Chapter 12: Morning greeting III

Wan Li stood behind the pillar, brows furrowed, eyes closed, and teeth biting her lips. She tried to make herself smaller as she willed herself to disappear.

She already knew by routine that around this time, the emperor, her younger cousin turned brother, should be making his morning greeting to her e'niang. However, when she peeked at the courtyard from her chamber earlier, it was void of the escorting eunuchs, so she thought that they already left. Thus, when Nanny Gui told her that it was time for the morning greeting, she did not dally.

Arriving in her e'niang's pavilion, she casually walked inside. Seeing the center bay empty, she turned to her left wondering if her e'niang already went back to her chamber. That's when she noticed that someone was there and was looking at her.

In her panic and surprise, her first instinct was to hide. The nearest she saw was the pillar. Now, as she stood behind it, she realized how stupid she was. She should have run towards the exit directly! If she did, she won't be troubled with thinking of how she could exit without being seen.

Chancing a glimpse in hopes that he was looking elsewhere, she slowly peeked.


Empress dowager Ruyi knew that her daughter has always been avoiding Li Shan. Well, to be fair and more precise, all strangers in general. However, she thought that there was no need to correct it as Wan Li was a girl. In fact, she saw it as a virtue.

This thinking at that time was not wrong. In the analects for women, it has been explicitly stated that 'the inner and outer quarters are each distinct; the sexes should be segregated. Don't peer over the outer wall or go beyond the outer courtyard. If you have to go outside, cover your face; if you peep outside, conceal yourself as much as possible.'

Although Wan Li has not read the analects for women nor any of the four books for women yet, everyone around her have been taught and have always been practicing such. Thus, in some way, she has already been influenced to act that way.

Anyhow, Ruyi thought that it's also good that Li Shan and Wan Li did not have any interaction in the last 2 years. Li shan was a boy who was crowned too early as emperor. His personality was bound to be, well, spoiled. If Wan Li was exposed to that, there's a high probability that she would also grow up to be the same way.

At present though, Li Shan already saw Wan Li, so there's no more point in prolonging their meeting. Besides, there must be some contact between the two. That way, Li Shan would somehow develop fondness towards his sister.

Seeing her daughter peeking from behind the pillar, she cleared her throat so that she would look her way.

"Wan Li, did you come visit e'niang for your morning greeting?" Ruyi asked.

Wan Li, hearing her e'niang's words, swallowed. She did not want to go out of her hiding place nor answer, but reluctant as she was, it has been ingrained in her to always obey e'niang.

Although she has never witnessed anyone disobey her e'niang, she knew that the consequences must be dire. Lady Yang was once angered by a palace maid, and as punishment, the palace maid received 10 blows from a thick wooden plank. It sounded and looked very painful.

Lady Yang who was high and mighty did not dare disobey e'niang. In that logic, it could only mean that disobeying her e'niang would mean that the punishment would be heavier.

With that in mind, Wan Li slowly moved away from the pillar. With back straight but eyes downcast, she took small steps towards her e'niang. Her face which was usually adorned with a rosy hue already turned pale due to her fright. Her hands were clammy, and she felt cold all over.

Upon arrival inside the room, Wan Li knelt on the ground to greet her e'niang before standing up and placing herself near the wall, trying to put as much space between her and the two unfamiliar beings in the room (Li Shan and Chief Eunuch Jing).

Meanwhile, Li shan continued to fix his gaze on her. When she stood adjacent to him, he figured that they were of the same height.

'E'niang said her name was Wan Li and from the way she said it, Wan Li also calls e'niang, e'niang. Did that mean that she was like him?' He wondered.

Ruyi sighed before smilingly said, "Wan Li, what did Lady Yang teach you?"

Wan Li chewed her bottom lip. After a while, she turned towards Li Shan. Then, with her right hand over her left, she bent her knees and greeted, "Huang shang…" in a miniscule voice akin to a whisper before standing up again.

With that form of address, Li Shan figured that he must be of higher standing than her. All his e'niang(s) called him Huang di and he can't disobey them, on the other hand the others called him huang shang, and they can't disobey him.

Anyway, more curious than anything, he decided to walk towards Wan Li for closer inspection.

Wan Li sensing him coming nearer, took sidesteps to distance herself. When her shoulder hit the wall, due to her fright, she ran towards her e'niang and hid behind her.

Ruyi was so surprised that she did not know if she should scold Wan Li or laugh at her antics.

Lady Yang who also served as one of Ruyi's private tutor and was standing by Empress dowager Ruyi's side could only widen her eyes in shock.

Chief eunuch Jing wanted to shake his head but did not dare to while in the presence of Empress dowager Ruyi.

Li Shan at first was also shocked but after that waned, he laughed. Well, no matter how spoiled he was, he was still a 5-year-old kid. To him, Wan Li's reaction was comparable to a cricket or an animal he sometimes play with.

In a rare show of enthusiasm in front of empress dowager Ruyi, he asked, "e'niang, can I play with her?"
