Chapter One - An Unlikely Encounter

Part I

Chapter One - An Unlikely Encounter

4 months ago…

In a regular apartment building somewhere where one can find most of the lower and lower-middle-class civilians of Konoha, is where Naruto Uzumaki currently resided for five years since he turned eighteen. He started to move out of the Sarutobi mansion summer before his Freshman year at Konoha University. It was a difficult adjustment in his new phase of life at that time but he still managed to balance his life considering how easy-going and goofy he can be most of the time. He had different kinds of part-time jobs while studying to pay bills at his apartment and his daily expenses at university. He has no parents, siblings, and not even close relatives, and it always remains a mystery to him whether he has one of those but maybe they're either deceased or somewhere in the world. The governor of Konoha, who was also a philanthropist and active in reaching out to aid in orphanages, sheltered him when he was seven and served as his guardian until he became an adult.

There were scattered unfolded clothes at the end of his bed, sofa, chair, and even on his desk chair. Empty cups of noodles, milk cartons, and chips were all over his coffee table. On his desk lies all the random papers and documents from the errands he did at the Governor's office and some law books his former professor, Iruka, lent him so he could study for his upcoming admissions tests in a few months. It's still a mystery to him as to how he can manage his life in general considering he can't even maintain his apartment in order.

Naruto slowly opened his eyes as he was awakened by the streak of sunlight from his window. He forgot to pull the curtains down before going to bed. Last night was a hectic dinner shift at Ichiraku Ramen, it was tiring especially after closing when they had to clean up and prepare for tomorrow morning's shift.

"Oh no…" He muttered as the thought of being late for work instantly sank into his mind. Just then in split seconds he kicked his blanket and jumped out of the bed, not even caring whether it'll make him dizzy as he just literally woke up. His head and eyes were both undecided about whether he should go for the fridge for a quick breakfast, go for the bathroom to groom himself, go for his messy wardrobe to prepare the clothes he'll be wearing, or go for his desk to start arranging and packing all the documents he needed to bring at work. "Ah, whatever, dattebayo!" Then he raced towards the bathroom. In less than half an hour, he was able to do all those by pacing back-and-forth in his whole apartment with his adrenaline rush, except that he didn't have a decent breakfast with just a slice of bread. His go-to quick meal was always a cup of instant ramen but that would take longer as he'll be needing to boil water, let the noodles cook for a couple of minutes, cool off the soup for a bit, and next thing he'll know is his chances of catching up to work before eight are gone.

He grabbed his brown leather briefcase where he kept all his work documents and his apartment keys before getting out. He barely wore his buttoned white shirt and brown vest neatly. Usually, he would just groom himself on the way or at work on the spot right after he was able to time-in. "Naruto, running late for work, again, eh?" He heard a familiar feminine voice from his left and the sound of suitcase wheels brushing against the concrete floor.

There he finds a petite brown-haired woman. She is wearing a cocktail dress underneath an unbuttoned coat and fishnet stockings and is carrying bags with her. "Hey, Tenten, you're back!" He greeted me with a bit of enthusiasm while locking the door. "How was your trip?" He asks to sound polite and interested in her return.

Tenten couldn't decide where to start telling about her travels. "Oh, it was so beautiful there. Although I couldn't understand a thing on their food menus so I always pick out the most random dish and some French people can be - bitchy. But hey - at least I got to travel across the world for once in my life." But she was well aware that Naruto is running late for work and she can't keep the conversation too long.

Tenten lives next door. They're not really close to one another but they do greet one another whenever they bump into each other every morning before he goes to work or every night when he comes back home and Tenten is on her way to work. He doesn't know much about the girl's life other than she uses her body in pleasing men for a living. It is not a surprise to all the residents in the apartment and even in their neighborhood street. Honestly speaking, he admires her courage to brush off those judgments from people who know nothing about her life. Lately, he's heard rumors, or maybe not a rumor at all, that Tenten was offered to become an escort of a wealthy aristocrat who made her tag along to travel in Europe. How else would she fund her travel? But whether they're true or somehow fabricated by the gossip neighbors, he did not care at all. Although deep inside Naruto's thoughts, he hopes that she'll be able to find another means of living for the better. Just seeing Tenten all the time made him thankful of the opportunities given to him by several people where he does not have to resort to those kinds of jobs just to survive. Hopefully, someday she can just find someone to settle with and have a happy family of her own where doesn't have to strip off for a living, he thought.

"Glad you enjoyed it there. I wish I could travel someday too." Finally, he was able to complete all the three locks of his door before he bid goodbye to her. "Anyway, gotta run. See ya!" He gradually disappears until the end of the apartment floor hallway as he runs. While she was unlocking and trying to look for her apartment keys in the pockets of her coat, a man with bulky muscles puffing a cigarette early in the morning happened to pass by behind her.

"Hey, Tenten, how much for a head, are you fully booked tonight?" Jet mocked her and intentionally puffed a smoke of cigarette in front of her. "Did you enjoy your trip with your sugar daddy?"

"Yeah, in your dreams, Jet, I wouldn't even cup your balls for one grand!" She immediately responded with sarcasm and eye-roll. "And get lost, your breath stinks! Or I'll tell your wife you groped my boobs last month." She added as she shoved her door open and slammed the door close in front of Jet. Her apartment is almost exactly like Naruto's except that it is more neat, organized, and womanly, and she has a vanity table and a large wardrobe in the corner where she does her makeup before going to work. She slid the strap of her two duffel bags from her shoulders and just let them drop on the floor. Same with the wheeled suitcase that she just parked in the corner. She'll unpack later or maybe tomorrow before going back to her work at the strip club. It was a tiring one-month trip, not because she was able to explore the beauty of France, but because she was there to please the man who rented her while traveling.

As she slid her coat down to her arms, it revealed several dark-red and purple bruises seemingly scattered on her neck, chest, and arms. Not all were caused by the aggressive kissing of her client. She had a lot of clients who were often rough, but she's used to it already. She'd actually be more surprised if she'll ever encounter a gentleman client. It was a rather draining flight and she needs to recharge. She walked towards her vanity table where she took off all her fake and authentic gold earrings, bangles, and black choker and wiped off her makeup. More bruises appeared on her body after stripping off all her garments before stepping into the shower for a rinse. There were some between her thighs, abdomen, and back. Most were unintentionally caused by the aggressiveness of her sadistic clients who take pleasure in hitting her. Afterward, she spotted an unopened letter at her doorstep which she did not notice right away earlier because of Jet. She took it and started ripping off the envelope as walks toward her dresser.


Your cousin's daughter needs the money for the tuition fee soon. Your father needs more money for dialysis. And Mr. Chiu says he's only giving us a month to pay all your father's gambling debts. He came here last week and threatened us that if we don't pay, he'll do something to hurt us. Send the money as soon as you return from your trip.


Disappointed, Tenten crumpled the paper and tossed it in the bin near the sink but it missed and just landed on the floor. What was she expecting from them, good news or at least a 'how are you, our dear daughter, after escorting a middle-aged elite man in Europe'? She is physically tired so she tries her best to ignore it for the meantime to not let it distress her first thing in the morning and after a tiring trip. On her dresser, she just quickly grabbed the most comfortable white shirt, cotton shorts, and thin underwear she had before throwing herself onto the bed.

"Home sweet home…" She muttered under her breath before falling into a deep slumber. That's just the way it is in her everyday life, asleep in the morning and up all night. She had to recharge for the whole day and most probably go back to work tonight or tomorrow night.

Naruto arrived a minute before the clock striked eight at the Governor's Office, panting and sweating. It is not a surprise to the people at the entrance and reception to find him pedaling his bicycle with all his might just to reach the building and reception on time for the last minute. It was a utility bike gifted to him by the governor on his eighteenth birthday and until now he still uses it in running errands and going to work in the city. He occasionally goes cycling uptown on the outskirts of Konoha with Hiruzen's grandson who lends him a mountain bike, which makes racing to work a piece of cake for him. Naruto may have been independent most of his life as an orphan, but most people are well-aware of how reckless he can be. May it be at work, outside, home, or even when he was still studying, he's typically that person who often knocks things over and acts out of emotions over petty stuff. Nevertheless, he is always able to achieve his goals in the most unusual or silliest ways which does surprise a lot of people.

Today was just any other typical day during office hours. Anko His last stop was at Governor Hiruzen's office to drop off important documents before his work shift ends. He knocked on the door before poking his head in the small gap of the door and greeting the governor. "Lord Hiruzen, good afternoon." When the old man signaled him with his hand, he entered the room with a pile of paperwork. He walked towards the governor's desk and quickly reviewed each filed document he had. "Here are the papers for the contract signing with the Senjus…these are the financial reports for the ongoing project in Konoha orphanage, and…I believe this is the timetable for the bridge construction project." He placed the last folder on the desk until he was holding nothing. "There! Anything else?"

The old man skimmed the folders and piles of papers placed on his desk one by one. "Thank you, Naruto." He gave the boy a nod. "That'll be all for now. By the way, how were your law school applications?" He asked, which opened a different topic between him and the boy. He's actually been meaning to ask how he had been doing, after all, he was his legal guardian before he turned eighteen, and now could be the chance to initiate such a topic.

Naruto stuttered for a bit, "Well, I-uh, I'm working on it. I mean, I did send applications to at least four universities."

"Were you studying for the admission tests?" Hiruzen asked once more, which made Naruto scratch his head.

"S-sometimes? On weekends…Sir Iruka helped me study last Sunday." He stammered a bit, unsure of the genuine words to use that would not make him a slack-off. "But, hey! I achieved my goal of reading books for at least…one hour a day?"

The old man sighed who was a bit dismayed as he was expecting more from the efforts he is putting up to. "Naruto, you are aware that I cannot sponsor your studies this time anymore, right? You still have unpaid student loans. I have new other young scholars to prioritize now. So, you're on your own to get a scholarship. That's a different problem, your main goal first is to pass the admission tests. You still need to get three more recommendation letters. You need to gather other important records from your college. Your grades aren't the best, so I suppose you double your efforts to ace the admission exams so you would also get a chance to qualify for a scholarship and other financial assistance? Or get into law school in general."

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the governor of Konoha, sheltered him for as long as he could remember. He wasn't really adopted or technically officially part of their family, but fostered by the old man. Even though he sleeps in one of the servants' chambers, he was never maltreated in any way by Hiruzen. Of course, to at least show gratitude, he would always help around the household even though there were servants, butlers, cooks, and maids to keep the mansion in order. He didn't want anyone in the mansion to see him as an entitled orphan who just got lucky to be fostered by the wealthy and powerful governor. Hiruzen is a widow with only one son who, unfortunately, was killed in the military after an encounter with terrorists. He still has two grandchildren and one of them lives in the mansion, Konohamaru, with who Naruto gets along very well with just like a younger brother he never had.

After he got his bachelor's degree in Political Science, Hiruzen gave him an entry-level job at the governor's office. It doesn't pay much but well enough to cover all his basic monthly bills and expenses, including his student loan. He didn't mind whatever position he was offered as he firmly believes that one has to eventually start below to get to the top, which he is eager to endure to achieve his goals and dreams. Most of the time he only does office work and errands, but there are times Hiruzen makes him tag along to attend council meetings, project sites, charity programs, and many more learnings by actual experience and observation that are priceless as compared to a one-month salary of just running errands in the office. He is not the most knowledgeable person by the book, in fact, he hated reading and constantly failed written exams back then. Most people are surprised he was interested in law and politics considering how he used to have low comprehension of case studies and readings in general. It was his persistence, hard work, and philosophy that helped him survive and reach his place as of the moment from being an orphan. He wasn't one of the best students in the class, to begin with, he failed and repeated some classes, but still, he managed to finish his studies. He could proudly say he was better than he was before but he believes he still has a long way to go. Hard Work, perseverance, and experience had been his best teachers.

"Yes, I do and I already have two - from you, and…?" He started counting inside his head. "Oh, and Sir Iruka agreed he'd write me one!" He said eagerly.

Hiruzen once again sighed at the idea that he might not be taking his step-by-step milestones toward his goal to get accepted into law school seriously. He is well aware of how easygoing the boy could be, but not to the extent where his career and future rely on. "I'm gonna attend a ball tonight and I don't have a plus one with me-"

But Naruto blurted out with a spark in his eyes which interrupted the old man, "Oh, cool, sure I'll go with you as long as there's free food, fancy wine, and-oh, can I take home food too-?"

"I'm not finished." Hriuzen cuts him off and clears his throat before continuing. "Anway, it's a ball hosted by Lady and Lord Hyuga to debut their first daughter in the society. Their law firm annually offers a scholarship program for selected students who want to go to law school and their hospital for those in medical school. I believe your friend Sakura is familiar with it as it was what helped her get into medical school. It's actually an internship and there'll be an assessment of whether you are qualified and deserving to get sponsored. If you come with me, I might get the chance to introduce and refer you to them. It'll be much easier than having your application forms sitting in their office with hundreds of other applicants. If you get a recommendation letter from them alone, your chances of getting into law school could increase for a bit - even if you don't really do so well in the exams. Completing an internship with them alone could benefit your resume in the future, I suppose. The ball starts at seven. Are you interested?" He then asked after explaining his intentions, but he doubts if the boy even comprehended every word he just said.

"Oh, seven…" Naruto scratched his head with his eyes glancing up at the ceiling. "I-i'm not sure. I really want to go, but it's just that I promised old man Teuchi that I'll help him cover his dinner service since his daughter won't be around."

"You got another job?" Hiruzen raised a brow at him. "At a ramen shop?"

"Well, just a part-time job, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Just an extra source of money." Naruto explained. He started working at Ichiraku's last month. The dinner shift had been hectic for the past few months, Teuchi, the owner, needed at least two more manpower in serving food and helping around the kitchen. So he offered Naruto, who had always been his loyal customer for a decade and who happened to be looking for a part-time job. Naruto did not hesitate at all, especially the part when he said he gets a free bowl of ramen every after shift.

"Do you need a raise or something? I can go talk to the Human Resource directly if ever you badly need one." Hiruzen asked. While it is a gesture Naruto genuinely appreciates, at some point, he hated how the old man would constantly offer a hand to him as if he couldn't stand on his own.

Naruto airily waved his hands. "N-no! That won't be necessary, Lord Hiruzen. I mean, you have helped me a lot since I was a kid. You financially supported me until I was eighteen, sponsored my studies, and helped me get a student loan. It's more than enough financial help you can give me. I just genuinely wanted to earn more - at my favorite place. Besides, I get a free bowl of ramen every after shift, so not bad." He further elaborated. Ichiraku Ramen has always been his go-to place to eat since he attended the academy at seven. Not only is the place affordable among other restaurants, but it also serves the best ramen in Konoha, at least for him and its other loyal customers for more than a decade.

"I see." The old man nodded slightly. "Feel free to do your own ways in handling your finances and jobs. Anyway, if you can manage to catch up to the ball, try to do so. It would be a waste of opportunity if ever. I don't get to interact with the Hyugas that much, so this might be one of your opportunities in improving your resume and getting into law school." Hiruzen pulled one of his drawers open where he took a small two-fold card and placed it on his desk. "If ever you can make it, just use this extra plus-one invitation card that I have. Konohamaru and I have separate ones, and I'm sure he'll be delighted if you could come and keep him company before he gets bored and does something silly."

A few more hours left before the evening ball hosted by Lord and Lady Hyuga to debut their first-born daughter in the society and marriage mart exclusively for the noble clans in Konoha. The marriage mart is an annual tradition of the ruling elites of noble clans in Konoha where they parade their future heirs and heiresses in various social gatherings with the hopes of finding them a compatible spouse of their social class. Most parents would debut their daughters when they turn eighteen, but Lord Hiashi Hyuga believes that her daughter is not yet perfect and fit enough to take over their wealth, businesses, and clan, and to present herself in the elite society they live in. She was sent to a business school for four years at sixteen and a year later she is about to make her debut with the hopes of finding a suitable spouse both for her and the clan. Countless people of different classes debate this tradition but the elites of Konoha, nonetheless, kept practicing it from one generation to another to secure the legacy and class of their lineage. The Hyugas are one of the noble clans as their family business holds the majority of the agricultural lands and commercial estates that kept one-fourth of the economy rising, one of the most accessible private hospitals, and the largest law firms in the wealthy province of Konoha.

Hinata had been sitting in her white silk robe in front of her vanity table for more than an hour already as the maids fixed her hair and make-up. Deep down inside she's hoping that they won't make her wear another tight gown with a corset underneath that makes it so difficult for her to breathe, walk, and eat dinner. What is a fun party if she cannot enjoy the foods and beverages served?

When the maids were done with her hair, she checked herself out in the mirror in a curly updo with two loose curls hanging on both sides of her face. Beside her bed was a mannequin where the hundred-thousand peach ball gown she'll be wearing for the nightstands, that her mother had sewn from one of the world-class couturiers in Italy. While she does appreciate the gesture and effort of her parents to give her the best and she does not deny that it is indeed an exquisite design of a ball gown, deep down inside she could already imagine the possible inconvenience and discomfort it will cause her the whole night. Not that she isn't trained to be the graceful Hyuga heiress in a regular ball gown like she is, but she is just not in favor of her mother always trying to force her to look unrealistically slender in almost everything she wears. Just as her mother often says how she is heavy and almost plumpy for someone who does ballet. How Lady Hitomi would force her to eat less or fast for more than twelve hours. She isn't petite nor too round but she weighs a little heavy due to her height and with some 'baby fats' in her belly, thighs, and arms.

"Natsu, I think I'm fine with just this hairstyle. I-i don't really like a lot of clips on my hair and the tiara, they're a bit distracting and heavy, especially when dancing."

"I'm sorry but your mother insists so. She said your father got these hair embellishments from France. They cost a fortune so your guests must see you wearing these." Natsu told her apologetically. Hinata just nodded, as if she could do something about it, but at least she gave it a try. Of course, they had to flaunt small things that they could afford with their wealth in public. Natsu carefully placed the silver flower hair clip on her updo and scattered silver hair glitter all over her head. Finally, the small tiara on top of her forehead which she secured with two bobby pins. The other maids assisted her in putting on her corset and petticoat first for the underneath layer. She could feel her insides being compressed together for every hard pull Natsu does to tighten her corset just the way Lady Hitomi wanted to. By the time she slipped on the peach off-shoulder ball gown and when Nastu was trying to zip her up, she had to hold her breath to tuck in her belly. She could feel how the gown tightened on her compared to when she fitted it on last week. Hanabi had been sneaking food to her room at midnight as she couldn't stand skipping dinner and waiting until brunch the next day.

Her head and the maids' turned to the door as they heard a knock. A tall and neat long-haired man with the same lavender eyes and pale glass-like complexion as hers entered the room. "Brother Neji!" Hinata approached him with a small peck on his cheek. "When did you return? I thought you weren't going to make it tonight." She asked with glee.

"Excuse us." Natsu and the other maids slightly bowed their heads down to both of them before leaving the room to give them privacy.

"Just this afternoon. I wouldn't miss your debut, of course." He told her and glanced at her from head to foot. "You look stunning." He admired her. Knowing her brother, he gives verbal compliments once in a blue moon, but she was an exception tonight or most of the time at least. Neji is technically her cousin and her late uncle's only son, but nonetheless, she prefers to address and regard him as her own older brother whom she never had. He started living with them at the mansion after his father died when he was twelve. Her parents aren't really fond of the idea, as the whole clan always branded him as the son of a bitch - literally. But they didn't really have any choice as they are the closest living relative of Neji and they took him in, nonetheless, to at least return the debt of gratitude they owe his father.

Hinata shrugged, "Well, it's nothing special for me. I'd love to travel to Italy with you instead, or take a master's degree." She had been home-schooled from childhood until her teenage days and she did not get to experience what it was like to grow up and make friends with people of her age. When she took up her bachelor's degree in Business that major in Real Estate Management, her university life was nothing compared to being home-schooled at all. She had bodyguards following her around the campus whenever she had classes or during her vacant period which made most of the other students feel awkward hanging out with her. She made at least two friends throughout her university but they are not in touch anymore after graduation. She wasn't even allowed to hang out after class, literally home-university-home-university, repeat. Right after she graduated just a year ago, her parents immediately started prepping her to take over all their family business soon, much better before she gets married or before she produces another heir. "Who wants to throw a ball for the sake of hoping some man will take an interest in marriage to you, anyway? There are so much more things to do in life outside, other than getting married, taking over the family business, and producing a new heir." Neji could sense the anxiety unintentionally starting to build up in her voice.

Hinata made a list of possible suitors in her head for the past few days. She started off with heirs or sons of other clans that are the same or of close age as hers. Shikamaru of the Nara clan is a likely candidate since the boy was a year older than her. But she heard that Shikamaru joined the military the moment he turned eighteen and is unlikely to be looking for a wife to settle down anytime soon as he hasn't been seen in any social gatherings and balls lately. Besides, there were also rumors that he is interested in Miss Ino of the Yamanaka clan. There are the heirs of Aburame and Inuzuka whom she attended Arithmetic and French classes back then. It would be easier for her if ever it would be one of them since she formed a friendship with them already instead of a suitor she and her family barely know. Although in case one of the two does really take an interest in her, she doubts her parents would easily agree as both of their parents are merely an earl and countess. Her parents wanted more than that or at least someone that is on the same level as their family. The last one in her mind was Choji Akimichi who would most likely not even be interested in her or any ladies at all other than the buffet tables at every social gathering.

"You know back then, Hanabi and I made a bet on who are you most likely going to marry: I placed my bet on Sasuke and Hanabi on Itachi, in spite of the eight-year age gap, because Sasuke was dating a commoner at that time. I told Hanabi it wouldn't last because Lord Fugaku is likely going to break them up and force him to marry an heiress or at least some lady from a noble clan. Unfortunately, that bet was off after the…Uchiha massacre." He said in an attempt to lighten up her mood, but the tone of his voice lowered down by the last sentence. "By the way, it was Hanabi who initiated the bet, not me." He made it clear.

If only the Uchihas did not succumb to that tragic massacre seven years ago, her parents would most likely do everything to get her married to one, and it would probably be the wedding of the century in the elite society of Konoha if ever. She remembered Sasuke, the youngest Uchiha heir who's just a year or two older than her. They met at several balls and social gatherings, they danced together out of formality, but she didn't really get to exchange a casual conversation with him at all. Like her, he hated social gatherings, he preferred to talk less, and would rather read a book in a room alone and mind his own business than interact with a bunch of socialites. There were rumors back then that Sasuke was seeing a girl of his age that doesn't belong to any of the noble clans, precisely why he sparked no complete interest in any heiresses at all during elite parties. She felt really bad for the boy when she read and heard the news about what happened to his whole family and that he allegedly went missing after being recruited by a terrorist group outside Konoha. She wondered how Sasuke was holding up until now after their whole clan was wiped out from the hands of his own brother.

"I know." Hinata forced a smile and took a deep breath. "I don't even know if I can be a perfect wife. I haven't even experienced dating or going steady with someone. I'm " Hinata is unlikely to randomly blurt out things or generally speak too much as compared to her younger sister, but with Neji (other than Hanabi), she always felt safe to rant her sentiments to him. She loved how her brother can still be comforting and encouraging without sugarcoating harsh realities and consequences whatsoever.

Neji placed a hand on her shoulder, "You don't have to entertain every suitor or rush in accepting whatever proposal. Take your time to get to know them at least, even though you only have a few months. You wouldn't know what it takes to be perfect, well, not really perfect, but let's just say a good wife, until you're there. You'll learn along the way. Anyway, I just want you to know that I'll be staying here until you find a suitable husband this season. Of course, I want to see to it that he'll be committed to you and will take good care of you. Then I'll go back to Italy to finish my master's and most likely go to law school there. I'll return if Hanabi is to make her debut, which I doubt, as she might probably end up being a spinster."

"Thank you, brother. I really missed you, I had no one to talk to except Hanabi, but you know - most of the time she would always initiate a conversation or argument as to how this marriage mart thing is ridiculous and then rant about all her feminism sentiments. And Haya, as usual, he's always busy with his piano rehearsals for his upcoming recital." She said, while Neji listened just so he could know what had been going on with his siblings while he was away.

"By the way…" Neji handed her two books that he had been holding with his other hand. "I got you these, as a gift, before I left Florence. I thought you'd like some lovey-dovey, 'Romeo and Juliet-ty' novel. And I remembered you mentioned in your previous letters that you've been into social sciences lately. I'm not really certain if they're good, so just find it out on your own." Neji knows her uncanny interest in romance novels and poems. As hopeless romantic as it sounds for him, he just got it to support and make his sister delighted with whatever she is interested in anyway. Although if her father would see her reading romantic novels and poems, he'd get pissed off and insist she read economics, business, management, and accounting books instead. That makes more sense for an heiress like her. Basically, anything that does not have to do with running their family business and projecting the image of a perfect daughter to the public is nothing but pure nonsense.

Hinata's eyes sparkled more than any of the jewelry and other golden gifts she received. "Thank you for these." She sat on the small couch at the end of her bed and started flipping the pages, softly sniffing their essence. She placed the bigger book on top of her dresser and then admired the smaller one that is the same size as a pocketbook but thicker. "This one could fit in my purse. I can start reading it later if I get bored with my own ball. I do hope it's a happy ending. The last novel that I read was so tragic." Neji's serious nature isn't fond of cheesy novels as he preferred non-fiction or political ones that are relevant to society. Nonetheless, he just watched her excitement.

Their conversation was cut short by a knock on the door. "Miss Hinata, your mother wants to see you." The maid's head poked from the small gap in the door and left right away. In just a few seconds, Lady Hitomi Hyuga entered the room. Lady Hitomi has the same long dark-blue hair as her first daughter, but unlike Hinata, Neji, and the other pure-blooded Hyugas, they have lavender eyes which are rare qualities their genes possess. Hitomi has sharp green eyes that make her elegance intimidating and wicked. At forty-four years of age, anyone could mistake her for Hinata and Hanabi's sister with her classy and ageless beauty. One could only guess how much of her fortune she invests to retain her youth.

"Hitomi-I-i mean, Lady Hitomi…" Neji stammered as he almost called his Uncle's wife on a first-name basis. He doesn't really call her Aunt as she preferred being addressed with 'Lady' and she isn't related to him by blood. He bowed his head down a little to greet her politely in front of Hinata. An unnoticed rising tension in the atmosphere between Neji and Hitomi occurred as his lavender eyes shifted somewhere else, anywhere but from her sharp green eyes.

"Neji…I didn't know you were back." Hitomi said but Neji did not say a word to her, which is very much clear to her. She did not want her daughter to notice the silence beginning to cloud the room between them. She cleared her throat and told him, "Excuse us, I'd like to have a moment with my daughter and help her get ready". Those eyes, Neji thought. God knows how he hated them. Her eyes stood out among the identical lavender eyes of all the Hyuga clan. A wicked glare that constantly left him no choice but to bow down to her.

Neji turned his head to Hinata. "I'll see you in the ballroom tonight."

Hinata nodded with a slight curve on her lips. "Thank you, again. See you later." She told him. Neji started walking towards the door, past Hitomi who looked at him but he did not dare to glance at her at all.

When the door clicked shut, Hitomi approached her daughter with her arms extended. "Look at you…so exquisite." She admired her own daughter in the hundred-thousand ball gown she had it sewn from Europe. Hinata stood up from her seat to face the same level as Hitomi. "Thanks, mother. Although this dress got tighter since we went for the fitting and these hairpins are a bit uncomfortable with the tiara." She was hesitant at first to make a not-so-positive say from what Hitomi asked, not asked, rather ordered her to wear it on her debut night. If Hitomi says so, it should and must be done. She despised people giving unpleasant side comments or hesitations to however she wanted everything to be.

"No, it's perfectly fine, dear. You look perfect. You have to be perfect tonight." Hitomi insisted. Perfect. Those were the words that you wouldn't be surprised if they didn't come out of her parents' mouths. "You're going to marry the perfect man, you'll be the perfect wife. You'll be the perfect mother to raise perfect children." She whispered to her daughter while grooming the skirt of her gown with her hands.

She was Hitomi Hashimoto before she became Hiashi's wife at age twenty, the only daughter of a marchioness and viscount who were one of the most prominent families in the continent. Hiashi is the firstborn twin, which initially made him the heir and his parents favored him over his brother all the time. They insist it's always been the way the lineage works in the clan, but Hanabi being the nosy and opinionated Hyuga she is, argued that her grandfather just simply favored her father over its twin, that's all. Both Hiashi and Hitomi's parents made them marry upon closing a partnership deal with the Hyugas' real estate development and the Hashimotos' hotel and casino lines in Konoha. Hiashi had always been interested in Hitomi when she made her debut in the society, he was one of her suitors, much to both of their families' favor. But for Hitomi, their marriage is nothing but living proof of their family business partnership. She wanted someone else at that time but ended up marrying Hiashi just as what both of their families wanted. On the day of their wedding, she realized that she can have everything, everything but marrying for love.

Of course, she did try to love her husband along the way, especially when their three children, Hinata, Hanabi, and Haya came after their second year of marriage and so on. As much as possible she didn't want to quarrel with him in front of their children and not especially if other people outside the household were to find out about it. It would disappoint both their parents and families. They have to project themselves as the perfect family to maintain a good image in the public. She wouldn't risk any kind of scandal or gossip that might affect their business relations and taint both of their family names in general. Not that they are also planning to enter the world of politics in Konoha once Hinata had taken over in managing their businesses. The public frowns upon dysfunctional families.

But Hinata may have been underestimated by her own parents. She isn't blind or numb not to sense that there is something different from the way her parents treat one another. They are on good terms, so far she hasn't heard about having an extra-marital affair from one of them. None of them are physically abusive. But as she grew up, she realized that she never saw any spark between the two of them. Her former professor at the university, Kurenai Yuhi, was the wife of Lord Hiruzen's late son. She is dear to her and had met her husband a couple of times back then. Seeing them all the time made her notice how her own parents never looked at each other, and laughed, talked, and bonded with each other the way they did. The only times she'll ever see her parents in each other's arms or at least kissing is if there are other people around but never inside their own home. When Kurenai's husband got killed in an encounter with a terrorist group, the unconditional love for him instantly turned into the eternal pain of losing another half of her existence.

Now that she is about to enter a new phase in her life, she hopes to experience that kind of love she never saw in her parents' two decades of marriage. While her scope of choosing a potential other half was narrowed down to solely for the elites, she still wanted her marriage to work out of love, respect, and faithfulness. Not a pretentious one. And certainly not an abusive one. She can go through the worst phase of her life with that person as long as he does the same to her. She desired a give-and-take relationship in her marriage that isn't a business transaction of any sort. The idea of soon falling in love and getting married indeed thrills her, but at the same time anxious about what painful battle awaits her. Will it be as painful as Kurenai's loss of her husband? She hopes not.

The ball started at seven in the evening. Most guests arrived an hour before it even started and they had more time to admire the function hall Hitomi rented. The moment Hinata walked down the grand staircase to the ballroom, her presence embodied the epitome of pure grace, beauty, and innocence, seemingly dropping the jaws of almost every gentleman watching. Most of the guests probably did not even notice how she is having a hard time inhaling air with her corset underneath and maintaining her balance with the tight and closed four-inch heels she is currently wearing. She is used to it, but deep down inside she always hoped to wear something that'll allow her to move freely. The first two hours of the ball were just cotillions and formal dances with gentlemen, chatting with guests, classical music intermission number of known opera singers and orchestra, and drinking and eating all exquisite menu prepared by world-class chefs and cooks. Hitomi hired all the best services to make this evening perfect. Everything seems to be going well for the first two hours of the night. All it takes to achieve that whole perfection in the public is once Hinata attracts an eligible bachelor of a noble clan.

After an hour of dancing and casual interaction with guests and gentlemen to entertain and thank them for attending, her attention shifted to her father pushing its way from the pool of people to the middle of the ballroom. "Hinata!" Hinata heard her father's voice call from behind. She turned around and found him with a man, who was a stranger to her, with pale skin and shaggy white hair that nonetheless still made him look neat. The timing couldn't have been perfect as Hitomi just made her talk to some gentleman who's the son of one of their business associates, which she finds uncomfortable and too awkward to talk to. Just when she thought she could escape all the socializing and just eat at her own party, there came Hiashi with another man and with three men behind, whom she supposed are his bodyguards. "Dear, there you are. I'd like you to meet Prince Toneri Otsutsuki. He was the son of the late Prince and Princess of the Principality of Tomutsuki. He traveled all the way from Europe where he just finished his studies and manages a business just to make it tonight.`` Hiashi introduced the man to her. Much to her dismay, of course, it is another gentleman they'll force her to make acquaintance with.

"Finally, in the flesh, Miss Hinata." Toneri grabbed her gloved right hand and planted a kiss on her knuckles. With his looks, other women would have already swooned if they were in her shoes. "I heard a lot of great things about you from your parents." The man told her as soon as he gently released her hand. Hinata isn't surprised, of course, her parents would do that. They always have to aim at telling people the best stories on how they raised well-bred children that will all soon take over their legacy. Although most of the time, they prefer Haya being the highlight of their achievements. It just so happened that she is the firstborn child, and a daughter, not Haya. "I must say I did not expect that you look a lot more charming in person than those front-page headlines of your family's portrait." He complimented. He wasn't the first one to ever compliment Hinata but she still felt awkward sometimes. She could see from her sideways how there were a couple of guests staring at him, probably intrigued by the fact a prince was just introduced to her. She met two or three other princes back then but they weren't potential suitors or spouses.

"Thank you. It's a pleasure to meet you…Your Highness." She politely addressed him with a curtsy. The Principality of Tomutsuki, she heard of it and read it in newspapers and books. Maybe she just doesn't recognize Toneri's name and looks, but a few years ago she read that a new prince in Tomutsuki was proclaimed a few weeks after the death of the current prince, his father. If she wasn't mistaken, the princess, his mother, died upon his birth. That's all she knew based on the few random articles she read in newspapers. She was clueless that one of her parents' business associates outside Konoha was with a prince.

"We actually bumped into each other in St. Tropez two weeks ago and that's when I mentioned your debut and I invited him. He has a booming winery there and I'm certain you'd find it lovely if only you were with us. It's also where he finished his master's degree." Hiashi said. Why would she be interested in it? She doesn't and isn't even allowed to drink any kind of alcohol at all in spite of being of legal age already. Hitomi forbade her to, saying it will only make it difficult to lose weight. Alcohol, especially beer, will only make her belly more bloated. She just forced a small curve in her lips and nodded slightly to show interest out of politeness and formality.

Both briefly talked about their short meeting in France for a couple of minutes with Hinata on her father's side just to listen and keep nodding to act interested. Blah, blah, blah. She could barely hear and comprehend words from their mouth and even from other people around her. Hanabi isn't around to keep her company and she guessed she might be being pestered by their mother to get close to the governor's grandson who's just around her age. Neji must be somewhere around, she last saw him speaking to the dolly Yamanaka lady after the first cotillion. She just keeps roaming her eyes around the ballroom and hopes to find any possible way to escape her

"Excuse me, Your Highness. I just have to attend to something." Hiashi told Toneri, then turned to his daughter. "Hinata, why don't you keep His Highness entertained? I'll be right back." Then he walked out of the spot they've been standing on since their brief introduction to one another. Not again, she thought. It wasn't the first time her parents told her this. When they say keep someone entertained in a gathering, they mean that a certain person is somebody. That person is not a regular or just some random guest they should attend to for a couple of minutes in the middle of the party. That person must be impressed at all costs.

Toneri faked a cough to catch her attention and break the silence between them. Other people were starting to look at them, wondering how Hinata Hyuga does not seem to be interested in a prince. "My apologies if I was not able to make it to the first dance, Miss Hinata. My travel has been delayed. Perhaps, you wanna go for a walk out in the garden instead?" He politely asked her.

It is a prince talking to her. Her introverted and shy nature couldn't think of other words to refuse a prince's kind gesture to make acquaintance with her. "S-sure, Y-your Highness." Hinata nodded and just thought it might be a great excuse to go out for some fresh air or rather momentarily escape from her own ball. Yes, it's perfect and maybe she could sit down in the garden and start reading the pocketbook Neji gave her. Better socialize with one rather than with every single person in the ballroom. Or maybe this gentleman might be interesting to get to know. "Please give Miss Hinata and me some privacy. We'll be back in an hour." He told the men behind him. They nodded and walked away, leaving the two of them alone on the spot. "Shall we?" Toneri turned his arched right arm towards Hinata, signaling her to serve as her escort for the night. Hinata wrapped her arm on his and they both walked out of the ballroom to the garden.

The music and chattering noises of guests from the inside gradually fade away as the two disappear into the garden. There were only a few lamp posts lit in the garden pathway where Toneri accompanied her to walk. Amethyst Vila, which was said to be the most expensive function hall in Konoha, is surrounded by almost three hectares of flower garden. One definitely needs wheels to get to the function hall from the main gate entrance. Hinata and Toneri are slowly walking together on the pathway that leads to the main gates and other parts of the garden around the place.

"So, Miss Hinata, what do you like doing?" Toneri asked as they were walking in the middle of the pathway.

"I like to read books, umm...novels, history, philosophy, humanities, and sometimes psychology. But I'm more into romance novels and social sciences lately." She answered casually, and it did not matter to her whether he'll sleep on her interests. Most gentlemen at his age are more into hunting, fencing, drinking, gambling, horse-riding, golfing, and all other things they often do for fun. When Neji took a pre-law bachelor's degree back then, she would constantly check out his books, which sparked her interest in society and the people in it. She is active in most of the charity programs their companies organize and there is nothing else that warms her heart the most is whenever she would see the smiles on the faces of those people she helped. Although she often spends her time in the corner always attempting to distance herself from the crowd, she finds pleasure in reaching out her hands to those who are unprivileged as her. She is surprised that her parents are not encouraging her to enter the world of politics instead of their businesses. It is no secret that there is money in politics. Maybe it was because she lacked charisma and is too good to join politics only for the sake of money/

"Interesting…" Toneri nodded slightly. "I do read as well, mostly self-help books about business and more on winery, my family's business in France. Although it's funny how your father mentioned how you were into business management and property investments, and financial management. But you haven't mentioned any of those." She felt a bit more awkward when he mentioned it. How was she supposed to know how her father or both of her parents talked about her behind her back? Did she expect her father to brag about how interested she is in humanities or history, not to mention romance and dramatic novels?

"Oh…when I'm at our company, I try to read more business books." She tried to think of anything else to say to back up whatever her father mentioned to the prince. Though she is used to it, most people find her too plain. It's just her parents who often exaggerate how exceptional she is based on their own ideal and standard of a perfect daughter. Although no one tells her directly, she could tell if someone seemed disappointed or expected way too much from her because of her own parents. "I also do ballet…I'm not the best at it but I enjoy doing it anyway…I'm trying to get better almost every day…" She attempted to work on those random awkward pauses she unconsciously does when out of words.

"I only do the waltz and basic ballroom dancing for formal gatherings like this. I'd love to watch one of your recitals someday."

"Thank you, Your Highness…Although it's been three years since the last time I performed in a recital…because I…gained weight...a little. I-it's not that I can't dance anymore but it's just my mother who…is displeased with the way I look when dancing…I also tend to have stage frights because I'm used to dancing alone in my small studio at home." She was unsure whether that information was necessary at all. But she just unconsciously ranted about it in the simplest way she could. She had to let it out. "It was my younger brother who always has a recital at least twice a year. He's a great pianist and he can also do opera songs. My older brother, cousin actually, plays violin but only performed in a recital once." She added. Haya is a jack-of-all-trade at the age of fifteen which is why there is no doubt the whole clan is fond of him. He excelled in academics, music, sports, and almost everything that their parents wanted their children to be perfect at. Although, for her, Neji is a genius as Haya and she always felt bad how he was never recognized by the clan just because he is a bastard. She doubted if they even heard Neji play his violin, watched his chess tournaments and debates, read one of his campus journalism articles that won regional awards, and not even his graduation ceremony where he almost bagged all academic awards and recognitions. Maybe it was Neji or Haya who's their first born child, they would have been the ones they're bragging about to other people.

"I believe you can gracefully dance just the way you've carried yourself tonight. I watched you dance with your brothers and father when I arrived. Charming, indeed." He told her, even though a part of her inside believes he is just sugar-coating his words to lighten up her mood. "By the way, you can drop the formality and just call me Toneri. After all, I've been close to your parents for a while and they've been great business partners."

For almost half an hour, they shared a casual conversation between two people who had just gotten acquainted - by her father and out of her need to escape the crowd. Hinata is as friendly as she could be but she hardly enjoys one's company even if she is forced to make acquaintances or interact with them by her parents. Maybe her introverted and shy side was just being dominant over the need to keep opening a new topic or at least end her sentences with a question to keep the flow of their conversation going on. She could tell how Toneri seems interested to keep the conversation going on even though she talks less. He could be a potential suitor, why else would he initiate to chat with her in private, alone together in the garden. While she appreciates his effort in trying to get to know her, she does not feel a single spark of interest in him at all, in general. Their personal interests and hobbies alone differ a lot. He finds pleasure in social gatherings and activities that involve a lot of people, while she would rather spend her time solely with the people she's comfortable with or rather alone in a room with a book stuck on her nose. Toneri does his best to make her feel comfortable around him, she's aware of that, but there's just something missing and she couldn't tell it for now. She does find him physically attractive but not in the way she wouldn't be able to control the redness on her cheeks every time he appears in front of her.

As of this moment, Hinata had been sitting on a bench with Toneri a few minutes ago when she felt her feet could no longer stand on the heeled shoes she's been wearing the whole night and after walking for almost half an hour in the garden with him. They reached the part of the garden that is almost near the main gate out of the venue. Everyone else was inside the ballroom, even her guards, whom she is thankful did not follow her and finally, she had a bit of privacy outside with someone else. Though she hopes that one of them will come and take her back to the villa in a car because she is certain she can no longer walk back into the ballroom with her shoes killing her feet. If only she were alone, she would have probably started reading the book Neji gave her. She couldn't do that with Toneri and she doesn't want to be rude by blocking him with a book on her nose.

But maybe she could still give Toneri a chance as he does seem to be really interested in her. How long has it been since she met him - an hour or even less? Maybe she should not judge her feelings and mood towards him just because she's starting to get bored socializing in her own ball. Toneri, without a doubt, could get any woman he wanted with his charming looks and words, let alone his wealth and title as a prince. He seems intelligent and a man of connections. Most ladies of her age, who were also out in the society to find a husband, would envy her that a prince had its eye on her. What's stopping her from sparking an interest in a prince that could instantly make her, not only an heiress but a princess. He seems like a gentleman too…

While she was staring up at the dark sky and admiring the full moon, she started to feel Toneri's warm breath on her neck. She didn't mind it at first as she thought maybe Toneri was just trying to whisper something in her ear or lean on her shoulder. But it wasn't until she realized his breath felt warmer and the attempt his lips made to suckle on her skin.

…or not.

"H-hey!" Hinata attempted to push him away but his built was strong enough to tower her when she got locked into his arms. His hands snaked around her waist which made it difficult for her to break free. She felt him bite her neck which tensed her whole body. "W-what do you think you're doing? S-stop that!" She was able to push him away when his lips were almost on hers. No, she isn't going to let him steal her first kiss, let alone be touched this way.

Toneri whispered to her ear with a teasing smile, "Don't be such a prude, you're ruining the moment, Miss Hinata." He attempted to crawl his other hand up to her chest. In one blink of an eye, it was as if he turned out to be a wolf who just disguised himself in sheep's clothing. Were her parents even aware that this man they'd done business with and tried to get to know was an animal?

Hinata managed to unclasp his arms from her body out of an adrenaline rush and scoot onto the opposite side of the bench. Her right palm landed on his cheek out of reflex as he attempted to move closer to her once again. "Don't touch me! We just met! I barely know you and I wouldn't even be talking to you if it wasn't for my parents." She spat at him. Hinata gets angry or speaks loudly out of emotion once in a blue moon. The last time she remembered she got furious was five years ago when Hanabi accidentally spilled an orange juice on her favorite limited edition hardbound book that's one of her collections. But it wasn't really a big deal at all because Hanabi didn't mean it and she was able to replace it - with a paperback copy. She didn't yell at Hanabi or fought with her physically and verbally, she just couldn't talk to her for two days and all she did was sulk in her reading corner. But this one is different. This is no doubt wrong and problematic of him.

Toneri smirked at her for his face did not anticipate that smack. "Come on, why are you being such a prude - we're getting married. You don't have to act like a virgin around me because we're going to do it anyway." He chuckled, apparently more aroused by his idea of her playing hard-to-get. He had been with other women, whether it'd be someone of the elites or the ones he paid to be his whore, but none of them, in any way, dared to reject him. He is Toneri Ostutsuki, his last name, and inherited the title of being a prince alone is enough power to get anything that he wanted, his wealth being an addition. Nobody, not even someone like Hinata, an heiress, and somebody, can get away with attempting to reject him.

"M-m-married?" Hinata was struck by his words. That was how her parents explained this whole debut and marriage mart idea to her. All she knows is that she has to be perfect in the eyes of bachelor men in the elite society tonight and in the next social gatherings they'll be attending until she attracts suitors and a potential husband of her family's standards. "Who said we're going to get married and I did not even agree to such a thing! I just had my debut tonight and I don't even know you well. I-i-i'm not marrying you!" Her voice cracked, lost for words, and fighting back her tears. Her dreams of falling madly in love with someone and spending the rest of her life with that person are starting to crumble inside her. As banal her hopeless romantic side as it may be, she still doesn't want to compromise spending the rest of her life with someone she doesn't love or couldn't even respect her physical boundaries. She might have given him a chance if only he tried taking things slowly as they only met for not more than an hour. But what did he do? He already showed how much of an entitled spawn he is. She could not think of a single excuse for such entitlement and behavior.

"Your father and I already talked about it, and also Lady Hitomi." Toneri retorted. "They just want us to get to know each other. Tonight is simply to show off how a prince like me took interest in you, their daughter. But you know what? Hiashi is too old-schooled, I'd say, I'm getting bored with all this friendly talk. What's the point of courtship if we're both heading to the altar, anyway? I'm getting bored tonight, princess, I want the real fun now." He teased her even more by calling her that, implying what'll become of her after they get married.

It's not a piece of cake to process everything that just happened and everything that he just said in Hinata's head. Less than an hour ago, his natural charm and gentleness seemingly made him irresistible and someone who embodies the idealistic man women often desires. "N-no…I won't marry you." Hinata shook her head several times as she tried to fight back her tears. Not that she is too emotional or a crybaby, her tears just often flood her eyes when she desperately wants to burst out in anger but she couldn't compose the perfect words to express how she feels without the need to resort to violence.

"You don't have any choice - Miss Hinata. I need to get my inheritance from my late parents and it requires me to find a bride and conceive a child as soon as possible before I turn twenty-five. Your parents need me for business and they doubt you'll be attracting any suitors of your age in Konoha, not with all potential Uchiha heirs dead and the last one missing. You don't expect them to settle for less, marry you off to an older bachelor or middle class, right? So, it's a win-win deal for both of us if we marry." Inside her head, she would rather marry Sasuke even if they are both incompatible in terms of interests or whatever. At least she knew how much of a gentleman he is, especially because he was very close to his mother and he had someone special back then.

She thought, why did no one tell her this? Her parents already narrowed down her choices of husband that it should be strictly someone that comes from another noble family. She did not even once complain about the idea and tradition of the Konoha's elite society they wanted her to join. What was the point of her whole debut ball for tonight if they had already chosen someone she'll marry? No more sparks to be expected during the getting-to-know, courting, proposal, and wedding preparations phases if she knew that she'll end up tying the knot with this man already. Is she going to solely spend the rest of her life at the expense of her own happiness for the sake of her family's perfect image in the public? This is not how she wanted her family to be. It's not a family but a whole circus show they put her up in.

She straightened up her body to maintain her composure and threw a sharp look directly into his eyes. "I'm not just some woman that'll agree to carry your child just like that just so you can get your inheritance and continue your lineage!" She retorted. "I-i'm going back inside, excuse me…" She attempted to stand up from the bench but Toneri grabbed her arm which made her almost lose her balance. It didn't stop her from pulling herself away from him.

Toneri chuckled with his grip on her arm tightening even more, "Oh, princess, I hate to break it to you. But we're not in a fairy tale. You weren't expecting to find a husband out of love, weren't you?" She scoffed at her as he struggled in refusal to unhand her. "That's now how our world works. All is fair in love and war." Toneri stood up from the bench and, once more, snaked his arm around her waist. Hinata found herself locked in his arms

Nobody says 'no' to Toneri. He is a prince. No one dares to step on his ego by refusing what he wants.

"S-stop it! Let me go!" She cried the moment Toneri forcibly planted kisses on her neck down to her shoulder. The off-shoulder cut of her gown gave him the advantage to invade her flesh. Although she is certain that Toneri wouldn't be able to completely force himself on her as she was wearing a corset and layers of clothes underneath her gown, she will not tolerate his entitlement over her physical boundaries. "N-n-n-neji! Help me!" It wasn't even her own parents that she cried for help. How could she, when it was them who got her involved with this man? They may or may have not known about his animalistic behavior, but the fact they did not even give her a heads-up that they'll betroth her to someone like him. Maybe he was right about her father being too old-schooled when it comes to how boring courtship could be, at least he revealed his true colors right away. He just spared her from months of courtship and an eternity with him as her other half. But that would only be possible if she gets to escape from him.

She used her purse with stone embellishments to hit the back of his head multiple times, which made Toneri unclasp his other arm to palm his nape, loosening his grasp on her body. Hinata took it as an opportunity to shove him away from her, but when Toneri gripped her wrists once more, she pulled her arm with her whole body and might. "Let go!" She screamed until her right arm slipped out from the glove which Toneri had been holding on to. She instantly regained balance but did not realize that she was standing in the middle of the driveway where she failed to notice a bicycle approaching her.

"Holy cra-!" Hinata heard a high-pitched male voice followed by the screeching bicycle tires on the ground and brake before she could realize what it was. Her eyes shut closed out of reflex in fear that the bicycle would hit her with impact. "W-whoa! Lady!" It was a boy with spiky blonde hair in a scruffy white collar shirt and brown slacks with suspenders. He is sitting on a bicycle which he halted the moment he almost got sent flying for pulling the brake at the last minute just to avoid her. She spotted a folded coat in the basket of his bicycle, which gave her a hint that he might be a guest rushing to catch up to the ball. From the way, he wore his bow, shirt, and suspenders, she could tell he barely had time to groom himself, let alone the scent of noodles that clung to his body.

It's a relief it wasn't a car or a motorbike, although a bicycle could still injure her or send her rolling on the ground depending on the impact if he was not able to pull the brake on time. "I don't mean to interrupt, but get a room! Can't you both continue your honeymoon in the bedroom?!" That's when she took it as an opportunity to run behind the stranger's back sitting on a bicycle. What a relief that she removed her shoes from the bench and moving in her stockings became much more convenient for her. It was dim in the garden with only a few lamp posts lit and his bicycle only had one light in front. Although he could hear their voices echoing from afar, he did not expect that he'd almost stumble on them in the middle of the pathway. He did hear a scream when he was pedaling not so far away from where he found them. He did see their position from afar but he assumed that they were just being intimate and he did not clearly hear the part where she called for help.

Hinata unconsciously wrapped her hand on the boy's arm, ignoring the ramen noodles scent on his body. "P-please, help me…" She pleaded, shyly but it didn't matter to her anymore. All she could think of was how to desperately disappear from Toneri's sight.

Naruto kicked the bicycle stand before he hopped off. "W-whoa, hold on! What's going on, are you okay, lady?" He turned to the lady hiding behind him. From what he saw, already had a glimpse of what the situation might be, but he wanted to make sure and hear it from her before he starts babbling any accusations. He studied her state from head to foot. Some of the flower details on her shoulder were almost hanging off and her other hand was missing a glove. Not to mention he did spot them in a compromising position before he almost hit her with his bicycle, but he failed to anticipate the possibility that it might not be consensual at all.

"H-he's harassing me!" Hinata pointed her index finger at Toneri. There she said it, and he was right. If he knew right away that she was being harassed, he wouldn't have scolded her for blocking the driveway.

"What?!" Naruto exclaimed.

Toneri just stood there in his spot, straightening the glove he got from pulling Hinata's wrist as he said "Whoa, easy there…she is my fiance so, it's none of your business. We were just having fun, but I didn't realize I went overboard. I'm sorry, honey." But Hinata saw no mark of sincerity in his eyes nor his voice.

"Liar! Y-y-you were trying to-"

"Is he your fiance?" Naruto cut her off by asking a question.

"I-i…I don't know…n-no! H-he isn't."

Naruto got puzzled by her response. It must be complicated to explain or tell the whole story on the spot when the lady is currently frightened and could possibly be in danger at any minute. "Okay, never mind but do you like what he's doing to you?" He rephrased his question. Hinata shook her head. Everything was now clear to him. No further explanations were needed from the man.

"There you go, you got your answer. If the lady says 'no', she means no!" Naruto spat back at Toneri.

"Mind your own business, you prick. Don't you dare meddle in, this is between me and my fiance?" Toneri just chuckled at his heroic attempt to avoid bursting out in front of a stranger. He does not know whether the boy recognizes him as the prince, but no one should witness what he tried to do with Hinata. Whether Hinata would be the one who'd go telling her parents about what happened, he is confident that HIashi and Hitomi would be on his side. He turned to Hinata, plastering a fake smile on her and forcing a calm tone towards her in persuasion. "Honey…come on, cut the act. Let's just go back inside, shall we? We'll talk about this with your parents."

"N-no! I won't go with you, not even marry you."

"Hinata…I said - let's go." Toneri gritted his teeth as his last resort of ordering someone in the calmest way he could possibly be. He started taking small steps toward Hinata and Naruto.

"She said 'no', right? Are you deaf or what?" Naruto extended his arm to shield Hinata from behind. "I-i-i will report you to the governor directly! I-i-i am very close to him. H-he'll send you in jail for harassing a helpless lady." He attempted to assert dominance.

"Oh, that's so scary.", Toneri snickered with sarcasm and took one last step in front of Naruto, throwing a sharp glare at him. "Do you even know who I am? I can do an Itachi Uchiha on your family and still get away with it." His eyes rolled down to check on the boy's feet then up to his spiky blonde hair. "You? Who do you think you are?"

The reference. The shade. Naruto's blood start to boil but he tried his best not to act out of temper, not when someone could be in danger. Toneri was unaware of how sensitive the Uchiha massacre was for Naruto, especially the family of his former friend back in high school. He could take an insult of him being an orphan or a commoner, it's not as if it isn't new to him. He'd been ridiculed countless times since childhood for being an orphan and practically a pauper if it wasn't for Lord Hiruzen's financial aid to him. But how insensitive could he be to compare his entitlement to a tragic massacre that happened to the Uchihas done by one of their own? "Then you just exposed how much of an entitled brat and piece of crap you are! I don't care if you are a king or an emperor. I am not afraid of you. No title ever excuses someone from harassing a woman." He glared back at him, eye for an eye, and chin-up

Toneri gritted his teeth and balled his fists which he intended to land on Naruto's face, but much to his dismay the other way around happened. The way Toneri's balled fists made an attempt to exert force was so predictable that he dodged Naruto's face effortlessly when he swung his torso sideways. Naruto took the opportunity to grab Toneri's stretched arm and land his balled fist on his chin. Toneri lost his balance and rolled to the ground when Naruto kicked him below his belt. Hinata gasped at the scene for she did not wish for any of them to resort to physical violence, but she knew the boy had to defend both of them from Toneri.

"That's how you punch, you dumbass!" Deep inside him, he thought, all those boxing and self-defense classes he took with Shikamaru and Sakura are all worth it. He remembered the time when he and Sakura were walking on the way home from Ichiraku Ramen and two men attempted to rob them by pointing a knife at them and, worse, attempted to harass Sakura. They got away with it, luckily, as there were coincidentally cops rounding the area that time, much to the robbers' dismay. After that, Shikamaru, who just enlisted in the military, highly encouraged them to take boxing and basic self-defense classes monthly. Although, honestly, he barely remembered any of the proper stance and movements in those classes and he just literally did whatever he could think of to defend himself from Toneri. It was sheer luck that Toneri was used to having guards around him, which he sent away, and he did not bother learning how to physically defend himself on his own, much to Naruto's relief. In the back of his mind, it felt like his male ego got boosted for punching someone like Toneri who felt entitled to anything.

"Come on!" He kicked his bike stand up and quickly hopped on it. He signaled her to hop in the small seat behind him. Without any hesitation, Hinata grabbed the hem of her gown and hopped in the small seat behind him. Naruto pedaled with force in spite of the sloped and curved pathway in the garden even before Toneri got back on his feet and almost caught them. Hinata watched Toneri attempt to run after them, furious, and she saw him kick a bush out of spite. For a couple of turns, they still weren't too far away from Toneri when Hinata held on to his arm. "C-c-can you please turn around and help me get out of here? I don't feel safe here. I don't want to go back inside." She said, worrying.

Naruto pressed the brake and landed his feet on the ground to balance the bicycle. He took a deep breath before speaking. If he does not continue pedaling on the way to the ballroom, Toneri might just be able to catch up to them. "Look, lady, I have to go inside because there's an important matter I have to attend to." He was almost two hours late from the said time in the invitation. It was a hectic shift at Ichiraku's but good thing Teuchi allowed him to leave early so he could still catch up in the ball and try his chances of meeting the possible sponsors for his studies or a nice internship opportunity in a well-known law firm. "And you and your gown are kind of heavy."

"I-i'm sorry…" Her voice lowered down as she attempted to grab on every inch of her gown skirt. "My guards will see me if I go back inside."

"That's great, you got guards, they'll protect you from your 'fiance'." Naruto protested. "Now, let's go inside because I am starving! I'll be the one to help you report the incident. But please, let me eat first. I didn't avail the free ramen after my shift just so I could eat here." He kicked his legs on the ground, practically throwing a mini tantrum. Hinata wondered deep inside her, does he not recognize her? It is her ball and how come he's on his way to attend when he doesn't even have an ounce of idea who the celebrant or the daughter of the host is. Most of the time she just meets almost the same old people of the elites at every formal ball, with the exception of some guests bringing dates outside Konoha, like Toneri, or from a not-so-well-known clan. Never did she ever see this blonde-haired boy in all those years of attending elite balls. The only blonde people she knew were the Yamanakas and three others from another clan whose names do not remain on her mind that much. Was he on the guest list or a date of one of their guests? She also found it odd, of all guests who implicitly flaunt their luxurious cars and limousines in the driveway, will she ever stumble upon someone who'll come to an elite ball in a regular bicycle.

"Just take me anywhere but here please!" She cried desperately. She started looking sideways in desperation, thinking of the next words she'll use to persuade him. "I-i-i'll pay you!" She does not often use money or her wealth to persuade people. It was one of the things she liked the least as she does not want anyone feeling less or labeling her as entitled just because of her money. But at a time like this where she is desperate to get out, that was all she could think of. Naruto's eyes widened in curiosity and he stared up into the sky for a couple of seconds to reconsider her offer. It was as if her words were the sound of a cash register being opened. "Oh, really…?" His lips curved slightly as he peeked at her from his behind and found her purse. "How much do you have there?" He used his lips to point at her purse. It was her who offered, it wouldn't hurt to find out how much she is willing to offer.

"W-well, I-I-uh…" Hinata quickly unclasped her purse and started rummaging for the folded bills she packed earlier in case of an emergency, like this one. She only had a few things with her - a pocketbook, a white handkerchief, a lipstick and a pressed powder for retouching, and the three one-thousand dollar bills. "I-i-i only got three grand here. I'll give you one grand if you take me out of here, y-you can go through the west gate, and-" But she didn't finish her sentence when Naruto turned his head back on the driveway.

"Oh, one grand for a bike ride, sure let's go! Why didn't you say so earlier?" Naruto positioned his bicycle to face the opposite pathway heading onto the west gate of the garden. "Hold on tight." He reminded her before he started pedaling on their way out of the venue towards the west part of the garden. It was a bit challenging to exert force in pedaling on the sloped pathway with her weight. But when he got the right balance and pace, his driving went smoothly and it didn't seem like there was someone riding with him at all. She held the hem of her ball gown using one hand to avoid it from getting stuck on the wheels even though the peach fabric is still brushing on the ground. The petticoat which makes her ball gown ballooned occupied the small space of her seat, but she was forced to help herself to sit on it during the ride. It didn't matter to her whether only one cheek of her butt could sit on the bicycle. She used her other hand to cling to the stranger's back as he drove away in the pathway of the dim garden and out of the gates. Does it also even matter whether her thousand-dollar debut gown gets stained with dust, mud, or whatsoever? Who cares what her mother will say? Her night was already ruined by the man who claimed to be betrothed to her without her knowledge. What was the point of enjoying it? All she could just think of is how she can escape from this circus show her own parents involved her in.


"What do you mean my daughter is missing?" Hiashi asked by enunciating every word in the calmest way he could possibly sound. "She was just with the prince earlier in the garden." If he could clearly recall, he saw Toneri escort Hinata outside the garden, much to his favor if the two would be on good terms as early as possible. That's all he knew before he got busy talking to Shikaku and Inoichi. Unknown to him was why his daughter had to flee in the middle of the ball after an encounter with the boy he introduced to her. Now he finds himself in the backstage room to privately interrogate their guards along with his two other children, Hanabi and Haya, his wife, Hitomi, and his nephew, Neji.

"H-h-his Highness Toneri told us Miss Hinata went with some boy - h-h-he doesn't know, that's all." One of the guards nervously explained with a stuttering voice. "H-he said it was a boy on a bicycle. M-miss Hinata went with the boy o-o-on her own will. T-t-hey left the venue together."

Hiashi closed his eyes and exhaled deeply for a couple of seconds. "What are you trying to insinuate? That my daughter, whom I raised, is a tramp who would just run away with some random boy on a bicycle?", he gritted his teeth while doing his best to maintain his composure by not bursting out in anger, "This place is exclusively for people that aren't a nobody like all of you who can only afford a bike to come here. How come none of the security doubted that boy? Was he even on the guest list?" The guards knew how it was just mere seconds of calm before the storm. The more Hiashi is speaking in a lower voice to hold his temper, the more it gives anxiety to all their guards, servants, and employees as they are aware how triple his terror will be once he bursts out in anger.

"I talked to the guards at the main gate. They said the boy showed them a plus-one invitation card, so they let them in." The other guard behind answered. "The guards at the west gate did not recognize it was Lady Hinata right away."

"Go out there, double-check the guest list along with the registered plus ones they brought, and find out who among them went here riding a bicycle. If not, then go out there and find my daughter, I don't care if it is outside of Konoha. Do whatever it takes to find her!" He started yelling, which alarmed Hitomi as they might be heard by some of the guests outside. "All of you should have at least checked how they were doing in the garden! You're all imbeciles! What if my daughter was kidnapped again?!" Hiashi then extended his palm up to his nape and started massaging it. Hitomi sensed that he might have another sudden outburst with the idea of Hinata being kidnapped again. She will not allow it to happen, not when there are about a hundred people of noble families out in the ballroom. It was rather a traumatizing memory for their family when Hinata was kidnapped when she was a child. They're one of the noble clans in Konoha, and it is no surprise to other people that someone will try to destroy or hurt them for the sake of money and power.

"L-lord Hiashi, w-we're really sorry." The main head of the guards apologized in a shaky voice before signaling all the others to leave the room and begin the search.

Neji, who was standing beside Hanabi, kept her lips zipped not until his Uncle turned his head to him. "Neji, what are you standing there for?" Hiashi threw a glare at Neji. "Go out there and help to look for Hinata." He demanded.

"Why me? It wasn't me who lost her out of my sight." Neji scoffed. "Can we at least give it a few more hours before we declare her missing? It's been what - thirty minutes or an hour?"

"Are you talking back at me now?" Hiashi took a few steps toward his nephew and pointed a finger at his chest. "Isn't one of your duties to look after my daughter? What use do you have in this family if you can't do that one thing I asked you to do?" Kind of words isn't a surprise to Neji anymore. Of course, he was nothing to his family and the whole clan but some parasite his brother left in this world. He acted as Hinata's protector or more like a personal bodyguard without getting paid, and even almost a servant when he was younger. He was used to it. Maybe that's just the way it is when you become fatherless and after your mother abandoned you upon birth - you're left with your own relatives and they treat you as if you don't share the same blood with them.

"You never said anything about looking after Hinata the whole night. I assume you wanted her to enjoy the night and give her privacy with - the prince." Neji rebutted while maintaining a polite tone in his voice that should not further anger his uncle. "I don't mean to be rude, Uncle, but why don't you interrogate the prince and find out. yourself. We never know what happened between them that made Hinata run away."

"And now you're ordering me what to do? Have you forgotten your place in this family?" Hiashi slightly shoved his nephew's banded forehead with two fingers. His place, of course. How could he forget? He balled his fists underneath his pocket to control his emotions. God knows how much he wanted to beat his own uncle to death on his spot at this moment. But he mustn't…maybe not now, not ever.

"Dear, t-try to calm down. Some guests may hear you from outside." Hitomi held him on his shoulder and slowly pulled him away from Neji. Neji avoided glancing or catching Hitomi's eyes at him as much as possible.

Hanabi, who was sitting on the small couch, rolled her eyes and groaned as she couldn't stand watching them. "Oh please, Father, sister is twenty-one. She can do whatever and go wherever she wants. She isn't a baby! She can walk all the way here or back home if she wanted to. Why are you trying to pin this on Brother Neji? He didn't even do anything wrong and didn't you make him dance with that Yamanaka lady, that's why Hinata got lost in his sight?" She retorted and tried to further lower her voice. "I understand you are frightened that Sister might be kidnapped again. But I hate to break it to you - no one is going to kidnap Sister on a bicycle and expect to get away with it. A bicycle, Father, a bicycle. Do you even know how heavy Sister is? Make it make sense." But still, her tone is evidently full of sarcasm to emphasize her point.

"Thank you," Neji muttered to Hanabi, thanking her for summarizing the words that he'd been meaning to say that we're on the edge of his tongue. More often than not, Neji just chooses not to talk back to his uncle but there are really times he was being inconsiderate for no reason. "Exactly." Although Neji is closest to Hinata, Hanabi is also dear to him. Hinata isn't the most vocal and opinionated person, especially not to her parents, while Hanabi boldly expresses her stand and would constantly defend him if they're arguably being unreasonable to Neji already. Being the middle child without the perks of being the eldest or youngest, she just learned how to stand and speak up for herself. Precisely why she empathizes with Neji whom she witnesses how he was being too mistreated and blamed for almost every misfortune for being an outsider in the family. Technically, he wasn't really an outsider - at least not for her and Hinata. They both treat and see Neji as the older brother they never had. It wasn't Neji's fault he became an orphan and had to live with them after his own father died protecting Hinata. Hinata will always take it as a debt of gratitude to her uncle and will reciprocate it by treating her son as her own brother. "Like I was saying, Uncle…let's try to calm down and give ourselves a few more hours or, worst-case scenario, until tomorrow before we report Hinata as missing. She may have made her way back to the mansion and I'll be the one to check it myself and wait for her there."

"You're too hot-headed, father. Your hair might fall off if you keep stressing yourself out." Hanabi added, which finally made her receive her first warning from her father.

"I don't remember asking for your opinion, young lady." Hiashi glared at his younger daughter. If only Hinata isn't missing and they aren't in the middle of a social gathering, it would take more than an hour to scold and argue with Hanabi. He did his best to ignore and not further distress himself over his other daughter, not during an event like this. While Hiashi is indeed fond of his second daughter's opinionated and street-smart nature, he does not enjoy it when it is him already being opposed by his own spawn.

"Hanabi, language. It's your father who you're talking to." Followed by Hitomi.

"I'm just saying," Hanabi murmured and made a gesture as if she was zipping her mouth shut. "If Sister won't be here in her own ball, then I want to go home. Moegi isn't even here, I have no one to talk to." She added as she shrugged and received one last warning glare from Hitomi. Hiashi started pacing back and forth in the room in an attempt to calm himself and let things sink in.

"Let me handle the kids, Hiashi. Just go out there and entertain the guests for another hour. Tell them Hinata went home and got sick. Also, I believe Lord Hiruzen mentioned that he wanted to talk to us about that internship program and he wants to refer one of his scholars to us. Go on, I'll go talk to Toneri and ask him about what really happened." Hitomi told her husband before she stormed out back to the ballroom without saying another word. Then she turned to the boy sitting on the other couch near Hanabi. "Haya, why don't you take the stage and play the piano for the next dance." She smiled at him and patted his shoulders lightly. "I'm sure our guests would be entertained to hear the piece you've been practicing for a month."

"Yes, mother." Haya just nodded and immediately made his way out of the room. Haya is the youngest and only son of Hiashi and Hitomi who is just a year younger than Hanabi. He rarely speaks up and would just often do what he is told like Hinata. The only difference is that Haya is more competitive to impress his family and everyone than his older sister whom he perceives as too kind and soft. It's pretty obvious to the Hyuga household that Hitomi favored him over all her children. Hanabi is well-aware that her parents couldn't just tell her and Hinata directly that Haya should have been the eldest and the heir, especially since he is a man and the only son, unfortunately, their first two born children are girls. God knows how much she hated the patriarchy and how they would unfairly favor the child, mostly a son, who constantly brings honor to their clan.

Hitomi then turned to Hanabi, "And you, Hanabi - go dance with Lord Hiruzen's grandson."

"Konohamaru?" Hanabi's face wrinkled. "Ew, no! He's seeing my best friend. I don't even like him for Moegi, he's so annoying! I'd rather dance with Hoheto and Ko than him." She was referring to her and Hinata's bodyguard and butler whom they are closer than their own parents. One of the reasons why she hated attending elite social gatherings like this one was because her mother would always make her interact with Lord Hiruzen's grandson who's almost the same age as her. It is no secret to her that Hitomi is working on getting her married to a Sarutobi a few years from now, which, she always asserted, is likely never going to happen with her opposition to most of his grandfather's movements during its regime as the governor and all the alleged corruption he's been involved in.

Hitomi took one deep breath with her eyes closed and tried to speak once again in the calmest way she could in the middle of a social gathering. "Hanabi, for once, can you please act like a decent and well-bred Hyuga?" Then Hitomi groaned and realized it would take her more than an hour before she lose in an argument with her youngest daughter. "Nevermind, you know what, if you dance with Lord Sarutobi's grandson - for tonight, I'll convince your father to let you go on that - farmers' protest." She forced a soothing tone to convince her and not open any possible arguments between them.

Hanabi finally stood up from her seat, "Sure…if you say so. But if father disapproves, I will step on his feet the next time you ask me to dance with him." She threatened in a polite manner. Hitomi forced a smile on her for the last time. The moment she waltzed out of the backstage room, a deafening silence occurred in the room between Neji and Hitomi. Neji just stood still, with his eyes facing the floor or the walls around the room. Anywhere but those sharp green eyes that always looked down on him. Neji broke the silence as he cleared his throat and spoke, "I'm going home. I'll see if Hinata went straight to the mansion.". But he gave his Uncle's wife not a single glance at all. He walked straight out of the room.