Chapter 3: The birth of Princess Wan Li III

"Huang shang, please pardon nubi, but the birthing quarter is…" Before Lady-in-waiting Yang could continue further, she has been mercilessly slapped by Eunuch Wu.

"How dare you stop his majesty!?" Eunuch Wu exclaimed.

Lady Yang's eyes widened as her mouth fell agape in shock. Never have she been treated by Eunuch Wu with such disrespect. Even at the time when Emperor Gongxu and Empress Ruyi have been at odds, all the servants have been cordial to each other. Was this the stance of the emperor? But the relationship between…

Before she could think further, she has been taken away by the eunuchs from the emperor's entourage.

With no one blocking the door of the birthing quarter, Eunuch Wu immediately opened it, keeping his head in a bow, avoiding looking at what was happening inside. "Please, Huang shang."

Inside the room, the Six occupants unaware of what just happened outside looked towards the door only to see the emperor.

Empress Ruyi who was just screaming her lungs out earlier did not know if she should be happy or mortified.

Meanwhile, the five birth attendants were too shocked as never has there been a precedent of an emperor entering the birthing chamber of his wife while she's giving birth. If there was, they have never been made aware of it. Regardless, years of practice made them all prepare for a kowtow.

Emperor Gongxu observing their actions spoke first.

"Zhen does not need you to kowtow in ceremony. Continue with what you're doing and take care of Fengwan." He instructed. The use of the empress' name done deliberately. Although he despised her secretly, he needed her to have a safe delivery. He can shred all pretenses once his son comes out of her womb.

The birth attendants followed his instructions, but they still bowed their heads and greeted "Wansui! wansui! wansui!"

Emperor Gongxu although being able to somehow see the process of childbirth from his position still did not feel complacent. What if one of the birth attendants was sent by the empress dowager to…

On the way to there, he saw that there were palace guards patrolling the area. It was very alarming for supposedly, no men, aside from himself and the eunuchs, were allowed inside the inner court. He was tempted to interrogate and punish them, but time was of essence.

Thus, when they all kowtowed to the ground when they saw him with his entourage, he just briskly passed by without giving any acknowledgement.


Fenwang's scream of agony pulled Gongxu out of his reverie. Without further ado, he took a step inside.


"Zhuzi, one more time… one… two… three… push!" The birthing attendants chanted in the room to encourage the Empress.

"Ah!!!!" Empress Ruyi let out another scream as she put more effort in pushing the baby out. Her initial embarrassment from her husband, the emperor, seeing her undignified appearance long gone.

"Zhuzi! The head is crowning!" The midwife announced with joy, the child's position was correct.

"Fengwan, you heard that? Just a little more. Our child is coming!" Emperor Gongxu who has replaced one of the birthing attendants on holding the empress' hand earlier said with excitement.

Fengwan who had no doubts that she looked like a sweating pig that moment turned her head to look at Emperor Gongxu. As their eyes met, all she saw was the unbridled joy and gentleness in his. Her heart turned soft, and tears caused by the pain of childbirth was replaced by that of longing.

Although she knew that his sincerity towards her was but an illusion that would end after their child was born, she has grown to love him.

"Zhuzi, ready? Please take a deep breath and…" The midwife instructed.

"Fengwan…" Emperor Gongxu whispered.

Fengwan gave a sad smile at Emperor Gongxu. She wanted to say it once while he was still listening. "Zailiang, I love you."

Then, not waiting for his reaction, she faced forward and took a deep breath.

"one… two… three… push!!!" The birth attendants chanted.

Emperor Gongxu, courtesy name Zailiang, was caught off guard by the confession. However, he had no time to delve on her words as all his mind could think of was the safe delivery of his son.

With a silent prayer for the safety of their child and that she would trade her life for a son, Empress Ruyi strengthened her willpower to push. "Ah!!!"

"The baby's coming out, the baby's coming out!" the midwife cried excitedly.

Then, finally…

"Wah… wah… wah…" the cries of a newborn filled the room.

Hearing the sound, Emperor Gongxu immediately dropped empress Ruyi's hand. His son is here. his son is…

"Gong xi, huang Shang! Gong xi, Niang niang! It's a healthy baby girl…" the midwife finally announced with a smile.




Nubi- A deprecatory first-person pronoun by Manchu female officials when addressing the emperor (and the imperial family). A term that can be translated to 'slave' or 'lackey'.

Zhuzhi- 'master', used by empress to call the emperor, used by palace maids to call the empress, etc.

Gong xi- congratulations