
Knight In White Satin

In this dimension a new threat to all criminals showed up, he calls himself Vaporwave. Most killers in this dimension are starting to fear him. Most. He started to show up shortly after Synthwave started to try and save people from dimension to dimension.

Synthwave arrives at his home dimension, with Farshtey.

Farshtey: Wow, this dimension is amazing, kid!

Synthwave: If you ask me it's kind of dull.

Farshtey: Why? I mean, it looks great!

Synthwave: Because I lived in it for a very long time.

Farshtey: Oh, alright.

Synthwave: Well, we're finally here.

Synthwave knocks the door.

Annie: Who is it?

Synthwave: Annie, it's me!

Annie opens the door fastly.

Annie: STEVIE!

Synthwave: Hello, Annie.

Annie starts to cry happily, and hugs Synthwave.

Annie: I missed you so much!

Synthwave: Thanks Annie, me too.

Synthwave then pats her on the back, Annie then looks at Farshtey, then she runs, pushing Synthwave aside, accidentally, and holds Farshtey like a baby.


Farshtey: Hello ma'am! My name is F4R5H73Y-01, but you can call me Farshtey or Farsh.

Annie: Nice to meet you, Farsh!

Synthwave gets inside the house and hears The King Of Rock And Roll by Prefab Sprout.

Synthwave: Huh, looks like you started listening to Prefab Sprout.

Annie: Yes! I love them! It's my favorite band! Ok, as of now, to be fair!

Farshtey: The kid told me this dimension produced a lot of amazing music!

Synthwave: It's true. Though... With exceptions.

Annie: Oh! Do you want to know what I am cooking for dinner?

Synthwave: Uh... No, thanks. I already ate something, I'm stuffed.

Annie: Okie dokie! Then I'll eat alone!

Annie then rushes to the kitchen.

Synthwave: Have you got any news from Howard?

Annie: Nopie! It seems he's having quite a normal life.

Synthwave: Got it.

Farshtey: Wasn't your name "Synthwave" kid?

Synthwave: Actually, that's my nickname, my birth name is Steve. Anyway, do you want to watch TV?

Farshtey: What in the sam heck was a TV? I forgot.

Synthwave turns it on.

Synthwave: This.

Farshtey: Oh, interesting.

News: We have breaking news, the being known as Vaporwave managed to kill the notorious criminal known as Anthony Rodger.

Synthwave: Hurm.

News: It's incredible, out of nowhere, this person, he, she, or it shows up, and manages to kill a lot of criminals. It seems that it has a tendency to hunt at night. We certainly don't know much about him, however, by the little we've seen of him, he might be related to that mysterious being that appeared in 2008-

Synthwave: Just when I wanted some peace and quiet... Annie?

Annie: Yes?

Synthwave: Have you faced off against Vaporwave?

Annie: I couldn't find him, trust me, I really tried!

Synthwave: It's fine.

Farshtey: Kid? Shall we go?

Synthwave: Oh, sorry, I suddenly feel sick.

Synthwave then fake-coughs to demonstrate he is sick.

Farshtey: Alright, don't worry, you can trust me on this one! That son of a gun won't kill any people, criminal, or not!

Synthwave: Thanks, Farsh.

Farshtey then gets out of the house and starts patrolling on foot.

Synthwave gets off the couch and approaches Annie.

Synthwave: Annie... Can we talk?

Annie: Sure thing, Stevie, what's bothering you?

Synthwave: It's... Something that happened in my last heroic deed.

Annie: What happened?

Synthwave: I went to fight against an alternate dimension's Jack The Ripper... And... I got quite nervous he already killed someone that I could have prevented earlier.

Annie: Oh... Did he?

Synthwave: Thankfully I did manage to prevent it, it's just...

Annie: Aw, Stevie... It's alright! These feelings are part of being a hero, remember?

Synthwave: Uh... Yeah, I guess you're right.

Annie: Besides, I feel you are a good hero, Stevie.

Synthwave: Thanks, Annie.

Annie: Plus...

Annie sniffs.

Annie: It's kind of sweet that you and Howard are doing things to keep your loved ones alive in a way...

Synthwave: Heh, in Howard's words, "That's what she would have wanted"

Meanwhile, Vaporwave is at the top of a short building, (Appearance: white skin colored, medium sized, white male short hair with fringe, a dyed green vertical line on it, a green shirt, white horizontal lines in the lower end of his short sleeves, green and white wristbands a white belt with a green center, white pants with green vertical lines, and black shoes) then he grabs a laser sword in his pocket, turned off, and then he turns it on.

Vaporwave: Transform.

Suddenly, vapor comes out of the sword, engulfing Vaporwave to the point he now changed to his battle mode, and with the sword turned on, a laser blade comes out of it. (Appearance: White armor, a white top hat with a green band, a white helmet with green glowing semicircular eyes, with the circular part facing down, white tie, a green shirt underneath, a white fancy suit and it has sleeves with green horizontal lines in the lower ends of it, white shoes with green soles, a white cape with a green horizontal line underneath it, and a sword with a white base and a green glowing blade)

Vaporwave: Alright then... Time for a moral massacre!

Then he jumps out of the building, and enters inside a house. He's walking in the hallway, trying to find a kidnapped child, until someone gets out of a door, and spots Vaporwave, alerting everyone that he was here, they were all ready to fight.

Vaporwave: You know, if you want to go to jail, you better fight against me! Especially since those guns are REALLY effective against this armor.

Criminal: What? Don't you just kill people instead of putting them in jail?

Vaporwave: No, I don't. Of course I do!

Then Vaporwave runs and strikes all of the criminals with a sword. It was their last day.

Vaporwave: Wow, you were really a tough challenge. Now where's that kid?

Vaporwave manages to find the child in a short period of time, but he takes off his helmet and top hat first before entering.

Vaporwave: Hey, hey, it's ok kid, I'm here to rescue you.

Kid: Are you going to get me to my mom and dad?

Vaporwave: Of course! Now, listen, I'm gonna try to put my helmet on... And my top hat, and we're good to go, ok?

Kid: Ok.

Then both of them walk out.

Vaporwave: What animated movie do you like?

Kid: Uh... I don't know.

Vaporwave: Ok, so...

Then another criminal comes and sees Vaporwave, but he knocks him out before he could alert the others.

Vaporwave: Now... Try to look somewhere else, ok bud?

Kid: Ok.

Vaporwave then is going to try and stab the criminal, but then... Farshtey shoots his hands.

Farshtey: You are not going to kill anyone. Hands where I can see them, you outlaw!

Vaporwave: Oh my! This is it! I'm going to get captured! And it's a shame because I forgot... That I can manipulate vapor.

Then Vaporwave covers himself and the whole scene in vapor, Farshtey couldn't see him killing the other criminal, and him running away with the kid.

Farshtey: He manipulates fog, too?!

Then the fog disappears and he sees a dead criminal.


Meanwhile Synthwave and Annie are playing Mario Kart 64, the track being Choco Mountain. But the game has to wait, Farshtey is calling Synthwave.

Farshtey: Kid! I think I need your help!

Synthwave: What happened?

Farshtey: So, I found this outlaw with a hat, and he managed to kill someone.

Synthwave: Was it Vaporwave?

Farshtey: I don't know, he manipulated some big fog and...

Synthwave: Then it is probably Vaporwave, from what I've heard.

Farshtey: Wait, that was Vaporwave?!

Synthwave: How did he look?

Farshtey: He had some sort of... White clothing, and a hat, like... I think I've said this before, didn't I?

Synthwave: Got it. Thankfully I am no longer sick, so... I'll make my move.

Annie: What happened?

Synthwave: Probably Vaporwave. Probably.

Synthwave then gets on the RV, and starts to try and find Vaporwave, and eventually, he finds him.

Vaporwave then gets inside of a gangster's house, and on his left, is the gangster.

Gangster: You're... You're...

Vaporwave: Some clown trying to impersonate Vaporwave, of course. Oh, wait, I forgot, I am him.

Gangster: Please, have mercy!

Vaporwave: Oh, yes! Mercy! Something that, if you read the news, know I totally hav-

Synthwave appeared and kicked Vaporwave, and then he looked at the gangster.

Synthwave: Get somewhere safe.

Then the gangster runs, and Vaporwave gets up.

Vaporwave: S- S-

Synthwave: I might know why you kill criminals, but understand... This, all of this, is wrong.

Vaporwave: I have this urge of avenging... This urge to kill... And I can't bring myself to kill everyone, they do not deserve it. However, killers... Are going to get a taste of their own medicine.

Synthwave: They are still humans.

Vaporwave: I have trouble believing that. But, I do appreciate that you're trying to help me out. Now if you excuse me, I have a totally not murderous gangster to murder.

Vaporwave shoots vapor, covering the entire room in it.

Synthwave: Where did you go?

Then he notices that the vapor is disappearing, and moving.

Synthwave: Hurm.

Then Synthwave chases the vapor, it gets harder and harder to see, and so he jumps and throws a diving punch just to verify if he's there. He was, and his top hat fell off of it. The vapor diminishes.

Vaporwave: Look, I know you are trying to help, but you're doing... I don't know, the exact same opposite?

Synthwave: I have everyone's average best interests, Vaporwave.

Vaporwave then picks his hat and puts it on.

Vaporwave: I am sorry, old friend...

Synthwave: What?

Vaporwave: But it seems that I have to put you aside.

His sword gets engulfed in vapor and disappears. Vaporwave then kicks Synthwave not so far away, Synthwave gets up.

Vaporwave: Look, you... This... Whole... Me killing other killers... That's what they would have wanted, you know?

Synthwave then came to a realization.

Vaporwave: See you later.

Vaporwave then runs off to try and find the criminal.

Synthwave: Wait!

He then goes to the garden, no signs of Vaporwave, no signs of vapor, and no signs of the gangster.

Then Synthwave returns to his previous home.

Farshtey: Hey there, kid!

Annie: Hello! How did it go?

Synthwave: Hello, Farsh... Annie... It went well.

Farshtey: Well done, kid!

Synthwave: Thanks. Annie, can I talk to you in private?

Annie: Sure thing!

Both of them went to the kitchen.

Synthwave: I couldn't catch Vaporwave. I'm sorry.

Annie: Aw...

Synthwave: But... Can you please start talking some sense on Howard?

Annie: Sure thing, but... What does he have to do with Vaporwave?

Synthwave: Well...

After the chat, Synthwave and Farshtey are going to resume their travels.

Synthwave: Well, Annie, see you later!

Farshtey: Ma'am, it was an honor to meet ya!

Annie: Thank you! See you later, Stevie! Hope to see ya soon too, Farsh!

Then both of them wave goodbye. Later, Synthwave tries to sleep, but he can't. He is instead looking at the ceiling.

Synthwave: Leaving Annie to take care of him... Just so I can face other beings... Was this the right thing to do?

Synthwave sighs.

Synthwave: I hope you are here with us right now. Good night, Laurie. I love you.

Farshtey, due to being a robot, can't sleep. He is staring at the window, staring at the side of the vortex.

Farshtey: I wish I had a family like his.

Farshtey then clenches his fist.

Farshtey: I hope I won't see his face again, either in my home dimension, or any other.

Meanwhile, in another dimension there's a robot working for a gangster... He has a familiar face. A very familiar one.