Chapter 2

it was 11:00pm, and I was pacing back and forth in the hospital waiting room. Mia and Jason's parents were with me trying to keep me calm, we had been waiting 5 hours, and Jason was in surgery.

"excuse me Luna" a doctor said walking up to me "is Jason ok is he out of surgery" I said quickly in a worried tone. "Luna... I'm sorry we did everything we could" the doctor said. "no!" his mother cried. my world stopped, everything went silent as I felt tears begin to fall down my face.

he couldn't be dead, we may not have been mates but I grew to love his beautiful smile and his uplifting personality. my world just fell apart, I was now a widow one who had to run an entire pack by herself and one who hadn't given birth to an heir.

I suddenly wished it was me who had died, I was nothing in this world but him, he was an alpha and born to be one.

and a part of me died with with him. "Mia" I said slowly turning around. "I'm right here Nes" she said walking over to me "I-I can't be here" I said tears continuing to fall from my face. Mia led me outside and to her car.

"we'll come back for your car tomorrow" she said as she put the car in reverse. "I can't believe he's really gone" I said staring off. "what am I gonna do" I said "he's back with his mate now like the goddess intended" Mia said "what did you just say" I said turning to look at her. "Vanessa I didn't mean anything by it, it's just...." "just what.... he wasn't my mate so I cant miss him, mia he was still my husband!" I Interrupted.

"Nes..." she said "pull over" I said "Vanessa come on" she replied "I SAID PULL OVER OR IM GONNA JUMP OUT OF THE CAR" I yelled. "ok fine!" she said pulling the car over. I got out of the car and began to walk, and mia got out of the car after me "Vanessa please" she pleaded. "HE WAS MY HUSBAND MIA" I yelled turning to her "MY BEST FRIEND, HE MAY NOT HAVE BEEN THE LOVE OF MY LIFE BUT I STILL LOVED HIM" I continued "My husband is dead, and I will be damned if I don't get my revenge" I continued as anger took over me.

"Nes" Mia said walking over to me and hugging me "I don't know how to run a pack on my own mia" I said "how do I tell them their alpha is dead" I continue covering my face with my hands. and I cried I cried all night, even as she put me in the car and took me home.

then I entered the house he and I once shared, as I stood in the door way all I could see was him, everything was him. I didn't sleep at all that night, I stayed up just remembering what happened. every detail over and over again.

then when morning finally came I walked upstairs to my closet and changed into dark clothes. as I was finishing brushing my hair the door bell rang, I walked downstairs and opened the door. I was immediately hugged as soon as the door opened. it was my sister "I am so sorry Nes" she said "let's just go" I said carefully pushing her away and getting into her car.

we drove to the pack house and entered the ball room where everything had happened. the memory of him being shot, flashed through my head once again. I slowly walked up to the stage and looked into the huge crowd, it wasn't just are lack that was here, it was almost everyone from last night as well.

"hello everyone" I said speaking into the microphone "you have all come here today to find out what happened to Jason... and I am sad to say he passed away last night during his surgery" I continued their were gasps among the crowd. many were shocked that an alpha was killed in cold blood in front of hundreds.

"the funeral will be held in 3 days" I said and stepped away from the mic. I then walked off stage and my sister followed me, along with my husband once beta and delta.

people tried to talk to me but I just walked away. I couldn't continue to be in that room a second longer. I walked to Jason's office and opened the door. everything was exactly as it always was messy but organized. my sister Stella, Tyler Jason's beta, and Mike Jason's delta entered as well, and closed the door behind them.

"I want to start the funeral procedures immediately" I said turning to them "yes Luna" Tyler said. "my god I feel sick" I said walking towards Jason's desk which had a garbage by it. "this is all very stressful I'd be surprised if you didn't" Mike said "Shut your mouth Mike" I snapped. "now is not the time for you to be criticizing me!" I continued. he looked down in submission "I apologize Luna it just would have been better if not only you were just mate but you also bared an heir" he said.

I quickly turned and slapped him. "watch your mouth Delta Michael, I may not be Jason's mate but I am your Luna, and I have and always will be above you. keep testing my patience and I'll strip your rank faster then a wolf in heat gets laid understand!" I growled. "yes Luna" he said once again in submission.

there weren't many wolves that knew Jason and I weren't mates but most of the few that did, didn't like the idea. a mate was chosen by the moon goddess herself, to go against that was wrong, but our parents had no choice. Jason's mate passed away and mine never turned up. with each year that passes it lowers the chances of finding your mate.

along with that it's practically impossible to have a pup with one who not your mate, I mean it does happen but not very often, it only happens if the goddess intends for it for instance, of ones fate was changed.

"now start the funeral procedures immediately, I want it held in 3 days" I said turning once again to beta Tyler , then walked out of the office. "Luna" Tyler said and I stopped "when do you want to hold your Alpha Ceremony?" Tyler asked. "What Alpha Ceremony?" I asked completely confused...