Delegation (7)

"You scared? You weak-legged chicken? Are you trembling, cowardly mongrel pirate?"

"Thank you for your consideration, Dog Prince, but I am perfectly fine. I can even stand on my own."

Wulf knew the situation was tense, but he couldn't help but laugh at Hama, who hadn't even gotten down from Lester's arms before mocking Toz. Red Hook, Avan, and Brunswick also chuckled a little at Hama.

The only ones who didn't find the situation amusing at all were Dyra, Hama, and Lester. Toz could've sworn he saw Dyra's protector's lips twitch in amusement.

Hama felt like everyone was laughing at him, so while blushing in shame, he left Lester's embrace and shoved Lester away from him in frustrated anger.

Lester willingly let himself get pushed away before he stepped closer so he could be ready to stop another one of Hama's outbursts.

After Hama stopped embarrassing himself, everyone turned to look at Dyra to see what she would do after Toz's rejection.
