Waking Up and a New Home

Time passed like it always did, waiting for no one nor anything.

Clearly one cannot deny that time was the greatest master of all things that could not fight it.

The bright chamber that was light by the river of incredulously hot molten liquid had become somewhat desolate and abandoned, if not somewhat bleak, the pile of skeletons had become ashes.

The reason was that the river that flowed gently had dried up completely. Forming black glass-like surfaces, perhaps obsidian if one wanted to be specific.

The place had become dark, cold, and lonely, the silence from before had only made the place even more depressing. It was there before, but back then there was light and warm, with those two gone, this place would not even catch the eyes of adventurers and explorers.



The sounds of crashing echoed through the chamber once more after a long silence, many rocks that had been formed by the hardened magma flew away as the rock hard surface began to break apart, from the depths a hand rose out and held onto the edge to elevate itself out from its confines.

And there he rose once more, Dominic had gone through tremendous change within his sleep, as he rose out completely. He was as tall as around 6'6'', and he was impossibly handsome that his looks were not supposed to exist, his body was supremely well built as if the universe took care and precision to make it, from his eight packs that littered his abdomen that looked as if they had been chiseled by a master craftsman, to his silver shimmering hair that reaches the middle of his back that gently flowed on its own remained the same and lastly his eyes; they had black slits-like pupils while the irises were icy blue, that sparkled with deep radiance and magnificence.

"Finally completed my one and only Dragon Slumber, I can't believe it took me 500 years. When in some old folklore dragons sleep for tens if not hundreds of years. Though from my memories, thankfully I don't need to go through that again. And I have to say, am glad I went through all that, my current strength is incredible!" He could feel the power coursing through his very body. So he decided to test it out a bit, with a light tap on the ground with his foot.


It resulted in a 3m wide crack, that was about 10'' deep. This made him raise a brow, but no surprise at all.

From his memories, when he reaches his adolescent form he would be able to blow holes in the earth and rip the moon with a swipe of his claws. When he is a full-grown adult dragon, he would be able to swallow suns and walk across dimensions like his backyard. But all that took time, not to mention that he has to find his path too.

"Heh, something like a Dao if one compared it to wuxia novels, what a strange and interesting species." The infant Void Dragon chuckled, he then looked down below his waist and saw the gift that he had been blessed with that came with his race.

"Truly, a dragon. I would be disappointed if it was otherwise." He smiled lewdly as he looked at his third leg which would actually be almost called a leg in its own right.

He then walked toward a walk of the chamber, placing his hand over it with a gentle push, the small section of the wall become a large door that opened widely. The bright light made Sargon squint slightly, with his body it took mere milliseconds to see once more. And he was surprised by what he saw.

It was a vast beautiful forest and he could see green for miles, the air was pure and fresh, and from his position that he assumed that he was on a high mountain. With his new senses, he could see, feel and hear almost everything within a 5km radius when he focused his senses. He could hear the wildlife all around him in the forest and sky.

He felt a sudden sensation that made him gaze up into the sky, he was left slightly breathless and dazed before coming too.

"Thank you, my predecessor, I accept these gifts and the responsibilities that come with them." He said as he looked at the magnificent palace hovering way up high in the sky surrounded by clouds about 10 km way up high.

With a large grin on his face, Dominic bent his knees slightly before launching himself. He shot off a good straight kilometer in the air before he felt his momentum starting to drop and began to feel gravity starting to get its hold on him.

So, his human form began to shift and change.

Within moments there was a loud shaking in the air caused by the flapping of wings. Gone was the form of a human, now there was a large black dragon with scales that shone like gems as they reflected light. It had a serpentine head without any horns and at the tip of its wings were claw-like appendages thus its wings and arms were connected like that of a bat. Its hind legs were thick and powerful, paired with claws like its forelegs that made them seem like spears and a pair of draconic velvet blue eyes.

This was Dominic's current draconic form, more correctly wyvern form, it was powerful, yet elegant at the same time. With a flap of his wings, he rocketed forward with such grace that it seemed like he was swimming in the depths of the ocean.

And with a thud he landed in the front of the gates of his new home, the ground didn't even tremble at his weight, now that he looked at it closer it was a very large piece of floating rock as big as about 3 to 4 km wide in diameter with the palace right in the center.

Shifting back to his human form, Dominic made sure to have his scales cover him up only below leaving his very muscular chest bare.

There was a large beautiful garden around the palace, within the distance he could see a small lake not far away. It was grand, ginormous, and simply magnificent. Soon he was at the main entrance, closed with massive double doors that dragon patterns on them.

Placing a hand on them, there was a small rune that glowed, as if identifying him, after that, they opened for him. The interior was even better than anything he had ever seen, from the stairway that spiraled towards the upper floors or the stunning beauty of this lower floor all adorned with shades of blue, gold, and silver.

"Seems it is just me at the moment." He sighed, as his powerful voice echoed across the entire palace making it seem slightly desolate.

He knew from his memory that there was something more to be done, so before doing anything else he walked up the stairs, He passed many rooms and floors taking his time to enjoy the silence and peace with each step. He soon reached his destination, it was a small door in one of the towers at the very top of it.

Opening the door, he came face to face with a small room. The interior was somewhat empty, save for a small table. On it was a black crystal that floated on it that gently above it, shining with mystical light even with its dark color.

"My last step to controlling everything within this realm, the Core." This little gem was the beginning and the end for everything in this here realm, before he died the previous Void Dragon made this little space so that Sargon could be born without any interferences or danger as well as leave him with wealth and knowledge all hidden within the walls of this palace.

As for how it was created, well that knowledge would only come to him once he reached the Ancestral realm first.

Cutting his palm with a clawed finger that he made, he grasped the crystal with the bloodied hand quickly before he healed. His hand shone brightly as the crystal sank into his flesh, causing Dominic to freeze for a moment as the secrets and knowledge held within the crystal poured into his mind everything from the smallest to the biggest things that existed in his realm or the layouts of the palace, now nothing could be hidden from him with this gem within him in this realm he was akin to a god.

A while later he was able to move again so with a swipe of his hand a beautiful black robe with gold designs fell on his body, followed by the same colored pants and boots that he wore next. He walked to the only window in the room, looking outside lost in thought at all that had happened so far.

'What to do now? I know I must begin my training, as all the techniques are within my head, am still in the infancy stage as there are powerful beings out there and my race being special would bring about trouble for me if am too weak. I will first head to the library and dig in there to gather as much information as I can then begin my training until I can complete my Wyvern stage, only once I have entered the Lord stage with I leave. Since in that stage I can start using magic, as well as it being the realm that requires me to find my path.' Dominic then thought of the stages he had to go through being a Void Dragon.

They weren't many, only about 4 realms; the Wyvern realm had three stages; Hatchling, Dragonling, and Wyrm stages.

The next was the Lord realm or the Dragon Lord realm; with also three stages; the Chief or also Lord, King, and Emperor stages. The last two were Ancestral and God realms, though much information on them was still hidden until he reached higher realms.

At the moment he was at the beginning of the Wyrm stage, a few weeks or perhaps a month or two and he would soon reach the Dragon Lord realm.

Where he can begin to start using Dragon Magic!

"That's settled then, to the library and gather knowledge! All I have in my head is just knowledge about my species and nothing more. As they say, knowledge is power!"

He reappeared again in another large room and this one was filled with books, the room was as huge as a football field if not bigger, and as high as 4 stories, books from all over many universes were there.

"I can't read all of these in one sitting, guess I have to cheat!" He smiled as he summoned a bed at a nearby clear spot, climbed on, and got comfortable, within seconds he was asleep.