
Sorry for the delay, had family and stuff to deal with. Will do my best to update this book more frequently than the other two because I am focusing on working on my original work, and will write them every now and then.

Now enjoy~


The sky was a splendid hue of rosy pink, dusty orange, and gold as the sun could be seen setting in the horizon just beyond the mountains, casting long shadows over the small but powerful kingdom.

For many the day was the same, more or less to be precise. If there was anything to be of note was the fact that they were able to live another day once more.

For some, however, it was a very eventful day, filled with wonder and even magic.

It was like a dream.

One that Cinderella didn't wish to ever wake up from.

The couple sat above a hill that was a little distance from the town that she lived in, the view was breathtaking as they overlooked the entire kingdom from there.

This was a particular spot for her, and now it held even more meaning being beside him… Dominic.

Sitting below the tree, they both looked like something right out of a great painter's work right at this moment. Dominic had the same outfit, the black robe with red designs while Cinderella had donned a cute white blouse that covered her, courtesy of Dominic's magic.

The two sat there to enjoy a picnic and the sunset as it had been a long day for the two, specifically Cinderella, and yet at the same time she could also say that the day had ended pretty quickly.

There was nothing of importance that the two did, well, not really; after buying some pies as a snack, the two under Dominic's request went to the real estate agency of the current era to get him a house.

Because it will be kind of weird if he just magically popped out of nowhere every now and then, not that it would be a permanent place, more like an anchor for the current location. As such he had chosen one that was a little far away from everyone.

The agency also provided some maids and gardeners for the place, to which Dominic readily agreed and paid for easily in the most common currency in every normal reality; gold.

Settling that out, the two did a few activities together like walking about the park, which was strangely a spot in this era.

The other thing that reinforced Dominic's notion that this universe was really the Disney universe was when under the influence of joy and happiness Cinderella… sang.

Music seemed to come from the world around her as if she had warped a little of the reality within her vicinity, enchanting animals, birds, and fish of the small pond they were at.

Like she was the little darling of the world, it was fascinating to really see it. And each verse she sang was in itself, magical.

Though at that moment he felt a slight hostile intent, he brushed it off as bystanders being jealous of his position because once she was done singing he tried to find this person and see if they really wished for purging under dragon fire.

But they were gone as if the feeling itself was but an illusion, but he knew it was real. He didn't just have an enhancement in his five senses, but also in his sixth, while the seventh and eighth were offline at the moment.

Which were location and time senses, not that he knew of them at the moment and even if he did, what can he say other than that he was just a strange creature?

Back to the story.

The two had a fun and relaxing afternoon, which they topped off with a picnic about a good kilometer from Dominic's new house. There they chatted and enjoyed each other presence within each other's arms, well more like Cinderella was embraced and started melting within the arms of Dominic as she had taken a small nap.

Dominic took this moment to look down at this young late teen within his arms, the mere fact that he was living a fantasy life was wild, from his rebirth to this point.

He then saw her delicate brows furrow and her slender arms grip him tightly.

'A bad dream?' Thought Dominic, making him squint his eyes.

Without anyone knowing more about this thought, he proceeded to bring her closer to his chest and nuzzle his face within her soft and fragrant golden hair and take a deep breath, which calmed down whatever chaotic thought that might have been brewing within the depths of his mind.

The same could be said for Cinderella as she seemed to visibly relax at his warmth and scent that she started to wake up, looking at the familiar cloth in front of her, she let loose a faint relieved breath.

Dominic picked it up,

'It was a bad dream it seems.'

But as he was about to speak to her, he picked up another sound within the distance, making him snap his head in that direction for a good moment.

"Come on princess, it seems like we have guests." He said gently.

Cinderella was slightly taken aback and wanted to say something, but stopped herself as she remembered something.

'Magic, right.'

And then she released a cute squeal as Dominic suddenly stood up with her in his arms.

"You almost frightened me. And are you still going to call me princess?" Said Cinderella with a cute pout that was glazed with a dusty blush on her fair cheeks.

Dominic said nothing as he peered deeply into her dark blue eyes, as he held her supple and delicate body within his hands, he wanted to claim her, and his entire being radiated this intent for a moment before he reigned it in… for now.

Without putting her down, he turned towards the direction of his new house and dashed into the forest that separated them from it. The things that had been left there by the two then started to disappear.

Cinderella ignored the world around her, not even noticing that the view just beside her was but a blur, in fact, she barely felt a bump within his arms. The only thing that mattered right now was him, this made her recall that intense stare that radiated desire for her and it made her insides churn with a feeling she had never felt before so much so that her inner voice had stopped making any noise at all.

… cindy.ex. is rebooting…

She felt this tingle and itch, it was almost the same itch she felt when she accidentally touches herself while bathing… down there in her secret place.

But much worse.

… cindy.ex has failed rebooting… restarting systems again… please wait…

Dominic came to a stop when he noticed that he was just a few meters away from an open area that led to his house. He then placed Cinderella down gently, though her legs seemed a little weak.

With a squint in his eyes, he looked down at her, but before he could think anything else a faint scent wafted from her that caused a brow to be raised as well as make him smirk a little.

She was aroused, well this was good. Just the timing was bad, the group approaching was a lot, it was at least 30 from the noise of the horses and there was the sound of carriages being pulled as well.

He would have to see what this was and then, perhaps tonight he will make her his forever.

With that thought he placed a hand on her back and gently let out a small wave of his magic, it calmed her down and it activated the dress to clean up a little mess that she had made of herself due to him as she got a little bit wet…

Cinderella let out a small shiver as Dominic's touch seemed to ease her, this made her look up to him and instantly saw his look, the glint in his eyes spoke things that couldn't be said as she wanted to bury herself into the ground, she lowered her head as a bright apple red shade grew on her cheeks.

Making Dominic want to take a gentle nibble on them.

"You have always been my princess since the moment I saw you." With a gentle smile, he caressed her warm and blushing cheek and lifted her chin, her pink lips looked inviting but then that noise reached his ears again.

He was really starting to dislike whoever was coming to his new territory. So without another word, he took her hand and led them out to the open.

The first thing that one would notice was the large house within a few hundred meters, it was a two-story building with large windows and cream-colored walls with light brown frames. It had a small garden in front with a few flower beds here and there.

it was cozy overall.

Workers and the new servants could be seen running up and down the place to get the finishing touches done as it was almost dark. A few of the servants noticed them and stopped what they were doing for a few moments to greet them as they pass by or just admire the couple with a few whispers here and there.

It then that everyone could hear the oncoming group, such a large trope was very hard to not hear after all, and soon enough they were all visible to everyone.


A large squadron of knights rode stoically close to a large pure white carriage that was detailed with gold designs that shone regally under the setting sun, it was pulled by two large white horses.

"Ah?! It can't be!?" A few of the workers and servants exclaimed nearby seeing the squadron and carriage.

"But how come it is this far away and this late too."

These sentences were among the chatter as they all but stopped with what they were busy with having noticed the carriage.

Dominic frowned slightly as a faint sense of unease enveloped him, this was increased when Cinderella's hand squeezed his own tremblingly.

It was not the knights that made that feeling, heck he could mow down all of them within mere moments, it was akin to having a feeling that this was not going to go right this evening.

"Hey, it's okay" He whispered gently to the blonde next to him with pure confidence.

And he had the ability to back that claim as well as he thought.

'If it involves a battle, then I would leave this kingdom to ashes while I take Ella with me.' He swore within his heart as he settled his bearing slightly and was ready to face whatever it was that was coming.

And it was no sooner too, for the guests had arrived, the carriage moved a few meters from them while the squadron of knights stopped a little far away. Each mounted on a horse, wearing dark grey armor that seemed even darker with the sunlight getting dimmer by the moment, they looked quite frightening to the normal folk that had stopped their tasks and stood a little far away to watch everything unfold.

They had thoughts and wondered about what is happening if their new boss had somehow done something bad that the kingdom's own king had.

And as they had guessed, the carriage door was suddenly flung open! And a short, portly man climbed out in a hurry dressed in a regal-looking suit, he had white hair at the sides of his head, followed by a taller yet slender one that had a head full of black hair and too wore a classy suit.

As soon as they were seen, everyone bowed, except for Dominic and Cinderella, who too almost bowed but was stopped by Dominic.

At the same like he could feel stares directed at him, but calmly.

It was at the same moment that the portly man looked around hurriedly as if searching for someone. And he found what, or specifically who he was looking for.

The feeling that Dominic had a few moments ago got a little worse.

And he didn't like it...

"Ah! My dearest girl. I have been looking for you all day and a very long time!"

… Like at all.