Issei scratched his head, he wasn't exactly sure how it came to this, but Asia agreed to join Rias' peerage, he didn't hear a lot of the details himself. However, the main detail was that she wouldn't have Asia ignore someone in pain, as long as they weren't actively attempting to hurt them, meaning she would be able to heal humans, devils, fallen, and all else alike without being scolded by it.
Issei didn't know the full details, but it seemed, unlike in the anime, her healing a fallen was a lot more serious than they made it out to be.
Kiba was angry, as Asia had healed him and he had noticed she was even able to heal a scar from an accident when he first started training when she said it was how she kept herself. 'Looking as one chosen by God' it infuriated him, well it pissed everyone off, but Kiba already had a special hatred for the Church.
Asia would be moving into the old school along with the rest of them, since its renovations it was also harder for humans to take interest in, making it a fine place to set up a proper 'base.'
Asia would be going through training, mostly centered around her innocence and lack of social skills, to make sure she didn't feel like an outcast. Was it cute in the anime? Yeah, but now it was lives at risk, actual lives.
Akeno and Issei would also be helping her with her magic, her abilities as a mage got increased due to the bishop piece, but if she were to train, and better control her abilities? She could become someone feared.
For now, a meeting was held with everyone, including Asia. Kiba off to the side training with a wooden sword he had created that increased its weight with each swing.
Now that the place was built properly, it was enchanted as well so he wouldn't end up falling through the floor.
''With what Asia said... The fallen angels are using the old church as a base, and it is not pretty. Sona has taken care of the stray exorcist and has already sent word to Serafall on the situation... But we, as Kouh's leaders need to act. Issei?'' Rias spoke, a wonder what some actual training can do for a hot redhead.
"So, we've followed the correct channels, now it is time to follow the channels that will benefit us. One, it is in our best interest to attack the fallen angels, and send their heads to the fallen Headquarters.''
Asia sucked in a sharp breath, her eyes clouded but she followed the order she was given, stay quiet.
''May I ask why Issei?" Akeno spoke, her foot rubbing along his leg beneath the table they sat around.
''Because if we don't? We'll be seen as pushovers and the possibility of more thinking it's okay to stomp around our territory will come, and cause more problems. These fallen have already killed humans, who had no reason to be killed, and innocent blood spilled because of them does not sit well with anyone here.''
Even Asia shook her head, her mind wandering back to the scene of that woman being brutalized, and her not having the power to stop it.
"We send their heads? Our reputation grows, and so does our infamy, however. All rules, laws, whatever. Meaning that if we do send their heads, it is our right to do so. Because by code, they're considered spies. In which if you can't hide your spies from the enemy? Send their head back to let them know to send better ones next time."
Kiba spoke up, still swinging. ''So, you're saying we just attack the church?"
''No, I'm saying we scout the church out, find how many numbers we're dealing with. They most definitely have information on us, so none of us can pretend to be humans praying and go inside. So we focus on the outside, all of us will be present, as it will be a great chance to not only train in our ability to sneak, but our ability to work as a team to fight a possibly large source.''
''Together also means in the event someone get's spotted, we'll be ready to respond by simply attacking their base straight out."
Everyone nodded, Asia seeming the only one hesitant about everything.
''That isn't all... We're going to record the entirety of the battle to put it up onto Deviltube."
Everyone looked at him weirdly, even Kiba stopped mid swing to look at him.
''Why would we do that though Issei?" It was Rias who asked, the most confused of the bunch.
''To show off our abilities, we aren't 'Strong' per se, but we aren't pushovers... I'm doing this for two reasons. Because once we start participating in rating games, we will already have popularity ahead of just what being a part of the Gremory clan will give us, which will increase our sponsors, and possible deals we can get... But Second, because within 2 months, I plan to challenge Riser to a duel.''
Everyone inhaled sharply at that, eyeing Rias. Asia was confused, but seeing everyone look at Rias, she did as well.
Rias was biting her lip, her fist clenched, anger flaring from her but she spoke, her voice slightly forced.
''Can we win?"
Issei chuckled, leaning back in his hair, having to shift Koneko slightly since she was in his lap eating cookies.
''Win? We can steamroll him. Why? His peerage is trained, yes. But not at the level we are, and we'll only be getting stronger within the two months. But the biggest reason we all worry about fighting him is because of him being a flaming chicken.''
There was a snicker from Akeno, Koneko smiling softly to that as well.
''But, the biggest weakness of someone like Riser? Holy objects. Who here, is arguably the best choice to fight against him, and can use holy objects with little to no backlash?"
Everyone looked at him before it slowly began to dawn on them as their eyes widened towards Issei.
''That's right. I'm going to fuck the fear into the fried turkey.''