Darkness Reawakening

Lunch with Nadia was distracting.

Vittoria bouncing around the room, repeating words she had just learned was enough to bring a smile to Nadia's face and ease the hostility she had given off the last time they had met.

"Leah leaves her here with me. It helps with the silence." Nadia said.

Annalise felt her heart wrench for her friend. She had never seen this depth of sadness in Nadia and she couldn't imagine how much pain she was going through. Having to live in the same home you had once shared with the man you'd loved must be horrible.

As though reading her mind, Nadia continued. "I considered returning home but I couldn't… it felt like I would be betraying him in some way, leaving our home behind, leaving it to some new occupant and I just couldn't imagine that, imagine having another person walking through these walls, touching it, living here where I and Marco had once been."