Chapter 14: Exposure I

"Wan Li, come stand in front of e'niang." Empress dowager Ruyi instructed after Li Shan left.

Wan Li, who was conscience stricken, slowly followed her mother's instruction. She kept her head low to hide her glistening eyes while she bit her trembling lower lip to stop herself from crying out loud. Although young, she already had a concept of right and wrong.

"Wan Li, e'niang haven't even said anything about what you did earlier, but why are you already like this?" Ruyi asked.

Wan Li hearing her mother's words felt more guilty. Not being able to keep her tears at bay, she used her palms to wipe them. Then she answered while wheezing, "E'niang… Wan Li is s-sorry… Wan Li is wrong…"

Ruyi sighed. "Wan Li, look at e'niang. Do you know what you did wrong?"

Wan Li hearing that her e'niang didn't sound so angry slowly lifted her head. Meeting her mother's kind eyes, her vision again blurred. "E'niang, a-actually, Wan Li has not been sick… Wan Li has just… has just… I'm so sorry e'niang…" she whizzed.

Ruyi initially wanted to reprimand her daughter, but seeing her like this and hearing her reasoning, how could she still bear to? She's barely six and she's already this sensible. Defeated, she just beckoned her over.

Wan Li quickly went and hugged her e'niang.


Stepping out of the palace of gathered elegance, what awaited Li Shan was his large retinue of eunuchs. Quickly, one went on all fours to act as stool for Li Shan to step on towards his palanquin.

Chief Eunuch Jing who was walking behind Li Shan could only pray for his dear soul. Serving a toddler as their emperor was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing as it was easier to enrich themselves behind his back. A curse because Li Shan, as the emperor, was prone to drastic mood swings. What was frightening was that his mood swings weren't as simple as a temper tantrum from a spoiled child.

When he was in a good mood, he could be charming, magnanimous even. He would praise the eunuchs and reward them handsomely with no concept that a piece of high-grade jade bracelet was worth more than what an average farmer can earn in his lifetime.

However, that has become rare as of late. In the past few months, he has turned into a sadist. Realizing that no one could say no nor offend him, he would order innocent eunuchs to be flogged for the lightest transgressions, or even just because, and sometimes, he would even ask them to eat dirt just to satiate his curiosity.

Chief Eunuch Jing was just about to sigh in relief when Li Shan, who was about to step on the eunuch's back, paused.

After Li Shan stepped out of empress dowager Ruyi's pavilion, he has been busy thinking about Wan Li. Although e'niang said that Wan Li has been sick, it still escaped him how he did not manage to know about her. Had he been oblivious? Still, he should have been informed. With this realization, his eyes narrowed into slits. Then he turned to face chief eunuch Jing.

Chief eunuch Jing who saw this almost peed his pants. Although he has always been sly with his words, his logic plays no role in front of the increasingly difficult to placate terror of an emperor. Aside from that, what excuse could he give? Although he was frightened of the little emperor, he would be a greater fool to offend the empress dowager. In the end, he could only hope against hope that by widening his eyes, the emperor would deem him innocent.

Briefly, Li Shan thought of blaming his eunuchs on the spot. However, when he saw the look of confusion and fear on chief eunuch Jing's face, he realized how idiotic that would be.

First, eunuchs were so dumb. So, if he did not know about it, how could they?

Second, he could simply have them flogged anytime he wanted, no need to find a reason to do so.

Last, he wanted to finish the morning greetings to his other e'niangs already. The faster everything gets done, the faster the next day would arrive.

Thus, with these thoughts, he turned back to climb on his palanquin by stepping on the literally man-made stool.

Chief Eunuch Jing who has been holding his breath finally let his shoulders slump as he exhaled through his mouth. Luckily, today was one of those lucky days. Quickly, he took his position which was about 10 paces away from the centre of the procession.


"I have been too lenient with her, haven't I?" Empress dowager Ruyi asked as she let out another sigh.

Lady Yang who just came back after her morning lesson with Wan Li smiled to comfort her. "Niang niang, please do not think that way. In truth, nubi has never seen a child as sensible and kind as Wan Li gongzhu. That is all thanks to niang niang's guidance."

Ruyi shook her head. "I'm afraid that her timidness might cause misunderstanding in the future. It is alright while she is still young like now, but when she gets married, she might get in trouble with her husband and in-laws."

"Niang niang, Wan Li gongzhu is a princess of the first rank. Her future in-laws should not be able to find fault especially that gongzhu is so kind and benevolent. Then for her future fuma (prince consort), even if gongzhu is still young now, nubi have never seen a child more beautiful." Lady Yang enthusiastically praised.

Ruyi couldn't stop the upward tilt of her lips. Who wouldn't be happy hearing their child being complimented? What's more, she knew that they weren't just lip-service.

Wan Li was a very obedient and sweet child. Growing up, she has never given her any troubles. Save for being shy and timid, she would say that her child was the best. Then, when it came to looks, she must admit that although Gongxu named her in contempt, the name he bestowed suited their daughter perfectly.
