
Howard Green 420

A long time ago, when he was a kid, Howard was walking in the garden alone with a huge stick. Until suddenly a man and a woman showed up and tried to poke their wooden sticks on Howard, but he deflected the sticks by using his own, and then Howard, and the two adults engaged in a stick duel…

Until the alarm sounded.

"Well done, Howard!" said the woman.

"Thanks, Mom! Dad? What do you think?" said the little Howard.

"I think you did it very well! Now, remember: You can't do the next thing to us, nor people around you, but always remember to finish off your opponent" said Howard's dad.

"Understood, dad"

"Anyway… Who wants to eat something?"

Many years later, Howard received a phone call from Synthwave.

"Hello?" Asked Howard.

"Hey Howard, it's me… Steve"

"How are you doing?"

"Very well. Did you know about the giant spider incident?"

"Oh, yeah!"

"It was me"

"Wait, seriously? That's great!"

"As a matter of fact, I was calling you to tell you that I… I am going to be quite busy these couple of days"

"How so?"

"Well, it's time to do what Laurie used to do, and… You know, so I can honour her legacy"

"Good luck"

"Thanks. Take care, Howard. Synthwave out"

Then the phone call ended, and Howard placed his hand on his chin.

He then said: "Synthwave…"

Much later he grabbed a paper bag, and grabbed a stick. He then looked at his disguised self in the mirror and said:

"Wow… This is going to help me a lot for my head" and then he waited until night time.

He was watching above a building, until he saw men coming out of a truck, with prisoners in handcuffs. They had bruises, and they were pushed to enter the place.

Howard then slowly came down to the floor, and ran towards them silently. He saw they had guns and tasers. Howard then proceeded to enter and attack one of them with his stick, knocking him down. The others saw what happened, and so they shot him, but he dodged the bullets, and used his stick to make them throw the guns, and the tasers.

"Without your weapons you will be quite a challenge!" he said. Then the men came after him and knocked them down. The prisoners were looking at him.

"It's alright. I'm one of the good guys"

Then they ran towards the door they entered and got out. Howard raised an eyebrow due to the fact that they ran with their hands tied up.

He decides to go deep under the rabbit hole and discovers a cell with many people hurt. Nobody could see it, but he had his mouth open the whole time. But everyone could see his wide opened eyes. And everyone here was hearing disco music.

Then someone with a black afro and orange sunglasses walked towards him.

"Let me guess: You defeated my men, right?"

"You're darn right I did" said Howard.

"Too bad… Now you're going to fight against good, ol', ME!"

He then ran towards him and attacked him with his orange suit while dancing.

"Ouch! That hurt!"

"Mmhmm! Interesting artefact, right?" he said while dancing to the music.

"Wow, you're being quite ridiculous, right?"

"Probably! But… Still quite DANGEROUS!"

Howard tried to defend himself from the kicks with his stick, but it was broken, and he was kicked in the face.

"Geez, my weapon has been a long runner"

He then tried to run towards him and punch him, but his dancing opponent was dodging his attacks with style, he then punched twice and kicked him to the beat of the song.

All Howard was seeing for the next ten minutes was black. And he didn't realise it.

… Until he saw a red winged man looking at him.

He said to Howard "Boy… You have really taken a beating"

"No. I just like to lie down on the floor. Sleep… What about you?"

"... I prefer my bed, thank you very much"

Then Howard stepped up, and said to him "We're going to need to get these people out of here"

The angel then looked at Howard.

His name was Harris Liebling.

He said: "What I need is to find Black Disco. You see, what he stole is this suit that makes disabled people able, and we need it back"

"We? What do you mean by "We"?"

"Oh, the other one who's looking for it is a weapon dealer"

"Weapon dealer, huh? Wait a second… Do you have any weapons by chance?"

"Do you have money?"


"What do you think of children?"

Howard then looked at one of them who was in the prison and said "I would do anything for them"

"Very well. Here's what we have in store"

He then gave Howard many weapons to choose from, but his eyes were looking straight at his future weapon of choice.

"That one"

"Very well. Not only does this come with a sword, but it also can give you a suit of armour, and it can shoot Vapour around you to make you hard to notice"

"Thanks. Before we search for him, we must call 911 so that they can set these people free"

Howard then saw that Harris was flying, and he told him "Call them while we are searching for him!"


After the call, Howard and Harris went outside, with Howard grabbing Harris's foot while he was flying.

Harris said "I heard he has a club. He might be there… And a couple of ladies, of course" while he was touching his red, short, fringed hair

"What are you, some kind of ladies man?"

"Yeah, both the flexing and the somewhat skinny type"

"That's a… Combination, alright, listen, I am going to transform in an alley and-"

"There's no time for that! Just do it when we get to the club!"

"There's a lot of people!"

"And in the bathrooms?"

"Good idea!"

"You know, I wonder how Tails, Rouge, Cream, and Charmy can deal with this!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Have you ever played Sonic Heroes?"

"Not yet! But… Oh, I see what you mean! Those latter three might have it the worst!"

"That's true!"

They finally arrived at the place. Giorgio Moroder's cover of "Nights In White Satin" called "Knights In White Satin" was playing in the club.






Then Howard kept his word. The bathroom was too quiet… He then decided to press the button, and transformed into the being he would use in combat.

He looks in a mirror and says "Heh. Nice top hat" and tips it.

He then comes out of the bathroom, with vapour surrounding it. Everyone looked at him. He walked towards Harris and both nodded.

Then some guards came after both Howard and Harris, but they ended up obliterating them in gruesome ways.

No one seemed to mind for that moment.

They walked towards Black Disco's office, and they both kicked the door.

Black Disco looked at them and he said "Harris? And… Who is he? He looks like a 2.0 version of-"

"Well, not exactly. Once we are done, I will explain it to you" replied Harris.

Black Disco then began to run towards them and tried to kick them. But they evaded the attack.

Harris then said to Howard "Don't destroy the suit!"

"Got it!"

Then Harris shot his soul blast towards Black Disco, who evaded the attack, making the attack go straight to Howard, but he evaded it.

Harris then flew towards him and tackled him to the ceiling. But Black Disco wasn't done yet.

"It takes more than that to defeat Black Disc-"

Howard then stabbed his sword in between his face. He then said:

"And more than what I just did as well?" And then he kicked him.

Later, Howard and Harris were talking on a rooftop.

"Well, I hope that satisfies your desire for the suit," said Howard.

"Thanks. Enjoy yours"

Before Harris flew, Howard said: "Wait" Harris looked at Howard and then the latter completed his question: "How do I know you didn't commit any atrocities?"

"I just sell weapons, Vaporwave. I don't kill. Only people I used to kill were demons"

Then Harris flew off, with Vaporwave looking at him.

Meanwhile, in another dimension, in the present time, a hooded man with a metallic red skull mask is looking below. He prepared his red laser katana, and his gun, and then jumped down.