
Somebody Set Up Us The Bomb

Somewhere, in another dimension, there is a walking dynamite living on it that developed a video game. His name is Unabomb (Appearance: Red skinned, short sized, has a yellow lightning like fuse on top of his head, yellow squared eyes, mouthless, has a visor with a black base and yellow glass, has a red war jacket, with a red belt with it's center being yellow, yellow shoulder protectors, red legs with yellow vertical lines that extend all the way to the foot) he heard that someone named Gallup criticized his game. He ain't really happy. Then he goes on his way to make a visit to him.

An explosive one.

Meanwhile, after saving people from danger, Synthwave and Farshtey enter the RV.

Farshtey: Oh. My. GOD, that guy liked to tick me off.

Synthwave: Funny, we've just met two people that annoyed you, and you attacked just one. What happened to the one you just mentioned?

Farshtey: I... Have my own reasons.

Synthwave: Fair enough.

Farshtey: Alright, let's go to another dimension, shall we?

Synthwave: Got it... There's one we haven't visited yet. Wanna take a break?

Farshtey: Sure, kid.

Synthwave and Farshtey arrive in another dimension, with a metallic floor and jelly buildings and houses.

Synthwave: Hurm. Interesting dimension.

Farshtey: Yeah, so... What is supposed to be that colorful stuff I am seeing?

Synthwave: Jelly.

Farshtey: Oh... What's jelly?

Synthwave: Dessert.

Farshtey: You mean "Desert?"

Synthwave: No, I mean the-

Unabomb crashes against Farshtey.



Unabomb then stands up, and then... He sees Synthwave.

Unabomb: look, sir, can go a bit more far? no want what end being hurt.

Synthwave realizes his intentions.

Synthwave: You're not going to hurt my friend.

Unabomb: *sigh* then have what throw the guy in a place more far.

Unabomb then throws Farshtey to a farther place, and he ends up running towards him. Farshtey shoots him, making Unabomb fall. And then he holds him at gunpoint.

Synthwave: Let's see if I need to do something to help seconds later or not.

Farshtey: Apologize.

Unabomb: no, you apologize.

Farshtey: NO! YOU!


Then an explosion surrounds Unabomb, throwing Farshtey to a wig store.

Synthwave: Farshtey!

Unabomb: i'm busy trying to kill to someone! NO INTERVENE!

Then Unabomb runs off, and Synthwave runs towards Farshtey.

Synthwave: Farshtey, are you alri-

Then Farshtey walks off with a grey haired wig with a red fez having the logo of a fish on it. Synthwave just stares at it.

Farshtey: What?

They both return to the RV, but they are not going to leave the dimension.

Farshtey: We have to stop that son of a gun!

Synthwave: Yeah, maybe.

Farshtey: What do you mean by "Maybe"?!

Synthwave: Maybe it was more of a metaphor than actually meaning it, but... Since he didn't hesitate to explode right in front of you, I think we need to take action.

Farshtey: Of course we do!

Meanwhile, Unabomb arrived at Gallup's house. He jumps through a window, only to find a cat.

Unabomb: aww... what cute!

Gallup: UNABOMB?!

Unabomb: hello... gallup. to favor send to everyone, even the animals out from the house like that, here only going to stay you and me.

Gallup: Ok, so... Why don't we just talk about this like civilized peopl-

Then Gallup starts running away from the back door, and Unabomb starts chasing him.

Unabomb: i never me give up! can run, but can't hide!

Gallup: Aren't you villains tired of saying that cliché?!


Then Synthwave and Farshtey see Gallup running towards them.

Farshtey: He needs our help!

Synthwave: Hurm.

Gallup: Please, you got to help me! Unabomb is trying to kill me!

Synthwave: Ok, stay behind us.

Farshtey: He is MINE.

Farshtey then points at the direction Gallup was coming from, Unabomb then arrives and sees Gallup with Farshtey.

Unabomb: still alive? exploded near you, and STILL ALIVE?!

Synthwave: He's a robot, of course he had more chances of survival compared to other people.

Unabomb: no have IDEA of what what this guy me did.

Farshtey: What? What are you saying?! I can't understand!

Then Unabomb shows his phone to Farshtey showing a video where Lol Gallup gave a fair criticism of the walking dynamite's video game. Pros, and cons. What could improve and what could not.

Farshtey: What?

Unabomb: that, and other things more! no do give want to kill to certain people?

Farshtey: As a matter of fact, I do. But there is a difference: There are bad guys, and then there are guys that break the law. YOU are breaking the law, and you're a jerk. I am programmed to hurt people like you.


Farshtey: Did he do anything illegal? No. That ultimately means one thing: STOP THIS!


Synthwave: Why do you want me to move, Yandere Dev?


Synthwave: ...Then I am not moving.

Unabomb: then... GOD IS THE MORE BIG!

Unabomb explodes but not before Synthwave, while grabbing Gallup and Farshtey jumped from behind them, the RV got flipped but it didn't suffer any damages. They stuck the landing except for Farshtey. Gallup proceeds to go to a safer place.

Synthwave: Let's try not to get closer to him.

Farshtey: Understood.

Farshtey then tries to shoot Unabomb, but he manages to dodge the shots, jumps, and punches Farshtey. Synthwave then kicks Unabomb in the stomach quickly, and spots an alley with metal for walls.

Synthwave: Hurm. Farshtey, come with me, I've got a plan.

Farshtey: Understood.

Unabomb: NO RUN!

Then the three of them come to the alley and Unabomb has the duo cornered.

Unabomb: this is the end.

Farshtey: I am not going to stop until I stop you, outlaw.

Unabomb: that is the spirit.

Farshtey shoots twice, Unabomb manages to dodge one of them, but the other... He got hit in the head by the shot.

Synthwave: We are going to need a special prison. I wonder if this dimension has it.

Due to the metallic nature of the dimension, it has. Unabomb got into a prison where his explosions are useless.


Explodes... And nothing happens.

Unabomb: this is UNFAIR! DARN BE!

Then Synthwave and Farshtey, after saving Gallup, return to the RV to keep travelling.

Farshtey: Not going to lie, but he... He has to be the most pathetic outlaw I faced in a long time.

Synthwave: I know. Some people can't take constructive criticism, and instead they behave like Kanye West, and sometimes it's really a shame because their products do have potential.

There's a moment of silence.

Farshtey: Who in the sam heck is Kanye West?

Synthwave: A rapper that I know more of not because of his music, but rather... Something that I think is bigger than the music he makes.

Meanwhile, in another dimension, there is a hooded undead with a monocle walking on it, he sees a woman, and he clenches his fist. The woman enters the room, so does the undead, and then...