Chapter 5

"ok I can try to accept that answer, but what are we going to do about you being pregnant?" he said crossing his arms.

"what do you mean what are we going to do? do you want me to just get rid of it or something?" I said slightly offended. "that's not what I meant" he replied rubbing the back of his neck.

"it's just I don't know what you expect me to do" he continued "I don't expect anything from you, but if you actually want to be together I need you to understand that I have priorities you aren't the only one with a package to run and even though this child isn't yours it is mine and it is the future Alpha of the blood moon pack" I said.

"I understand and I'm here for you if you need me" he said taking a step back. "but remember you can't push me away forever were mates and now that we know each other the longer we're apart the more difficult it will be until we either mate or reject each other" he said.

"I'll let you rest now" he said turning around and walking out of the room. I really hoped he would understand but maybe I was expecting to much.

I understood where he was coming from but I don't think he understood where I was coming from. everything I did and was going to do I had to do there was no choice.

"hey is everything ok" Mia said peaking her head through the door "yeah I just want to go home" I replied. "the doctor said you should stay for observation" Mia said coming in and closing the door. "I don't care I just want to go home" I said again. "Ill see what I can do" she said sadly leaving the room once again.

knock knock

"how are you doing, I heard you were awake" Tyler said peaking his head through the door "you can come in, and I'm fine what's up" I replied as he entered closing the door behind him.

"so your pregnant" he said with a smile "so it seems" I said awkwardly. "but I don't want to focus on that right now" I continued "Jason's death causes slight chaos and it needs to be fixed I need to put the pack first" I continued once more.

"you having his child is also important" he replied. "I agree, but right now the pack and keeping it in order is the most important thing" I said getting up from the bed. "you shouldn't get up yet" he said carefully "Tyler stop!" I snapped and he stepped back. "Vanessa what happened to you?" he asked confused with slight fear in his voice.

"My husband, my best friend, who was by my side my entire life was killed Tyler, he was murdered in cold blood in front of all of us and now I'm left alone to run this pack, the pack we worked so hard to make stronger, over the past year alone. so you want to know what I want" I practically yelled "I want That bastard to suffer the slowest most painful death possible by my own hands" I said walking closer to him.

"and how do you intend to do that?" he asked concerned. "don't worry about it" I said when mia walked into the room "um the doctor is allowing your early discharge he said you just have to take it easy" Mia said "thanks mia I'll meet you both out front after I sign the papers" I said then walked out of the room.

"What happened?" mia asked Tyler as he turned around to face her "Don't ask" he replied.

the days continued to pass by quickly. I soon took over the pack and became the official Alpha of the it. it was also decided the we would wait to announce my pregnancy to the pack, for mine and the babys safety of course.

when it came to running the pack I wasn't alone, Jason's parents helped me a lot especially when it came to paper work and what not. Mia, Tyler, and Michael, we're helping me prepare for meetings fundraiser so on so forth as well.

then there was jarred. he surprisingly helped me the most especially when it came to the pregnancy, he made sure I never over worked myself, he was sweet and caring. who knew the most feared alpha in the country would be like this.

before I knew it 6 months passed.

"jarred you really don't have to help this much" I said as he helped me put my shoes on "says the woman who spent the last 6 months convincing me to raise this child with her" he said with a chuckle "you eventually agreed" I said as he leaned up from the ground and put his hands on my face. "what can I say that mate bond really forced me to choose" he said then kissed me.

"hey what's wrong?" he asked with a concerned look on his face. "the last time we had a big event like this my husband died" I said "what if something happened when your not around today" I said concerned. "to me or you?" he said "you" I replied. "your worried about me?" he asked.

"you may be the most feared alpha in the country but that doesn't mean you don't have your weak spots" I replied tears filling my eyes. he looked me in the eyes while kneeling on one knee and I sat on the bed. "you are my only weakness" he said then kissed my head

"that's even worse" I said beginning to cry "hey, hey, don't cry remember you have the baby shower today you cant be late for your own shower" he said trying to calm me "yeah your right" I said as he helped me stand up.

"c'mon let's get you down there" he said with a light smile. and I nodded "there you are" Mia said as we walked down the stairs.