


"I mean how much is she even paying you for this?" He leaned closer to Nicolás. "You can trust me."


'Stop talking, Marco and if you are going to be a wimp about this, you might as well go home."


Marco scoffed. "Wimp? I'm worried about you, anything happening to…"


Nicolás cut him off. "I'm fine, fucking worry about yourself!'


There were a few minutes of silence after Nicolás snapped.


"What is wrong?" Marco asked, turning his full form towards where Nicolás stood. Nicolás simply ignored him.


"I mean it is obvious that you can be an asshole most of the time but the last few days it's as though you've been walking on the thinnest thread ever."