Bibidi Bobidi Boo Dragon Style! The Past part 1

The suddenness of everything was a little too much for the late teen to comprehend, she was thinking that he had dragged her in this dark alley to… to… never mind, though it great that didn't come to pass.

Not that she wanted her first time in such a horrid place, she would have loved it to be a little romantic…

Still, if he wanted…

No! Bad Cindy! Bad!

Shaking her head to clear her head. She was all red in the face and didn't know what to say.

"… come again, Dominic?" She gently asked.

Dominic could feel the chaos that was her emotions, he was to blame after all so he didn't mind and repeated his question.

"I said, do you believe in magic Ella?"

"If it was before, I wouldn't have known what to reply, but meeting you is kind of magical, so yes, I do believe in magic." She replied after a moment of silence.

Her life had been one of misery, even if she didn't give up. Many a time she had wished to be whisked away from the hell she called home, and now here she was with a man that not even her mind could conjure. That's why she had not even bothered to try and see if everything was a dream, so yes, she does believe in magic.

With a smile at her response, Dominic to a step closer to her and gently held her hand, "I have a small gift for you before we can enjoy our day, now close your eyes." He said softly.

Not sure where this was going, she did.

Channeling his core gently, it responded without a fuss, perhaps also eager to touch her as well. And as such as to his will, her raggedy maid uniform morphed and shifted under his power and turned into what he had in mind, the light blue, an almost icy-colored aura of his magic trailed upward, caressing every inch of her skin to her head before flowing down to her toes and then back into him again, giving off a gentle hum as it settled within his core once more, content.

… for now.

For Cinderella, the moment she was touched by his magic felt, magical. Not that she knew what it was, as the only thing she could describe the feeling was that it was, magic. Greatly deepening her thoughts on this mysterious man.

But such thoughts dissipated the moment she felt her clothes and shoes feel different.

"Open your eyes." No sooner than she thought to do the act itself, she heard Dominic's voice.

The moment she did, she saw his eyes shine for a split second, though she thought it is all in her mind as she looked down at herself and she was in awe.

She did believe in magic, yes, but that was all metaphorically, not literally. Yet, here she was looking, feeling, and smelling the beautiful, soft, and fragrant dress on her.

"I-I…" She was speechless unless he had the dress hidden somewhere and wore it on her within mere moments, as well as the transparent-looking flats on her feet, she didn't know what to say.

"Don't be like that, come on. Let's go get something to eat as we enjoy the day." Cutting her off, Dominic took her arm and hooked it around his and took them out the opposite end of the alley than the one they came in.

He had not changed her outfit too much compared to the current era they were in, it was just a light blue dress, that had satin-like blue sleeves with gold designs and jewels around the waist of her dress, it was reminiscent of the one she got from her Fairy Godmother, the same with her flats; they were made of glass, yet also comforting to her feet, yet strong enough not to break. He did a little something a blue-colored butterfly-shaped hairpin to hold hair behind, but let a single bang fall freely.

Her shoulders were bare, showing a pale and slender neck as well as supple shoulders, her pale white breasts looked delicious due to the dress. On her ears, he placed simple gold earrings and a cute ring on her finger.

All in all, she had the casual form of her regal outfit.

But she looked absolutely beautiful. [Here image]

Finally getting her bearings, she asked.

"You just did magic, didn't you?"


"So you are a magician?"

"Nope, I am not."

"Then what are you?"

"I can tell you what I am not?"

"Oh? And that is?"

"I am not Prince Charming."

"Huh?" Cinderella was confused, but for some reason, she found it funny the tone he used.

With a giggle, she replied, "Okay good sir, you are not. Your better."

"Precisely." Nodded Dominic with a prideful smirk as they finally walked out of the alley into the streets once more.

People that saw them paused for a moment, at the duo that passed them. Giving them a smile, murmuring and sighing, Cinderella who was not used to this gently tugged her dress.

"The dress…" She said only to be interrupted.

"Fret not, it will last longer than just by midnight." He winked at her, distracting her for a moment.

"Now please take us to where we can get a snack." He said again and no sooner did he say that did Cinderella's belly release a cute growl that made her instantly turn red.

"… I… know a place…" She whispered with her head down.

"Haha! That was so cute." Dominic couldn't hold his smile at this.

Lowering her head in shame, Cinderella wanted to bury her head into the ground, so instead, she took off running.

With a laugh Dominic was right behind her, he soon caught her and gave her a few tickles here and there was well as some pampering to make her feel better, soon they got to a place that sold pies and both enjoyed them, as well as the presence of each other, seemingly forgetting the world entirely.


Within a tavern that was barely filled as it was the morning hours, on one of the many tables, particularly one nearby the window of the tavern, sat a large burly man.

He had a large bushy beard and mustache that one could barely see his face, it was not old as each strand of hair on his face and the head was as black as midnight.

He wore a short sleeve red and yellow shirt that showed off his thick arms that had muscles that seemed like thick roots intertwined within the ground.

It was something he would have loved to show to the ladies, and have them drool over it, while in his heart he would only want one woman and one woman alone.

Her long lush brown hair waved in the air and her hazel brown-colored eyes shone with intelligent light as she looked down at those books that she loved… those books!

That book ended everything!

Heaving a deep sigh, he took a sip of his ale to ease his rage that boiled for the umpteenth time.

He tried to remember even now at this time what all went wrong, how did he end up here, so far from home, he tried to gather his mind how he was here hiding like a foreigner, no, he was exiled, chased away by that, that thing!

Sighing once more he took a proper gulp of his ale, it brought back memories, it was on an ale like this one that he recalls everything.

It was on a night, not just any night. It was the night of going back home once again, the war was over, and their side was victorious. Many of the men cheered and made merry, oh he too was one of them.

Before the war, he never thought of settling down, but war does change a man, so he thought of going back home and settling and as such he pondered what woman would do best to give birth to his handsome and strong boys!

Ah! Belle~ [Here image]

The moment her name came into his mind, he was mesmerized and enchanted that her image refused to leave his mind, sure he had seen her before but now at that time he could see her clearly and it stroked fire in his heart to possess her, that fire when he saw an impossible kill that he wanted to have mounted right atop his fireplace.

So as they returned, he and his fellow soldiers stopped at a place to rest, he wanted to get himself something as well maybe buy Belle a dress, women like dresses and clothes right? This was common for every woman he had, so what could go wrong with a dress, perhaps flowers?

Yeah, he will get those from his little town as they would wither and die by the time he arrived if he got them from this place.

With that in mind, he was about to head to the boutique only to be stopped by a strange hooded figure that promised goods, souvenirs that they said were, 'out of this world'.

Feeling no harm in that he followed to a caravan filled with all manner of strange things that give him headaches to remember, there was a rose in a glass jar, a radiant-looking red apple that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up, and lamps of various shapes and sizes, as well as some ordinary looking stuff such as spindles and needles, as well as a hand-held mirror among many, many other things.

He shrugged at that stuff but looked around for something to get for himself in this mess of… things while wondering if he was wasting his time here. The figure then showed up again, perhaps gone behind to get him something, and when they returned they had in their hands an ordinary-looking brown-colored book.

He frowned in disdain and wanted to slash them right then and there, did they mean to insult him? Did he seem like some sort of book lover?

But then he remembered what they said to soothe his wrath.

'Why not get this for someone else instead, anyone that loves to read will feel the 'magic' hidden within the pages and… perhaps give you a chance.' The moment those words came, images of Belle running up and down their small town liab- lirb-…

Ugh! That place that is full of books where bookworms love to hang out!

Was the thought that came to mind.

And as such, he took it, as well as the dress.

He first charmed her with his own skill as soon as he returned to the town, she resisted hard, he knew this was a game he enjoyed, and so he played well against her., to serenade her.

From songs, flowers, and even the dress, she resisted, but he knew she was about to waver.

So he used his ultimate card, her book worminess!

And she was entranced, the look of shock she had when he whipped it out in front of her face was something that he remembers clearly till now, how her eyes shone like stars in the middle of the day and how her smile etched her face when she read it.

And the words she said to him, 'Thank you,' was enough to tell him that he had done it.

Yet, that night, that very night after he went to celebrate his first success…

It came after him.