"It's time for us to separate our paths," Azekiel declared, stunning all the Lords who had just thought that they were going to climb the tower together with Azekiel.
Everyone looked back at Azekiel in confusion, wondering if he was saying that he wanted to break the team? If that was the case, why did he even accept them in the first place? Some even felt as if he just used them. But even then, it made no sense.
Why would he not choose to climb the tower anymore? And why break the team now? If he really wanted to use them, why not do it for longer? It wasn't as if he lost anything because of having them on his team. On the contrary, his reach only increased with them in his team.
"You'll have to explain more than just that," Layim turned, looking quite unhappy with the sudden revelation.
"It is as I said," Azekiel answered. "I won't be going to the next Floor. That's why it's useless for you all to be in my team."