Transcendent Realm (2)

The absolute tip of the ship's prow, the wooden pole that usually led the ship's way through the Void, made contact with the Transcendent Border's last remaining layer that separated the crew from the Transcendent Realm.

But the ship didn't slam to a crushing halt and smash them all against the Border as practically everyone on board expected.

The ship's prow pierced the surface of the Border like the wall of rainbow-colored mana was barely even there. And then, similarly to how the cloud of mana had burst out to cover the ship before they entered the Border, the ship burst out of the Border in a dazzling rain of rainbow sparkles.

They had arrived at the Transcendent Realm!

However, before anyone could take in and admire the sight of the vibrantly shining stars in the distance or the splendor of the Border now that they were on the other side of it, a suffocating pressure wafted over them.