177: Gave up

Azekiel returned to the entrance of the tower, which was still closed for now. He gazed back toward the city once more, which was impossible to see from this place. 

The world was completely abandoned, and soon, all the beasts were going to kill each other. The world was nothing now. 

"One more world is ruined...." He muttered before pushing the door open. 

Following a gentle push from him, the door opened. 

He entered the Tower, returning where he started. He was back to Floor Zero, but something was different now. It was as if his personality was slightly more serious yet, at the same time, more lax now. It was as if all the memories he received gave him a better view of the world that he had never received before. It made him mature faster. 

The massive doors of the tower opened, which attracted the citizen's attention as well. They all looked in his direction.