
Royal Deck

Somewhere, in another dimension, there is a card themed thief that no one is really sure of what species he comes from. He is called Spader. After studying the bank he is going to steal for an hour with his heterochromatic black and red eyes, with symbols of diamond, one red, and one black respectively, Spader smiles, and goes inside it, but first, he throws dust to verify something. There were no security lasers, but there might be a floor that sets up an alarm. So he jumps all the way to the ceiling, sticking to it like a spider, with his literally white hands that match his entire skin. Fortunately for him, it wasn't metallic, it was made of stone, but then he threw other dust to see if there were other security lasers, there were not. So he crawled all the way to the safe, jumped, and cracked the code. Spader grabbed the money and started to jump around victoriously, and threw his black top hat with a red band to the air and catched it, and put it back again to his red hair that fades into black hair.

But then a security guard saw him, pointing a gun at him. Spader gave the man a thumbs up, and then he threw a card to the guard, poisoning him. Spader then did all the same steps to get out safely, and got to a rooftop. He later checked the bag if it had money or not, Spader smiled after it, and then he started to jump from rooftop to rooftop.

Meanwhile, Synthwave was dusting off a machine that hasn't been used in a long time in the RV. Synthwave then closes his eyes and exhales.

Much later, Synthwave and Farshtey arrive in a dimension in which it has a golden floor, red buildings, and flippers and bumpers from a pinball. Synthwave then looks at a giant rock.

Synthwave: Hurm. This dimension seems like a lot of fun.

Farshtey: What is this supposed to be?

Synthwave: It's supposed to be a casino.

Farshtey: What in the sam heck is a casino?

Synthwave: It's a place where you play and... Gamble.

Farshtey: Oh! Very interesting.

Synthwave: Are you familiar with Poker?

Farshtey: Oh yes.

Synthwave: Do you want to play it?

Farshtey: I would, but I'm... Pretty terrible at it.

Synthwave: Oh, ok.

Shortly after, Synthwave sees a man with a white suit jumping to the other rooftop.

Synthwave: Farsh, we've got a thief.

Farshtey: A thief?! Alright then, time to stop him!

Synthwave: Understood, let me handle him. I'll call you if I need any help.

Farshtey: Got it.

Synthwave went inside the RV, and started to fly with it chasing Spader. Spader, without looking, noticed. Synthwave put the RV on autopilot, he planned to jump and do a diving kick on the thief, but as soon as he did the kick, Spader hitted him with the bag of money that he stole. Synthwave got up after the blow, and then he proceeded to run and tried to punch him, but Spader dodged the punch and pushed Synthwave off the rooftop, but Synthwave was quick to grab his grappling gun and get back up. He then resumed chasing Spader, Spader noticed that, and threw him a card that went directly to Synthwave's chest, thankfully it wasn't his skin. He stopped and threw another, but Synthwave dodged it, then he shot his grappling gun at him, but Spader dodged it, grabbed the rope from the grappling gun, pulled Synthwave in, and punched him. Synthwave went off the rooftop and landed on the ground.

Synthwave: Hurm... Telepathy.

Synthwave then pulled the card from his armor and saw it was an ace of spades, and on the other side it read:

"You've been robbed by Spader! Good luck next time trying to stop me!"

Synthwave hurmed larger than usual. Then he's getting a call from Farshtey.

Farshtey: Kid! Did you manage to stop the thief? Did he hurt any other people?

Synthwave: Sadly no, and thankfully no.

Farshtey: Huh? What do you mean?

Synthwave: I was saying that I couldn't catch him, being the bad news, and that he didn't hurt anyone, as far as I am aware of, as the good news.

Farshtey: Ah, ok. Do you need my help?

Synthwave: He has telepathy, and I don't think it affects robots.

Farshtey: Telepathy? Is that a variation of TV?

Synthwave: No, it's an ability that actually reads the minds of other people. But since you're a robot, I don't think it will be effective against you.

Farshtey: Got it.

Synthwave: But, since he got away, we better use the DNA locator we have back in my RV.

Farshtey: DNA locator?

Synthwave: It's kind of hard to explain.

Then they both went to the RV to analyze Spader's card. They managed to locate him, he's in an abandoned hotel.

Synthwave: Alright, here's the plan, Farsh, since it's very probable that he can read the thoughts of the people all the time...

After explaining the plan to Farshtey, they both went to the abandoned hotel, however Synthwave didn't enter, but Farshtey did.

Meanwhile, Spader is busy bathing himself with the gold he recently stole, in his bathtub. But then he heard a robotic sound approaching him. Spader prepared his card, and he threw it to Farshtey, yet he didn't notice and wasn't poisoned.

Farshtey: Excuse me, sir, have you seen a criminal named Spader?

Spader, after giving it some thought, gave the "No" hand impression.

Farshtey: Ok, sorry for bothering ya!

After Farshtey left, Spader spied on him, just waiting if he could get outside the hotel. Spader packed everything, and tried to leave to the other rooftop, but he couldn't get it open because it had a very durable rock that Synthwave put there underneath the door outside. Not even his sharp cards could do the trick to break the stone. It looks like Spader had no choice; he had to escape on the streets.

But then after going outside, and thankfully not being too many people, he decided to climb the hotel, but he couldn't because he can't climb on metal.

He had to go to a more public place, Spader ran to escape.

Farshtey: Hold it! What 's the rush?

Synthwave was looking from afar, and then he went running, catching up with Farshtey

Synthwave: My turn, then.

Spader saw three boys talking with each other, which caused Spader to suffer a slight headache, so he threw his poisonous cards to all three of them, making them collapse on the ground. Farshtey stopped to help them, but Synthwave moved past them.

Farshtey: Kid! Wait!

Synthwave saw Spader having a massive headache, Synthwave gave a smug smile, while Spader threw cards at random people that were around him, Synthwave jumped and kicked his head, leaving him unconscious.


Synthwave listened to Farshtey, and, just now, noticed that some people were starting to get poisoned by Spader's cards. Thankfully, after calling this dimension's 911, everyone was saved, Spader got arrested, and the money that was stolen from Spader got returned, and then the both of them returned to the RV.

Farshtey: What. Was. That?

Synthwave: What do you mean?

Farshtey: OH, YOU KNOW! Right when the three young men were poisoned by Spader, you just went through them as if nothing happened.

Synthwave: But that's because I counted on you to keep them safe, Farshtey.

Farshtey: Oh, yeah? Then explain why when you were facing him, and he started to throw cards to everyone, you were so focused on him!

Synthwave: I... You're right, I'm sorry.

Farshtey: I mean... Come on, after what happened with those bodyguards, shouldn't have you learned that this is not a matter of fun? This is a matter of life or death!

Synthwave: Yeah, but after what happened with Jack, I... I don't know, I felt that I wanted to have fun, because that day... Was so stressful.

Farshtey: Kid, this is SUPPOSED to be stressful, but somebody has to do it. I do it because I was programmed to... What about you?

Synthwave: I... I don't want to talk about it.

Farshtey: Let me ask you this, what do you want to be? A hero? Or someone who wanders around wanting to fight?

Synthwave then takes off his sunglasses.

Synthwave: OF COURSE I WANT TO BE A HERO! Ever since that day, ever since she d-

There was a moment of silence.

Farshtey: Kid? Who are you talking about?

Something is about to come out of Synthwave's mouth...