A Sleepless Night

A/N: First of all I just recently learned that the Disney company turned 100 years this year while digging for research on this book and the other one of the fairies, so hurray to them as well as a big thank you for giving many of us the fantastic memories we all have from our childhoods.

Now on to the chap! Enjoy~


It had him.

It had him cornered, suppressed, and lost.

Just a little push and he would have entered his realm and then it would lock down the entrance to this realm first, and then the others soon enough.

But just one mistake is all that it took to turn everything it had planned to naught, a tinny minor mistake.

And that was that all he to do was had to do was two steps to the right he would have not heard its first pillar scream.

It had rewritten history and paths for each one, even the harm that would have befallen its first pillar would have been healed, as it was certain of it, having placed the pieces at that moment in order, it would have been scarred, but still within its influence.

But now, now it was lost forever!

The chains of suppression on him were gone thanks to gaining its pillar and not just any pillar, but the first one!

It had done its best to get the second one away from him, to remove the influence away from him, and never let him claim it, after that let the second pillar's destined prince charm and bring her back, but...

Now all was useless!


Not all was lost, there was a ball going to happen for its second pillar's ascension.

Perhaps it was time they had their first face-to-face battle, sure it won't face him, but it will make sure the first four pillars' destined princes would be there as its hands and feet to battle him.

Now, all it had to do was give each one a boost.

Especially the third pillar's prince, he was after all…

A dragon slayer.


That fire was something alright, he really had to admit that these flames were almost as hot as those within hell.

He mused such thoughts as he held a charred skull in his hand that had transformed into a demonic gauntlet, the skull suddenly turned into dust by the wind that also carried the ashes away.

The glow in his eyes shifted from blue to green with each movement, his devilishly handsome face contorted into a frown as he looked at his armored hand for a moment, it shifted and formed a sort of glove that covered only his hand.

"It really is a powerful and domineering flame." He muttered softly in the wind, his voice soft and carrying a power to soften the bones of a young maiden.

He really regrets it now, placing his hand directly into the blue fires that were left behind. His hand was all but bones now, healing but it was all very slow.

What was that creature?

His thoughts brought about a small shudder that he would never admit having. But still the memory of that silhouette within that large blue pillar of light, especially being so close, gave him a little fright.

It resembled a dragon.

Not to mention the pressure that it gave off. However it wasn't that strong, after all, he had just been freed and in time would regain his powers, but wouldn't stop there now that there was such a creature about.

Ah, his Snow White. His little princess, he had his subordinates surround her, mock her, and break her down, more mentally than physically. After all, he wanted to savor her by himself, turn her into his very own little doll, and then he would return for that queen giving her a pleasant surprise.

His eyes shone an intense green glow at this point, his smile was vile as he licked his lips.

"It is time I had to visit by 'dear friend' Charles. Perhaps by first light tomorrow, now I best get healing. I am sure a few females would be happy to hand over their essence." With that, he began to transform.

His short brown hair had short fringes over his forehead began to elongate, his clothes that consisted of a blue sleeveless tunic, white long-sleeved shirt, bluish grey pants, and cream-colored boots all turned into dark green armor, on his forehead dark green horns sprouted and grew upwards each one curved.

Behind his back a pair of large dark green bat-like wings grew, causing a large gust of wind to kick up instantly lifting him up into the air with ease and grace.

Where a handsome and regal-looking prince stood was now a lithe dark green armored demon bathed in sinister-looking dark green flames, its face still devilishly handsome with a dark smile littered with rows of sharp teeth like a shark.

Without much wait, he took off into the distance, leaving a small trail of green light that vanished soon after in the dark night sky.

Yet at this moment, within this unnamed forest where all this occurred was a large mountain range.

And atop the tallest mountain known as the Forbidden Mountain, was a big ruined castle.

Home of one, Maleficent.

One would wonder, how such a powerful fey would react to the ruckus in her own backyard.

One word; a mess.

Maleficent was a heap of mess, with convulsions, and spasms that made her into a fear-induced heap of sweat, spit, and other bodily fluids.

And now was she slowly coming to.

Her elegant-looking robe was in tatters, showing her long pale green slender but full legs and thick thighs. Her shoulders were loose, leaving an enticing image of her bountiful cleavage.

She rose up unsteadily with the support of her staff and stumbled her way through the long and gloomy-looking corridors of her home, not stopping to rest, nor thinking about anything.

She the most feared of the fey had been humbled time and time again by the same being at that. With a sigh, she made it to her bathroom, normally she would rarely even use it, opting to use magic to keep herself clean, but now she could barely walk much less perform any magic spell.

Closing the door behind her she dropped her robes, revealing a tall slender yet voluptuous figure, her sweaty skin made her pale green form glisten within the candle-lit bathroom.

Biting her lips in frustration she ran her hands up her headdress, no, horns, and lightly tapped her staff making release a weak yellow glow within its lime green crystal ball.

Soon enough a small amount of steam from the tub was already full of water which she slowly climbed into.

A tired sigh escaped her bright red lips, her yellow eyes dim with light as minor tremors shook her body.

If she had felt fear last time at that presence, now she was almost at the brink of having her mind shattered by the pure might of that being. This time near her own home, in fact, if she didn't know any better it would have ended up… right here…

This thought made her shake entirely so she pitifully wrapped her arms around her shoulders squeezing her chest, a sight that would have caused many to drool.

The hair on her body stood erect just thinking what that thing would have done if it had found its way into her corridors and then right to her, slowly releasing her shoulders, her arms brushed over her breasts, eliciting a small shiver over her being, not of fear this time.

Because it seems like it was not just her hair that was erect, but her nipples that had a darker shade, giving her an exotically sexy appearance.

Biting her lips once more, she hesitated for a moment before slowly touching her own breast slowly. Thinking how all this was the fault of that being, but the mere thought of it, of him, made her feel fear again, along with a forbidden hint of pleasure.

It was disgustingly delightful to feel such a feeling, but she couldn't stop as her other hand slowly sank into the tub.

She hated herself for this, but she couldn't help it, her body and mind slowly played a game, making her remember that fear-inducing presence, yet sinks into the depraved and sickeningly disgusting feeling of pleasure and lust it brought unto her.

Slowly but surely, her mind sank into these emotions that she might or might not regret in the future to allow herself to feel now, as they would affect her decisions.

But that is a tall for another time, as the evilest fairy was now lost in the feeling of ecstasy, a feeling she had never felt before, well not this intensely and perversely.

As her gasps and moans echoed through her bath chambers for the first time in her life.


He had been looking for her all day since he had woken up with that sinking feeling this morning.

He had searched high and low, even to the places he knew she often went for her daily errands, even at the river that first met, where she would at times rest.

But she was not there, and it almost drove him mad with a feeling of extreme unease that he couldn't explain.

It was then later during the day when he was about to head back home, back to the castle, and ask for a search party from his father, insane yes, but he had to find her.

Right at that time, he heard her… singing.

Her voice was heavenly that it eased all the discomforts, confusion, and longing he had been tormented by all day.

And so with a quick movement of his feet, he rushed to see her, to find her and at last tell her to be his wife.

Oh by the gods above she looked beautiful beyond words when he saw her, his body stopped all functions that he stopped within the distance, perhaps fear that it might just not be her at all!

But those eyes, that hair, and her smile. It was her, it was Cinderella.

It was at that moment that he heard her words and knew something was off, only to look at the side where she looked with eyes that carried something that he didn't even want to acknowledge as true!

A tall white-haired man.

He looked like a lord too, but one that he had never met before. Perhaps a foreigner?

No, that didn't matter, wait, it did.

If he was a foreigner then that means he can't rush over and give him a good and proper understanding about not taking other people's woman, especially from him.

It was then that an idea formulated within his mind.

He was a good and kind prince, and as such he wouldn't embarrass the foreigner and of course himself like some bandit. Instead, he would rush back to the castle, get back into his royal garbs, get some escort then present himself to the foreigner as well as Cinderella.

As well as a sword. He looked like a big fellow and if things went south he would show him a thing or two.

It was also time she knew his other identity and then she would be his, after all the history they both shared is greater than with that not-so-handsome foreigner.

Excellent plan.

Like that he ended up back home, only to find his father quickly amassing knights and their royal advisor. Turns out his cousin was found at last, he cared little for that until he heard her name.

He stood there like a statue even when his father left, it was only when a maid came by to shake him lightly to did he get aroused from his thoughts.

His was happy, yet also slightly baffled.

The girl he loved, was his cousin all along.

Not that it mattered if she was his relative, incest was pretty common after all with royal families, take a look at his friend Phillip's family, they barely marry outside unless they were strong enough to slay a few dragons only then would they venture outside to get themselves a partner.

Anyway, he told the maids and other servants of the castle to tell his father and new guest that he was not feeling well so as not to meet her tonight.

It was only later that he met with his father, that was fuming about the man that they found her with. He confessed to his father that he knew her and wanted to marry her, his father was excited and even said he would help him charm her and get her away from that scoundrel.

All he had to do was charm her within five days and then on her presentation, his father would announce their engagement. With that many people around, she would never refuse.

Did he care that this was a trap for her, no, he was saving her from that man's clutches, because she belonged at his side!

'I am the one you belong to Cinderella, I am your true love.' Thought Charles as he stood at the secret passageway, from his position he could see the sleeping Cinderella in her gown. His eyes were akin to whirlpools that seemed to want to devour her entire form.

She looked so peaceful, so beautiful and delicate.

Just five days, he will wait, within five days he will have her head over heels for him, now he was a little tired, he will get some rest because it will be a long day tomorrow. First thing was to write invitation letters to Eric, Phillip, and then Florian, his best friends to attend this ceremony.

[A/N: Turns out the Prince of Snow White's name is Florian and as for those that don't know; Eric for Ariel and Phillip for Aurora]

With that he vanished within the passageway, sealing it from within as if there was nothing there. Out from Cinderella's window, way into the distance of the night sky, a blue fiery pillar rose suddenly reaching way up into the sky before dying out.

The moment it did, on Cinderella's forehead a glowing blue tattoo of a dragon's head flashed for a split second before vanishing once more, unbeknownst to anyone.

While in her sleep, a small smile stretched on Cinderella's lips, and her body suddenly seemed to feel more at peace.