The Perfect Blue Of The Sky

It was one of those nights yet again, the one where she knew before it happened what was to come. The house was engulfed in its usual eeriness, the silence deafening.

The boys were not home tonight but nothing would change even if they were. They chose to pretend nothing was amiss just as she had these past years, just as she had continued to lie to everyone especially the one son who would put an end to it if he ever knew but Angelique liked to believe in the good of people.

She liked to believe that despite what her husband had done that perhaps one day he would see the wrong in it and change — she would like to think that a small part of him remained humane.

He prowled into her room like he always did, slamming the door so hard she flinched.

"I'm sorry," She whispered. "Roberto, please."

"I warned you, I fucking warned you!" He said, walking closer to her until she backed into the wall, her body trembling.