Blood Ancestor's Inheritor

"You- Do you really wish to become the Blood Ancestor's Inheritor?"

Red Hook was a little upset that she didn't get any more compliments for being so lucky to have gotten the Bloodletter. She turned to the Blood Demon kneeling on the floor with a skeptical gaze.

"What do you mean?"

"The Blood Ancestor is the founder of the Tribe of Blood. Naturally, the best place to receive his legacy would be at the Tribe of Blood."

"Huh. Isn't it just a ploy to take the Bloodletter from me since you can't defeat me on my own?"

"No. Since you have received the Bloodletter's recognition, taking from you wouldn't do anyone any good since it's impossible to know if someone else will also be able to get it. And I would prefer not to go into too much detail until I hear your answer. But the original plan with this whole debacle was to find the Blood Ancestor's legacy or inheritance and bring it back to the Tribe to find a suitable Inheritor from any of the different factions."