Chapter 6: The longest 24 hours II

"Lao Foye… how… how did it come to this? How can Huang shang just go without even… without even…" Empress Ruyi trailed with another burst of tears.

Empress dowager Cixui would have given her an eyeroll if she didn't still need to play the part of the ever-caring aunt. After all, she still needs Fengwan's cooperation.

Honestly, she would have not resorted to this if Gongxu just stayed put. But he didn't. He has been restless and just couldn't wait for his turn.

Thus, when she saw that his faction was slowly gaining momentum, she decided to nip them in the bud. The availability of Li Shan, of course also played a huge part.

Anyhow, she placed her palm at the top of Fengwan's head and stroked her hair. Just like that of a master soothing her dog. "According to physician Song, it was cardiac arrest…"

After some time, Fengwan was able to calm down. She realized that she and the empress were the only people inside the room. There was no grieving yet, nor any announcement to the public of the emperor's passing. She directed her confused gaze at the empress dowager.

Empress dowager Cixui understood what was running inside her slow, timid, and dim-witted niece's mind. It irritates her at times, but it was also why she chose her to be his adopted son's wife.

"Fengwan, my niece, Zajia is also mourning huang di's sudden passing. However, there are more important matters currently at stake." Empress dowager Cixui began.

Then, slowly as if explaining to a child she continued, "Huangdi has passed without an heir, and if this were to come out in public, our Qing court will collapse just like that. Do you understand?"

Of course, Fengwan understood. Although she does not have sufficient knowledge when it came to politics, being the empress for two decades made her learn a thing or two. "But Lao foye… how could we… huang di has already…"

"That's why zajia called you here immediately. Come…." Cixui said as she pulled Fengwan's hand to lead her to the table where an imperial scroll was waiting.

"This is…" Fengwan murmured as she began to read its contents. It was an imperial edict stating that since emperor Gongxu and empress Ruyi did not have a male child, they are adopting Aisin Gioro Li Shan, as their son, for the best interest of the great imperial Qing. At the end portion, it has already been stamped with the emperor's seal.

"Li Shan was the son of Huang di's younger brother. Zajia believes that this would also be Huang di's intention." Cixui clarified.

"But… Lao Foye… isn't Li Shan too young? How about Prince Zaiqi's son, Qi Tang?" Fenwang suggested. When she and Emperor Gongxu were still harmonious, he praised Qitang in front of her a couple times.

Cixui was incensed. How dare her question her decision? Did Fengwan think that her wings were sturdy enough? Was she just pretending all this time? No, she knew her niece, especially her capabilities and limitations. She could never think that far ahead.

"Qi Tang is indeed a good child. However, Prince Zaiqi is just Huang di's cousin. Li Shan is the son of Huang di's full blood related brother. In the future, he will care for you and your daughter, Wan Li, more. Fengwan, auntie was thinking for your benefit all this time." Cixui coaxed.

"But… Lao Foye, Li Shan is just too young… I worry that…" Fengwan panicked.

Cixui hugged Fengwan in another display of affection. "Fengwan, this edict will not only ensure the peaceful succession to the throne, but also your and Wan Li's future. If your worry is that you can not handle being the next empress dowager, then don't. Zajia is here to help you. You can rely on Zajia like always..."

Fengwan, at this point, has come to understand what Cixui was alluding to. Again, she might not be very bright, but she would not have survived this long under her aunt without a sense of mastery towards her aunt's attitude.

"Then… my daughter and I can only trouble lao foye… that Lao foye still thinks of this unworthy niece is her blessing of a thousand years… This niece can only be thankful and sorry…" Fengwan said with flattery.

Cixui patted Fengwan's back three times before letting go. Then, she lovingly said as she dabbed Fengwan's tears, "What's with this attitude? It is niece's care and devotion towards this aunt that zajia is thankful for. Tomorrow, zajia will issue an imperial mandate announcing Huang di's passing and Li Shan's ascension to the throne. After the mourning period, you will be the empress dowager and this aunt can only retire. Zajia can only wish for some joy in seclusion, maybe have Wan Li accompany me, she is after all, a very sweet and obedient child."

Fengwan shook her head as she held Cixui's hand, "Lao Foye, how can that be? I will be relying on Lao foye's guidance heavily even in the future. I dare not send Wan Li to add to Lao Foye's troubles. Lao Foye, please do not say those kinds of words. The great imperial Qing will always need Lao Foye." She pleaded.

Cixui more satisfied with her words acquiesced with a smile. "Now, stop those tears. Zajia knows that you are still grieving, but you must also want to meet your new son."

Fengwan furrowed her brows. "Lao Foye… at this hour…"

Cixui placed her right hand on top of Fengwan's that were holding her left. Then, she signaled for her lady-in-waiting to bring in the child.
