Scorched Earth Rats

Both Amber, back in the town of Yellow Sparks, and Hugh, lazing around in the camp, got a letter from the fifth level branch manager responsible for sending the Forest Janitors and overseeing the situation from a distance.

After Amber sent a message detailing the situation and the rat corpse, her sister's group and Toz brought back the fifth level branch manager had a bad hunch that it was something serious. He didn't doubt Amber's request for help and immediately sent a team with a fifth level mage leading it to go and help her. Considering it was for a first level plane sending a squad with several mid level mages, it was definitely overkill, but the manager didn't hesitate. His gut had always been trustworthy, and if it turned out to be nothing serious, the Forest Janitors get a paid vacation and then return to work well-rested.